What is the Hippocratic Oath, text with comments

What is the Hippocratic Oath, text with comments
What is the Hippocratic Oath, text with comments

It is noteworthy that the text of the Hippocratic oath is reproached by many doctors. She actually became a household name. Here are just a few people at least once read the full version of the text of the Hippocratic oath in Russian. And the layman hardly knows what exactly the doctor bequeathed from antiquity to his colleagues. The text of the Hippocratic Oath was written in the 5th century BC.

What is this

Medicine was once considered a hereditary business. There were separate families that have been engaged in this area for centuries. Written in ancient Greek, the Hippocratic Oath was a kind of charter, the provisions of which were passed down from generation to generation. It was they who allowed this caste to remain fairly closed, and to protect the secrets of medical skill from strangers. The oath was the most valuable document that formed the basis of the activities of the ancient physicians.

Plato noted in his writings that during his lifetime, doctors conducted paid training. But there is no mention of this in the Hippocratic Oath. It states that the student, in fact, becomes part of the teacher's family. Once in the ranks of doctors, he began to behave in a special way.

Antiquethe oath had a strong influence on the development of the medical industry. It was taken as the basis for the training of many generations of doctors.

Text in Russian
Text in Russian


To clarify what the Hippocratic oath is, comments on this ancient text help. So, Apollo was once considered the doctor of the gods. Asclepius was his son, later it was he who became the patron of those involved in healing. Hygieia was his daughter, she is the goddess of he alth. It is noteworthy that the modern word "hygiene" came from her name. Panacea was the second daughter of Asclepius. From this name came the modern word "panacea". It was her cure for all diseases that the doctors of the Middle Ages were looking for.

Listed in the original oath and varieties of instructions. It contained information about the oral teaching of medicine. In the time of Aristotle, the word ακροασις referred to lectures given to students. Processing them, the readers subsequently published them separately.

Doctor of the gods Apollo
Doctor of the gods Apollo

In the oath there is a mention that the doctor should not resort to lithotomy. This is an operative intervention, widespread in ancient Egypt, in ancient Greece. It was probably produced by professionals united in a separate caste. It was they who kept the secrets of competent conduct of the operation. And the doctor, in accordance with the Hippocratic oath, simply did not invade "foreign territory", in which he did not have sufficient knowledge. There is no reason to believe that such a surgical intervention was considered something unworthydoctor.

There is a provision in the oath forbidding a doctor to divulge medical secrets. As a result, it was from here that the legislative ban, adopted in many countries of the world, was taken on the disclosure of secrets obtained in the course of medical activity. However, in the Hippocratic oath, this phenomenon is considered even more broadly: it was meant that the doctor would not disclose anything relating to things that could become compromising information on the patient. And it was not only about treatment. The doctor was not supposed to be a gossip, because this undermined the trust of society in him and in the entire caste.

Document specifications

Thus, in the text there are many archaic moments associated with faith in the divine. In those days, it was believed that Hippocrates himself was descended from the god of medicine Asclepius. The document regulated the relationship between colleagues, mentors and patients. A system of rewards and punishments was introduced.

About a third of the document was devoted to the settlement of relations between mentors and students. It is indicated here that free education is carried out only for a narrow circle of people. Spreading knowledge is not recommended. Medicine was considered a business in which people from the outside were simply not initiated. Its secrets were guarded very carefully, competition flourished in the society of ancient people in this area. Half the space in the full Hippocratic Oath was given directly to the process of therapy. And even less - the requirements for maintaining medical secrets.

Medicine in Greece
Medicine in Greece

The priorities in the ancient document are very clear. It does not say herethat the doctor is obliged to everyone, regardless of working conditions. However, in the post-Soviet space, citizens still believe that the full version of the Hippocratic Oath contains the words that a physician will devote himself to free treatment of people until the end of his life. This is just a consequence of the interpretation of the ancient document, which for many years was introduced into the mass consciousness of the Soviet people.

Soviet years

During the existence of the Soviet Union, the full version of the text of the Hippocratic oath was rewritten several times. It has been adapted to the current situation. She also underwent indoctrination. As a result, it was believed that medical work was used in places where the interests of society directly required it, that the doctor should always be ready to help the patient.

Another fundamental point of the Soviet full version of the Hippocratic Oath in Russian was the obligation to follow the principles of communist morality. The struggle for peace, for the prevention of nuclear war, was proclaimed. A separate item noted the high vocation of Soviet doctors, their responsibility to the population and the state.

If we compare the original original of the Hippocratic oath and the Soviet adapted version, one can easily conclude that in ancient times doctors clearly had a better life. They had great freedoms. The Soviet oath required the creation of an ideal image of disinterested doctors. At the same time, medical art was denied as a value that needs to be preserved. From the Soviet Hippocratic Oath in Russian were deletedwords that the doctor will "treat according to my ability and my understanding."

Oath of the 90s
Oath of the 90s

In the original version, it was proclaimed that the duties were assigned to the doctor at the moment when he agreed to treat a particular patient. In the Soviet period, the obligation began to apply to all cases in general.

And this vision of medical art is preserved to this day in Russian society. Once at the table with the doctor at any event, people begin to ask him for advice, talk about their he alth troubles. While, for example, no one asks plumbers to immediately go check the pipes. It's all about the beliefs rooted in the mass consciousness regarding the text of the Hippocratic oath in Russian.

Initially, this oath implied that the doctor would rely on his own beliefs and ideas about good and evil during therapy. However, in Russia thought has been transformed into an indispensable obligation to follow not one's own, but public morality. And the point is not even in the structure of the Soviet state, but in the mentality of the Russians. Similar traits have manifested themselves throughout the nation in various areas over the centuries.

Other options

Even before the Russian revolution of 1917, when doctors made promises, they also cited a commitment to be ready for treatment around the clock. At the same time, it was noted that the doctor would help "in his best judgment", and not under the influence of anyone else.

In the 1990s, the traditional full text of the Hippocratic Oath in Russian lost its relevance. AndThe Oath of a Doctor of the Russian Federation was introduced. It was actually the original ancient oath. At a time of uncertainty in the state, it was decided to return to long-forgotten origins. However, it proclaimed the obligation to help everyone, regardless of nationality, faith, beliefs. Even "enemies" were helped by doctors.

But by the end of the 1990s, a transformation took place in society. And in 1999, the Doctor's Oath was introduced. And, answering the question of whether they take the Hippocratic oath, professionals indicate it. This particular text from 1999 is still spoken in the country.

It contains the requirements of honest performance of medical duty, readiness to provide assistance, act in the interests of patients, not use euthanasia, be demanding of students, develop the traditions of medicine. There are more than a dozen items to be executed.

Breaking an oath

Finding out what the Hippocratic oath is, you need to take into account that violation of its provisions provides for liability under the laws of the Russian Federation. The ancient text turned out to be supplemented with considerations of political correctness. Now, in the full text of the Hippocratic Oath in Russian, it is indicated that the doctor's treatment is carried out without regard to gender, race, language, or religion. Otherwise, the oath duplicates the Soviet version. For the most part, the attitude towards the doctor has remained the same and is often declared unethical.

Responsibility has become even stronger - in Soviet times, punishment for violating the provisions of the oath was not fixed at the legislative level. Now it is registered inlaw.

But keep in mind that in any case, the text of the Hippocratic oath in Russian remains rather vague, and it is hardly possible to determine from it what exactly the doctor should be held accountable for and what not. The definition of what is a crime in the medical field and what is not is available in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. More than 20 articles in it are reserved for cases directly related to the activities of doctors.

Difficulties in modern interpretation

Formulations presented in the text of the Hippocratic oath in Russian, for the most part, serve the interests of the ruling elites. After all, according to them, the doctor is responsible for everything, which means that the state will have nothing to do with it.

Even if the system is built in such a way that the state is not able to provide all patients with doctors, according to the text, doctors remain responsible. There is a point of view according to which, for this reason, doctors and patients are constantly pitted against in the media. Every day there are many articles that mention the illiteracy of doctors, that they demand payment for their work without reason.

Society benefits from a very vague definition of what the Hippocratic oath is, what it implies. A person, being in a stressful situation, tends to look around for the guilty. Only rare strong-willed people take responsibility for what is happening on themselves, not trying to shift it to others. And if the doctor failed to cope with the treatment, his patients can easily be accused of negligence, violation of these oaths.

original text
original text

Not all citizens are aware of the state of modern medicine, especially in many Russian cities. There is often simply no equipment necessary for accurate diagnosis, and it is also difficult to find some types of the latest and recognized medicines throughout the civilized world. And the personal qualities of the doctor have little effect on this situation.

Russian citizens from an early age live with the conviction that medicine is free. And they tend to completely shift the responsibility for their he alth onto the shoulders of doctors. It is believed that he took an oath, which means he must cure. And this belief is found even in those patients who are in no hurry to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Antiquity and modernity

Thus, the understanding of what the Hippocratic oath in ancient times and in modern times is very different. Initially, it was a code of honor that regulated relations within a fairly closed society. And it was not established in it that the doctor undertakes to treat everyone. There were no commitments regarding what was included in his duties. The main requirement is to do everything possible, once the therapy has been started. However, the specialist retained the right to refuse treatment.

Greek doctor
Greek doctor

East and West

It is noteworthy that the oaths for doctors introduced in the countries of the first world contradict the ancient original in some provisions. For example, an ancient text introduced a ban on euthanasia, while in modernStates allow it at the legislative level. And the provision of medical assistance to terrorists in the United States, for example, is recognized as an illegal act. This is followed by a criminal prosecution.

In 2002, with the assistance of American and European specialists, an international charter of medical professionalism was developed. It proclaims the principles associated with the right of the patient to make a final decision, the need to inform patients about everything related to their treatment. From the original Hippocratic oath in the language of the ancient Hellenes came clauses about the preservation of medical secrecy, the inadmissibility of sexual relations, and the use of official position for personal gain.

A new aspect in the modern international medical oath has become the obligation of doctors to inform about all conflicts of interest that take place in the field of medicine. For example, about the disagreements between the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance company. The West proclaims the fact that medicine is a profession, a job, and not the meaning of life, as it is seen in Russia.

Secrets of the origin of the oath

Despite the fact that the oath is currently available in its adapted version in all states of the world, everywhere it includes its own special meaning, the doctor from the island of Kos still remains the universally recognized "father of medicine". It's about Hippocrates.

He was a hereditary doctor, translated into Russian his name meant "manager of horses." In other words, the coachman. However, it was believed that his family tree went back to the god of medicine Asclepius. For this reasonit is with an appeal to this god and his family that the world-famous oath begins.

At the age of 20, Hippocrates was already known as a valuable specialist in the field of medicine. He practiced it quite actively, like his whole family. He argued that the doctor should be able to identify the state of the patient already in appearance. In therapy, he actively used the properties of medicinal herbs. It is known that he knew more than 200 varieties. As a rule, Hippocrates did not recommend combining several remedies at the same time. It was he who stood at the origins of the “do no harm” principle, which is actively used by modern doctors.

There is evidence that Hippocrates advocated a long stay of patients in the fresh air, doing gymnastics, swimming, and dieting. And he also developed the theory of 4 temperaments. He believed that in the body there is a constant interaction of 4 fluids - sangva, chole, mucus and bile. And each person had their own ratio. If the original proportion was violated, the individual began to suffer from a mental disorder. From this theory grew the theory of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic temperaments. It is not known what the life expectancy of the "father of medicine" was. According to some historians, he died at the age of 83 and was buried in Thessaly. Legends say that bees produced a special healing honey near the grave.

The creation of the Hippocratic Oath is shrouded in many myths and misconceptions. It is noteworthy that the oath given by physicians in many countries of the world is not actually authorship. It has. This also applies to more than 6 dozen medical works from the Hippocratic Corpus. For many centuries they were written by doctors from a closed caste. These works are the result of centuries of collective work, including the experience of many generations of doctors.

Not much is known about the real identity of the famous doctor. But at one time it was the most famous specialist. There is evidence that Hippocrates once taught medical wisdom, charging a fee for this. His biography was restored according to fragmentary information from ancient sources.

Original text

It should be borne in mind that most of the ancient Greek doctors lived without poverty. They collected very large fees from their patients. The work of doctors in ancient society was especially highly valued, because it was a closed caste, in which the secrets of healing were carefully guarded. And the common people simply could not know about them. At the same time, doctors did not shy away from charity.

It is known that Hippocrates published his "Instructions". In them, he advised students to take a different approach to paying from patients. He called for the denial of inhuman behavior, advised sometimes to treat for free, estimating a good memory above fame.

Hippocrates himself
Hippocrates himself

Comments differ on this instruction. After all, on the one hand, this may be evidence of advice to advertise at charity events. On the other hand, it can be considered as a mention of the importance of medical care for people and the relationship of this profession with the ethical side andhumanity.

There are also separate lines concerning the ingratitude of patients. Hippocrates advises not to worry about paying before treatment. The best solution, he recognized the attention to the glory of the doctor. He advised rebuking those already saved rather than talking about paying those who, due to illness, are in danger.

It is noteworthy that information has been preserved that the original version of the medical oath of ancient times contained a call to save not just “the he alth of my patients”, but “not everyone, but only those who are able to pay for their recovery…”.

It is known that in the practice of Hippocrates directly there were cases of violation of the oath. So, in 380 BC, the doctor set about saving the sick Akrahersit. He got poisoned. The doctor, having provided first aid, began to ask for payment. When he was refused, he offered to give the patient poison so that he would not suffer. And the family agreed. In the end, what the original poison could not do, the Hippocratic remedy did.

It is believed that much later the image of a certain benefactor doctor appeared, who was tried on by the ancient healer. As a result, the principles of morality were formed, which least of all took into account the interests of the specialist himself. Today, it is precisely this ideal that guides society when interacting with doctors. Public morality remains quite harsh regarding medical workers. Since ancient times, from valuable specialists, whose work was highly valued, they managed to transform into people from whom they expect and demand low-paid, sometimes unpaid work.for the good of "society", citing the distorted Hippocratic oath as a rebuke.
