Not every woman thinks about the level of her hemoglobin before visiting a doctor, while it is part of the important components of the blood. With a decrease or increase in the level of this indicator, it is worth thinking about changes in the body, namely about serious diseases. What does it mean hemoglobin 150 in a woman or higher? Let's find out.

What is the difference between female and male hemoglobin?
A woman has a slightly lower hemoglobin level than a man. Certain factors contribute to low testosterone levels, which has an impact on monthly blood loss during menstruation.
In the process of life, the level of hemoglobin is not constant, it either goes down or goes up. Changes occur due to age, lifestyle and he alth status.
It is worth saying that at birth a child has a greatly increased level of hemoglobin, but in the first year of life it decreases without any treatment. Then it rises to the norm until the age of majority.
Defineindependently, at what level the amount of hemoglobin in the body is completely impossible, but by specific signs it is possible to determine its decrease or increase. The most reliable information can be found only after a blood test.
In addition, doctors recommend donating blood in the morning on an empty stomach, in a calm state. After all, any physical and emotional fluctuations directly affect the amount of protein in the blood. A few days before blood sampling, you should not engage in sports activities, eat fatty and spicy foods, go to the sauna and bath, smoke and drink caffeinated drinks.
Sometimes a woman's hemoglobin ranges from 146-153 g/l for various reasons, which are presented below.

Increased hemoglobin when smoking
People who systematically and a lot of smoke, hemoglobin is too high. Moreover, there are still no scientific statements from what this happens. Assumptions are only that the indicator rises because it cannot fully transfer oxygen to tissues and organs. Also, a very high probability of increased hemoglobin can be in large cities, with severe oxygen pollution, both from nearby smoking people and from factories. Blood clots form immediately and in turn can lead to a heart attack or vascular damage, so you need to keep the level normal.

Increased hemoglobin during sports
When the musclesare reduced, the female body is responsible for the high performance of hemoglobin. Analyzes, in turn, show that hemoglobin has reached 148. Such values \u200b\u200bare considered slightly elevated. But these figures should not be allowed to grow even more.

High Hb during pregnancy
In the early stages, toxicosis may occur, which is accompanied by vomiting and can become a direct cause of dehydration, hemoglobin rises and blood thickens. This happens in the first three months of pregnancy, but you should not attach any special importance to this. There are also situations when the level of hemoglobin in the body does not really decrease, doctors are already paying serious attention to this.
The reasons may be problems with the absorption of vitamins in the intestines. If by the third trimester it has not decreased, then violations can occur in the kidneys or the cardiovascular system. The blood begins to thicken, which means that there is a possibility of blood clots, oxygen does not fully reach the fetus. To reduce the risk of elevated hemoglobin, doctors strongly recommend drinking more fluids, including more greens in the diet, but reducing meat dishes at any stage of pregnancy.
High iron content
An overabundance of drugs that contain a large amount of iron is also the cause of the pathology in question. Iron is directly related to the level of hemoglobin, it is simply necessary for the he alth of a woman, oxygen without iron will become a useless partorganism. When there is an excess of iron in the body, it is worth immediately checking the liver. In most cases, it is because of him that the disease of this organ begins.
There are people who carry a special gene that accumulates iron on its own. Fortunately, this gene does not always work, and not many suffer from excess iron. Due to the fact that women lose blood much more often than men, this trouble concerns them to some extent less. But with age, at the onset of menopause, they are compared with the representatives of the stronger sex. Most noted is the accumulation of iron in the liver, in the heart muscle, which leads to a change in the structure of organs.
Excess greatly complicates he alth, to the point that cancer of the intestines, lungs and liver can develop.
Diseases and drugs as the cause of pathology
When the blood is not fully supplied through the vessels to the brain, this leads to oxygen starvation. In case of poisoning, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, dehydration occurs, which directly affects the increase in hemoglobin. Due to the use of diuretics, in particular, for weight loss. Often those medications that were taken on their own, without the correct appointment of a specialist, affect.

Symptoms of high hemoglobin
Already with an indicator of up to 155 g / l, the symptoms may well disturb each person individually, someone feels them less, and someone fully. Signs of elevated hemoglobin appear in combination or one at a time.
- Dizzinessflows into nausea, weakness and does not depend on whether the body is rested or not.
- Unbearable thirst and dry mouth.
- Sudden decrease or increase in pressure during adolescence, manifested in the form of weakness and headaches.
All these symptoms can be confused with other diseases. You should consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis by prescribing blood tests, where you can accurately determine the cause of increased hemoglobin.

How does elevated hemoglobin manifest itself?
With a normal level of hemoglobin, women often do not feel any he alth problems at all. But as soon as you rise to 150, fatigue and malaise immediately begin to appear, problems with appetite, headaches and dizziness, and pain in the lower abdomen.
If hemoglobin levels are not reduced in time, complications may well arise, the cause of which will be clogging of blood vessels with blood clots.

What to do with a woman's hemoglobin of 150?
High levels of hemoglobin in the blood lead to illness or poor he alth when the body is disturbed. With some of the reasons that affect the increase, you can simply do without treatment, simply eliminate the provoking factor. In a hot climate, for example, reduce the amount of water consumed, and at the optimum temperature, hemoglobin returns to normal.
But treatment will be needed in any case if the disease has affected the increase in hemoglobin. certainThere are no medical drugs to reduce, you can only resort to diets that will correct a person's condition.
Recommendations for correcting hemoglobin levels:
- first of all, you need to remove meat, fruits, alcoholic beverages from the diet;
- use foods containing supplements and iron with caution;
- should delay taking multivitamins;
- limit yourself to sweet and rich foods, as well as buckwheat.
Recommended for direct use:
- fermented milk products;
- only green fruits and vegetables;
- all cereals except buckwheat.
With increased hemoglobin of 150 in women, a strict diet is important, including drugs, but their use is only permissible after consulting a doctor. Self-treatment can make you feel worse.
Prevention to maintain normal hemoglobin
Prevention is quite simple and does not require much effort, a woman just needs to lead a he althy lifestyle, give up smoking and alcohol. Balanced meals and walks in the fresh air, be calm and keep the family atmosphere in harmony. It cannot be said that a woman's hemoglobin of 150 is bad. But it is better that it is within the normal range. A lot of the constituent factors depend on the person himself, how he relates to the environment. It is important to learn how to lead your lifestyle correctly.
In conclusion, we can add that our body all the workorgans are closely related to each other, and their functioning is completely dependent on external environmental factors. From the way of life, from what kind of food a person eats, what kind of air he breathes.