Infrared sauna: benefits and harms to the body, indications and contraindications

Infrared sauna: benefits and harms to the body, indications and contraindications
Infrared sauna: benefits and harms to the body, indications and contraindications

The fact that baths and saunas can have a healing effect on the entire human body has long been known to people. Regular visits to the bath contributed to the healing of many diseases. This is due to the fact that during the bath procedures, the pores of the skin open, and the heat entering the body through them activates the work of all its cells.

Bath - Russian custom
Bath - Russian custom

The history of the bathhouse goes back to ancient times - in those distant times when our ancestors were pagans. They worshiped such natural elements as fire and water, therefore they attached special importance to the steam room because of their presence there. It was believed that a person, having washed himself in a bathhouse, could absorb the power of these elements, and this made his he alth stronger, and he himself became physically stronger.

Today, in the age of modern technology, a unique invention has appeared that has become a strong competitor to the usual saunas and steam rooms, but has nothing to do with water procedures. It's aboutabout the infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this material.

IR rays and their effect on humans

In the early 19th century, the English astronomer W. Herschel, using a sensitive thermometer, discovered invisible rays that caused the temperature to rise. This radiation is called infrared. It is also known as "thermal", due to the fact that a person with his skin can perceive it as a sensation of heat from heated objects. Let's look at how infrared radiation of various spectra affects the body.

Infrared rays of the short-wave spectrum with prolonged use can be harmful to human he alth due to the ability to penetrate the body to a depth of several centimeters and have a thermal effect on internal organs. On the surface of the skin, the effects of their exposure are manifested in the form of severe redness and even blistering. Heatstroke also comes from shortwave infrared rays.

Because the moisture on the surface of the skin absorbs more than 90% of long-wave infrared radiation, only a slight increase in the temperature of the skin itself is felt. Numerous studies in this area show that these waves not only do not harm human he alth, but also help to strengthen the immune system, as well as the rapid recovery of damaged organs and systems. And the most effective are infrared rays, which have a wavelength of 9.6 microns. These properties of infrared rays are widely used in medicine, everyday life and cosmetology. For example, so-called infrared saunas have become popular today,the benefits and harms of which are described below.

Spa New: Infrared Saunas

It hasn't been long since spas first introduced a new type of service - an infrared sauna. Its creator was the Japanese therapist Tadashi Ishikawa. In appearance, this sauna looks more like a small cabin with infrared heaters than a regular bath. Most customers did not know how to use an infrared sauna, so they were initially skeptical about the innovation.

IR sauna in the gym
IR sauna in the gym

Owners of sports clubs and spas have managed to cope with this problem by organizing training for them on the spot. But even after that, there were visitors who were sure that the infrared sauna is good and bad at the same time. To understand how useful or dangerous this "know-how" is, we first need to understand how it works.

How infrared sauna works

As a rule, in the manufacture of most infrared sauna cabins, high-quality, environmentally friendly natural wood is used. And Canadian cedar is best suited for this purpose. Natural wood, when heated, begins to release substances such as phytoncides. They have the ability, getting into the environment, completely cleanse it of all harmful bacteria, fungi and microbes. Therefore, each visit to the infrared sauna only contributes to the strengthening of our he alth.

IR sauna operation
IR sauna operation

Infrared sauna equipment consists of several ceramic heat emitters and a control panel. These devicesproduce waves that pass through the air and penetrate the body to a depth of several centimeters, warming up all the internal organs of a person, his joints and muscles. At the same time, the temperature of the infrared sauna in the cabin does not exceed +60 degrees, so the person can comfortably endure this procedure.

Feature and duration of the procedure

Every day more and more people receive information from television and the Internet about the benefits and dangers of infrared saunas. In order for the thermal procedures that they undergo in the booth to have a beneficial effect on the body, you must follow the rules for visiting it:

  • In the cabin of the infrared sauna, depending on the size, there can be from 1 to 5 people. Infrared emitters are placed in the walls and under the seats so that their waves simultaneously affect all parts of the body.
  • Sessions are on average 30 minutes long and must be continuous. In the future, with the adaptation of the body, it can be extended up to 40 minutes.
  • For 1.5 hours before visiting the sauna, you should refrain from eating.
  • The procedure is performed in a sitting position.
  • Hands should be extended along the body, while trying to keep your back straight.
  • After the procedure, take only a warm shower. Contrasting is not recommended.
  • Loss of fluid in the process of sweating can be replaced with a small amount of green tea or mineral water. Any herbal tea is also suitable.
Visiting Rules
Visiting Rules

All these rules are detailed in the instructions for the infrared sauna, whichusually located right there, at the entrance, on the wall of the booth.

Benefits and therapeutic effect of the procedure

If you start regular visits to the infrared sauna, then its beneficial effect on the human body will begin to manifest itself very soon. In fact, the beneficial effect is felt as soon as you cross the threshold of the booth and begin taking thermal baths. Abundant sweating from this procedure quickly removes toxins and toxins from the body, restoring its strength and he alth.

How useful is infrared sauna and what ailments does it relieve if procedures are carried out regularly? Let's take a look at the results. So:

  • regular visit strengthens the immune system, the whole organism is rejuvenated;
  • infrared rays have a positive effect on blood vessels, eliminating the fragility of their walls;
  • sessions in infrared saunas reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • strengthen the supply of oxygen to the brain, which improves memory;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthens the nervous system and relieves mental stress, restores sleep;
  • accelerates the splicing of joints after a fracture, as well as wound healing, etc.
The effect of IR sauna
The effect of IR sauna

Not all the therapeutic effects obtained during the procedures in the infrared sauna are listed here. The indications for its use are much wider, and we will also consider them in this article.

Harm from infrared sauna

Today, an infrared cabin can be found whereverhe alth and beauty services. These are beauty salons, spas and fitness clubs. It can now be purchased both for the office and installed in your apartment. And for all the safety that we mentioned earlier, using an infrared sauna, it is still worth observing some precautions:

  • First of all, this applies to those fans of infrared procedures who are undergoing medical treatment. They are advised to consult with their doctor before visiting the sauna.
  • Heat treatment can bring maximum benefits and not harm your he alth if you follow the necessary rules for using an infrared sauna.

Contraindications that are present are as follows:

  • it is forbidden to carry out procedures in the infrared sauna if there is a serious illness;
  • you must not violate the established time regime for such sessions;
  • it is undesirable to use the infrared cabin if physical or emotional stress is coming;
  • it is forbidden to visit the sauna in the presence of hypertension, cancer or bleeding;
  • thermal procedures are prohibited for serious gynecological problems and some other diseases.

When losing weight

Today, the problem of obesity has become an epidemic and is global. Excess pounds are being fought all over the world, as they are not only a cosmetic problem, but also a danger to human he alth.

Various methods are used to combat excess weight. Infrared saunais one of them and has proven herself in this.

It's no secret that with heavy sweating, a large amount of energy is expended, which means that many calories are burned. Research in this area has shown that one infrared sauna treatment can be compared to a 10 km run. During the session, there is an increase in blood circulation and metabolism, which contributes to the fastest burning of body fat.

IR sauna for weight loss
IR sauna for weight loss

After such procedures, the elasticity of the skin is significantly improved and the "orange peel" is smoothed out. And the best effect in the fight against excess weight can be achieved in just two months if you combine diet and exercise with infrared sauna treatments. The indications are the same as above.

IR sauna in cosmetology

Infrared light has found its wide application in cosmetology. Taking procedures in the infrared sauna leads to an excellent cosmetic effect, when under the influence of heat and profuse sweating, deep skin cleansing occurs. During the session, it is released through open pores from dirt and dead old cells.

Under the influence of infrared radiation, blood flow to the skin increases, which improves the supply of nutrients to it, which makes it more elastic and looks much younger. Nourishing creams after such a procedure are absorbed much more efficiently. When visiting infrared saunas in beauty salons, various oncological contraindications can bediseases such as skin cancer, benign or malignant tumors.

IR sauna in cosmetology
IR sauna in cosmetology

With a regular visit to the infrared sauna, you can get rid of many diseases of the skin. Infrared rays perfectly cope with such ailments as various dermatitis, boils, eczema, acne and teenage acne. There is evidence that procedures in infrared saunas help to cure even psoriasis. Also, with the help of infrared irradiation sessions, it is possible to promote the rapid resorption of postoperative scars if this is done soon after the operation. Fresh scars are removed without any traces.

In beauty salons, before getting a massage, visitors also visit an infrared cabin, as after it the muscles become relaxed. Most often, you can do without preliminary warming procedures using various ointments.

For kids

Infrared saunas are also recommended for children. Visiting her regularly with a child will save parents from such problems as seasonal colds of their child. After all, thermal infrared procedures will have a strengthening effect on the child's body and will help strengthen his immunity. If the infrared sauna is also equipped with a special Himalayan s alt tile, then such a cabin will be especially useful for a child.

Before you visit the infrared sauna with your baby, you need to consult a pediatrician. This is due to the fact that children's skin is much thinner, and it cannot regulate heat transfer in the same way,like the skin of an adult.

We must not forget that a child's visit to the infrared cabin is allowed with a cotton panama. And, most importantly, if you visit an infrared sauna with your child, the time spent there should not exceed 15 minutes.

Visiting rules and individual tolerance of the procedure

In order to get the maximum benefit from visiting the infrared sauna, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • before you start thermal infrared treatments, you need to remove all makeup from yourself, as it can cause allergies or burns;
  • both before and after the sauna, it is not recommended to eat a lot, it is better to have a light snack 1.5 hours before the session or drink a cup of herbal tea;
  • since the procedure in the booth itself causes loss of moisture from the body, it should be replenished with plenty of drink, in this case you will avoid the appearance of unwanted wrinkles;
  • you need to enter the sauna after taking a warm shower, and then dry yourself dry;
  • you need to take 2-3 towels and a cotton headdress with you to the booth;
  • An infrared bath session should not exceed 35 minutes.

These simple rules for infrared saunas are written to make visitors feel comfortable and not harm their he alth. As a result, they will feel great and have a great mood.

The rules also give detailed instructions on how often you can visit the infrared sauna. It must be remembered that, although there are no restrictions on the number of sessions, but in order toTo achieve the desired effect in recovery, you need to visit the sauna regularly, and not often. That is, it is better to take one session seven days a week than seven sessions a day.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the safety of infrared saunas, some people may have an individual intolerance to such procedures. Therefore, before going there for the first time, it is better to consult your doctor.
