How to make elf ears? The easiest way in this case is to buy a plastic nozzle and put it on when you want. But not everyone is ready for such compromise options. Surgeons will help to make an elven ear, although the operation will cost a lot of money. As practice shows, far from all doctors agree to carry it out - such an intervention is too atypical.
And although it is quite simple to make elf ears, the operation causes bewilderment for many: “Why?”. Again, doctors fear that their clients do not understand that returning the ear to its usual anatomically correct shape in the future is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, many advise to use false elven ears.

Everything is possible
Modern plastic surgeons can make almost any dream come true. The operation to create elven ears will not be an exception, although such interventions are quite rare. Not everyone can afford it, and not everyone is ready to risk such a drastic change in appearance. Many at first use elven ears made by their own hands for a long time, and only later, realizing thatreally want it, decide on plastic surgery.
Operations of this type are widespread in America, China, Hungary. The procedure involves dissection of the upper pole and removal of a small piece of cartilage. To fix the result, a special material is used, which absorbs after a while of wearing. As a result, the client receives a real elven ear: pointed, graceful, beautiful.
Why is this needed?
Often nothing can stop true fans of amazing books, games and films if you really want elven ears. The price of the operation is no exception. In our country, at present, such a surgical intervention costs 10-50 thousand rubles, in America such an event will cost more than a thousand dollars. And yet the method of self-expression, however expensive, has a wide audience.
As doctors say, people who decide in favor of such an operation want to share their vision of the world, interests, views with others. Having made such a simple modification of the body (elven ear), in the future you can make it clear to the interlocutor who he is dealing with without words.

Statistics show that not all clients of plastic surgeons are fans of Tolkien's works. But they are the ones who dominate the crowd. However, the passion for fantasy is now capturing an ever wider segment of the population.
Where to go?
To make a good elven ear, you need to go to a plastic surgeon. Suitable conditions are created in a specialized clinic,cleanliness is maintained, you can not be afraid of infection. But the high cost of the service pushes young people to look for alternative options. And then underground "doctors" enter the scene, promising to make beautiful ears for small amounts at home.

When faced with such an offer, you should not immediately agree to it. Even if the "doctor" knows how to make elf ears, it is not certain that the operation will be carried out cleanly. The risk of infection in artisanal conditions is extremely high, which will lead to the formation of rough scars. Such an elven ear will not bring any pleasure in the future.
Save or not?
Of course, everyone decides for himself where and to whom to turn. You need to understand: an unsuccessful operation in the future is already incorrigible, the scars will remain with the person for life. If you really want to undergo plastic surgery, but there is no money, experts recommend waiting, accumulating the necessary amounts, but for now they will have to go to the place of the cuff. Elven ears in this format are presented in abundance - there are natural-looking ones, and there are those that are interpreted as overhead from any angle.

If wearing artificial ears gives an understanding that it is convenient, suitable, really necessary, then you can spend money. But not on artisanal conditions, even if the reviews about such "doctors" are good. One is lucky, the other is not. In order not to take risks, you need to contact a reliable clinic.
This direction in plastic surgery is consideredrelatively simple to implement, since the interventions themselves are usually quite short and safe. Several methods have been developed to correct the shape and size of the auricle. Initially, this tool was developed to eliminate defects and defects acquired or inherited from birth, but recently more and more people come to surgeons to change the ears for cosmetic purposes.
The peculiarities of the structure of the ear are such that the operation does not affect any vital tissue. However, this applies only to aesthetic intervention. Doctors are sometimes called upon for reconstruction to restore missing tissue. Such an event can be quite serious and complex. However, it has nothing to do with the creation of elven ears - this body modification is purely aesthetic.

The overall impression formed on the basis of appearance depends on the little things. If one of the elements of the appearance is disproportionately large or small, it may "scratch the eye." On the contrary, deliberately changing appearance in order to stand out from the crowd attracts attention and creates a (usually) good impression. This is what explains the popularity of elven ears. In addition to the described direction, people suffering from:
- rolled ear;
- numerous creases;
- disproportion of the auricle;
- forked lobe;
- defective condition of the cartilaginous skeleton;
- antihelix;
- asymmetries;
- neurofibromatosis;
- disproportionate angle of contact between the bone of the occiput and the auricle, which, under the influence of such an arrangement, acquires a look similar to a funnel.
What do psychologists say?
Because otoplasty is a fairly simple procedure, experts recommend performing it for any psychological complexes associated with the ears in order to get rid of underlying oppression. If a person notices that he is constantly trying to cover his ears with hair or a hat (hiding them from the visibility of others), and failure to do so is accompanied by self-doubt, you should visit a doctor.
The procedure is safe when entrusted to an experienced surgeon in a reliable clinic. Therefore, it makes no sense to fight with complexes and suffer from tightness all your life.

As for the financial component, only atypical operations are currently expensive. Such, for example, as the formation of elven ears. But the classic interventions to bring the ear into a standard shape have a fairly affordable price.
When not?
Like any other operation, otoplasty is characterized by some contraindications. Some conditions do not allow surgery at the moment, but after some time the doctor may allow the event. Under certain conditions, otoplasty is completely unacceptable due to possible serious complications.
You can, but not today
Intervention is not carried out duringcarrying a fetus and breastfeeding a child, undergoing a therapeutic course with drugs that affect blood quality. The operation can not be done if the intervention area is infected, inflamed. Otoplasty is not recommended during exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

If the reason for the doctor's refusal is in one of these conditions, his change will be a reason to be seen again.
Not at all
Categorical contraindications for surgery are:
- malignant neoplasms;
- severe mental disorders;
- diabetes mellitus accompanied by microangiopathy;
- chronic coagulopathy;
- metabolic disorders, somatic disorders in severe or progressive form.
The listed conditions make surgery a risky undertaking. Complications are highly likely to develop, and the outcome is sometimes impossible to predict.
This is interesting
Most surgical interventions are carried out only within strictly defined age limits. But otoplasty is an exception to the rule, since here you can make a correction in both a small child and an elderly person. Often, anomalies in the development of the auricle are observed immediately after birth.
So that in the future the baby does not face an unpleasant reaction from society, parents can decide to adjust their ears. Doctors say: such a measure allows you to get really goodresults, since all conditions are created for the formation of a harmonious face.
Should I succumb to fashion?
Elf ears are in trend lately. On the other hand, you need to understand that the modification will remain for life. Of course, some experienced doctors can take on the anatomically correct shape of the ears, but this is only available in a narrow list of clinics, and the operation itself will cost more than creating an eccentric image.

Psychologists advise: if you want to stand out from the crowd, you must first carefully weigh the pros and cons, do not go on about momentary passion.
If there is an assumption that in the future such a modification will get bored or annoying, it is better to postpone contacting the clinic. However, it is hard to deny: in cooperation with a reliable hospital, the result is really aesthetic, eye-catching, elegant.