The fetal monitor is the most effective tool for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of the fetus in the womb. It is easy to use, compact and allows you to monitor the heartbeat and movement of the fetus, as well as uterine contractions for a long time. That is why dopplers and fetal displays are widely used in maternity hospitals and obstetric departments.
With the help of Doppler, it is possible to objectively assess the condition of the fetus during labor pains. And with a fetal monitor, the received data can be displayed on a computer and printed out.

Today, this equipment is produced by many manufacturers of medical equipment and new companies. On the Russian market, you can find models in all price categories, both domestic and imported brands.
The products of the reputable American brand General Electric are equipped with many additional features and can also be used in prenatalperiod, and during childbirth. The company's devices allow you to track the heartbeat of twins without superimposing signals. Wireless devices do not restrict the movement of patients. Monitors are equipped with sensors that are designed for use in water during childbirth. Although the purchase of the device from this company will not be cheap, but for clinics that provide first-class services, this is what you need.
Models of the no less well-known manufacturer of fetal monitors Philips Medical Systems can be attributed to the same price category. They can be of great help in high-risk births and are able to monitor triplets at the same time. The equipment is equipped with wireless sensors. During the diagnostic process, you can visually track the information received in the form of a variety of color graphs.
Products of South Korean manufacturers and the domestic company DIXION can be attributed to a more affordable price category.

Difficulties in choosing
When choosing a monitor, please note that more expensive models differ in functionality and technical equipment. For example, a more advanced fetal monitor can record fetal heart, uterine contractions, and fetal movement.
A variety of monitor modifications currently being produced have the following main characteristics that you should pay attention to:
- intrauterine pressure measurement;
- ECG, BP, HR, SpO2, temperature, arrhythmia detection;
- determination of the child's heart rate, hismobility, automatic frequency analysis with scoring;
- manual setting of "alarm" limit;
- print data from daily archive and in real time;
- audible warning signals.
According to the instructions for the fetal monitor, it can be used at temperature and humidity not exceeding 5-40 °C and ≦ 80%, and during transportation and storage 20-55 °C and ≦ 93%. Warranty service generally does not cover damage caused by damage to the machine and improper use.

Home use
Initially, the Fetal Monitor was intended for professional use only in a hospital setting. However, in recent years, future parents are buying devices for home use. Portable models are especially suitable for this purpose.
Just remember that doctors do not recommend very frequent use of these devices. They can be used after 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, but in this case, the supervision of a doctor leading the pregnancy is required.
Advantages, sizes and working principles
This type of equipment allows you to accurately and quickly assess the condition of the fetus. And also, in time to notice any deviations and pathologies in the process of labor activity.
All current models are compact fetal monitors with high sensitivity and easy to use.
The principle of operation of such devices has the followinghallmarks like safety and high precision. Intuitive tips are built into the device, and there is also a function for saving information. The average overall size of the devices is 295 x 240 x 73 mm.
Renowned clinics use multifunctional models that allow for research in multiple pregnancies. They will also help during difficult births.
The CTG fetal monitor allows you to conduct the most informative studies, and on the basis of the information received, it will help you choose the necessary tactics for managing the entire pregnancy.

Budget models
Optimal in terms of price-quality ratio, monitors are produced, as mentioned above, by Russian and South Korean manufacturers. Their devices are of high quality. They will provide accurate examination and will last for a long time.
Bionics - monitor models from South Korea. They have earned popularity due to their affordable price and high quality. After analyzing the needs, you can purchase a large, medium or small display, as well as a device for the study of multiple pregnancy. Their models are Russified and transmit the image and sound of the highest quality. The most popular models are Bionics and Bistos. They have overall dimensions of 806 x 330 x 280 mm.
They have earned their popularity due to their light weight and compact size, the most accurate diagnosis of the condition of the child and mother, and ease of use. If necessary, a variety of options can be added to the standard model. For example, a sensorfetal awakening, multifetal examination, fetal ECG.

The Russian manufacturer, together with specialists from the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has developed monitor models that combine maximum research accuracy and the latest technology. The equipment uses unique software that provides error-free results and a complete picture of the patient's he alth. The main feature of Unicos monitors is the option of automatic calculation due to special cardiotocography programs.
The company's fetal monitors are based on laptops. By disconnecting it from the medical unit, you can use it as a regular laptop. In addition, the advantages of this technique are:
- direct printer connection;
- virtually unlimited memory;
- instant data printout;
- network connection to sync with other PCs;
- small sizes;
- high resolution monitor;
- mobility on the move.
All of the above characteristics make it possible to call monitors from Unicos one of the most innovative and high-quality devices of this class, which have no analogues in the world.

Sonicaid Team Care
Diagnostic devices from the UK have a high degree of reliability, allow you to assess the he alth of the child and identify possible developmental abnormalities at an early stageterms. Their fetal monitors calculate parameters automatically, and also have the ability to switch to manual mode.
The device provides the ability to archive the necessary data and use them in the future, and it can also give an alarm signal indicating tachycardia. On the interactive screen, information is displayed in Russian, and the built-in thermal printer allows you to instantly print the results of the study.