When we are looking for good vitamins for women, we first of all pay attention to the description from the creator of the drug. This is certainly important, but no manufacturer will say about the product better than customer reviews. The Lavita vitamins, which are in the middle range and not too expensive for most people, are popular with consumers, so they should be discussed separately.
Composition of the complex
Vitamins have different composition:
- Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B 12, B9, B7, S, E, N.
- Beta-carotene.
- Magnesium.
- Zinc.
- Selenium.
These components ensure the normal functioning of the body and make up for the lack of nutrients.
Drug Benefits
A quality product should not harm the body. It compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals that occurs in modern conditions of life associated with stress, overwork, unbalanced nutrition, improper daily routine and nervous disorders. Vitamin-mineral complex "Lavita" has the following advantages:
- Take enough tablets once a day.
- Excellent he alth booster.
- Improves skin tone.
- Conforms to all kinds of quality standards.
- Prevents stress, chronic fatigue, sleep problems.
- Helps improve brain performance.
Thanks to vitamins, the body copes with increased physical activity.
"Lavita" (tablets) help the body recover after taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Strengthen the immune system, which helps prevent colds and problems with the cardiovascular system.
"Lavita" - vitamins for women, reviews of which are rarely negative. Let's talk about the manufacturer.

A little about the tablet manufacturer
JSC "Valenta Pharm" is a Russian company that launches this drug on the pharmaceutical market. She has been specializing in the production of medicines since 1997, and during this time there were no complaints from buyers.
The company is one of the top three manufacturers of pharmaceutical products that are tested and approved by international quality standards, which gives reason to trust this company.
Indications for use
Good vitamins for women should not be taken without proper indications. In our case, pills are effective if the following undesirable aspects are present in your life:
- Lack of vitamins and minerals, which is expressed in increased fatigue, irritability,sleep problems, feeling unwell.
- Irregular diet or unbalanced diet.
- The need for increased mental and physical stress.
- He alth problems associated with prolonged use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
- Long-term use of birth control pills.
"Lavita" - vitamins for women, reviews of which say that the advantage of the complex is the possibility of its use along with other drugs, which cannot be said about similar drugs. But you need to take the pills according to the instructions.

"Lavita" (vitamins): instructions
The use of the drug should be preceded by a visit to the doctor, since it is undesirable to prescribe medications on your own. Vitamins look like oblong pink ampoules. The handy pack contains 30 tablets that should not be chewed but should be swallowed with a small amount of liquid.
You need to take the drug once a day, and the course of treatment is 30 days. It does not matter if the tablet is taken before or after a meal, but it is advisable to observe an interval between meals and medicines of at least 40 minutes.

Possible side effects
"Lavita" - vitamins for women, reviews of which say that allergic reactions may occur as a result of taking the drug. These include:
- Rash, redness or itching.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Problems withdigestive system.
To avoid them, be sure to consult your doctor before taking the drug. If side effects do occur, stop taking the medication.

A little about prices
Although vitamins are good for women's he alth in most cases, many are confused by the issue of cost. The drug "Lavita", the price of a package of which is about 450 rubles, often because of this it inspires doubts about the acquisition. It is worth noting that there are similar drugs at a lower cost, but they have a number of disadvantages.
Low price is not the best quality anyway. Vitamins "Lavita" are expensive, but for most people this is acceptable. Do not forget that many vitamin complexes cannot be taken together with other drugs, and they cause much more side effects. In addition, this course can be drunk only once, and the effect persists for a long time, which cannot be said about other drugs.

"Lavita": vitamins for women (reviews)
Most often, buyers give this vitamin-mineral complex the highest rating, which is an indicator of maximum quality. Women choose these pills because:
- There is a burst of energy.
- It becomes easier to wake up in the morning.
- Enough energy for the whole day.
- There is interest in the work.
- Hair stops falling out and splitting.
- Nails becomestronger, cease to break and exfoliate, begin to grow rapidly.
- The skin becomes fresher, cleaner, rashes and inflammations disappear.
The disadvantages of the complex include the fact that after the end of the course, some women experienced skin rashes, but they can be quickly de alt with. In addition, sometimes there are problems with sleep, which are expressed in difficult falling asleep.
A little about contraindications
These vitamins, like other active drugs, should not be taken during pregnancy without a doctor's permission. Also, taking the medicine is undesirable for minors. You should not resort to pills if you have an increased content of vitamins in the body.
In case of an overdose, there are symptoms that are characteristic of hypervitaminosis. Usually they are similar to the manifestation of side effects.
Remember that the same drug will not react in the same way to the body of different people. Each person is unique, so if this vitamin-mineral complex does not suit you, then consult your doctor or pharmacist and choose another drug for yourself. There are a lot of similar products that can be purchased without a prescription today, so read the reviews of each to get the best result from taking.

How else to make up for the lack of vitamins?
To feel a surge of strength and cope with a lack of vitamins faster, along with the drug, use the following methods:
- Eat a variety of dried fruits periodically.
- Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamins. Make salads with it.
- Red rowan is a plant whose fruits can be used to make decoctions that can defeat hypovitaminosis.
- Exercise to boost immunity.
- Keep your routine.
- Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
- Respect the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
- Avoid overwork, stress.
- Don't freeze over.
- Let yourself rest.
Thus, Lavita vitamins are an invaluable set of substances that are vital for the human body. Follow the instructions, do not neglect the indications and contraindications to prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions. To maximize the effectiveness of taking pills, normalize your daily routine. The body will respond to you with excellent he alth and high performance.