It happens that only women who have given birth or mothers who have been breastfeeding their baby for more than a month suddenly begin to lose milk. In order to prevent this from happening, as well as to stimulate lactation, special mixtures and preparations are produced. One of these products will be discussed in our article. We will consider the tool "Lactamil": reviews about it, recommendations for use, as well as its use during lactation in the most effective way.
What is Lactamyl breastfeeding product?

So, we have already found out that this product is intended for mothers with lactation problems. The mixture "Lactamil", which is available in the form of a dry powder, contains a complex of herbs - they contribute to a greater release of mother's milk. The tool also contains a number of vitamins and minerals needed by a woman during breastfeeding. It is noted that the drug "Lactamil" is especially indicated for young mothers who have just given birth to their baby. In the first days, lactation is only being established, the product helps to better produce milk and allows you to feed the baby in the first days of his life. The mixture "Lactamil" can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, its shelf life is one and a half years, and the storage conditions are very simple - at room temperature in a dark, not humid place.
List of useful substances that the drug contains
It was mentioned above that the mixture for nursing mothers “Lactamil” contains a large amount of useful substances. Which ones? Here is the full list:

- herbal extracts - anise, fennel, nettle, cumin;
- vitamins - C, A, group B, as well as pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folic acid and pectin;
- minerals - almost everything a nursing mother needs, including sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium and some others;
- he althy whey protein.
Calorie product - 438 kcal. per 100 g of dry matter. It is also very affordable for many mothers, because Lactamil, the price of which is 300-350 rubles per pack, is only 40 grams per serving (360 grams in a pack). Dry powder is diluted with water and drunk. By the way, the calorie content of such a serving is only 175 kcal. Recommends drinking 1-2 servings of a cocktail per day and continue to do so until lactation is restored.
Mixture "Lactamyl": instructions for use

So, the drug is a dry powder, which must be diluted in warm water (temperature 40-50 degrees), wait until the mixture becomes homogeneous, and then drink. Simply put, you need to make a he althy milkshake. Usually doctors recommend drinking 1-2 servings a day. Often this is enough to restore lactation or become more intense. This is especially important for mothers who have twins. The prepared drink can be stored in the refrigerator, however, no more than one day. And the already opened package of the powder should be used within three weeks. The drug "Lactamyl", instructions for use of which are in each package, is a natural, environmentally friendly product. Many people notice that after the first portions of the cocktail, lactation is restored, and the baby is feeding properly (the baby has enough milk).
What do women say about Lactamyl?
So, it's time to consider the characteristics that nursing mothers give the product themselves. After all, the drug "Lactamil", reviews of which indicate that it really improves lactation, has been tested by more than one thousand women. So here's what young moms are saying about the drug:

- after using the product, milk really becomes more;
- also "Lactamyl" helps women to establish lactation after caesarean section;
- moms note that a child gets more useful substances with milk, and all thanks to “Lactamil”;
- many use this remedy for prevention, because when a baby turns six months or more, milk gradually begins to disappear, and to prevent this from happening, women continue to drink a he althy milkshake.
These are the characteristics from nursing mothers received by the tool "Lactamil": reviews about it are really positive in most cases. Although there are those who are not satisfied with the drug. Let's see why.
Negative reviews about the drug "Lactamil"
So, there are those who speak negatively about this tool. Although it is best to say that the mark “bad” is given not to the drug as a whole, but to some of its individual qualities. For example:
- There are those for whom the drug does not help. This is natural, because mothers lose milk for various reasons - the final diagnosis of why lactation has stopped can be made by a doctor.
- Some people don't like that the product has to be additionally diluted with water (there are drugs to increase lactation in tablets and drops that do not require any additional manipulations when taking them).
- The cocktail is quite high in calories - paradoxically, but some note this item as a negative review of the drug.
Otherwise, there were no complaints about the drug "Lactamil", although there are those who should not take it.
Contraindications for the use of Lactamyl lactation aid

Be careful, some women absolutely should not take the drug"Lactamyl". Instructions for use names the following group of people:
- Women with lactose (milk protein) intolerance.
- Those who have hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Please note that Lactamyl contains herbal extracts, you may well be allergic to some of them.
- Also, in very rare cases, while taking this drug, the baby may experience an allergy in the form of a skin rash. But, again, this happens extremely rarely.
There were no overdoses of the drug, as well as side effects if you take Lactamil at the doses recommended by the instructions.
What doctors say about this drug
According to experts, the remedy "Lactamil" can be considered as an auxiliary for increasing lactation. It is not forbidden to take it in cases where a woman notices that milk begins to “disappear”. Also, the drug is prescribed for those who have not begun lactation within a day after childbirth, that is, women in labor can take care of themselves in advance and, just in case, take the product package with them to the hospital. Nevertheless, with serious lactation disorders, when there is no milk, it is still recommended to visit a doctor who can pick up more potent drugs. At the same time, the pediatrician will tell you what kind of mixture to supplement or feed the child in cases where the mother has lost her milk. Otherwise, the drug "Lactamil" receives positive reviews from doctors, in any case, they note that its use will not harm he althmom and baby.
Use Lactamil or not: conclusion

Many women, especially those who have just given birth to their first baby, try to play it safe literally from everything. Including violations of the lactation process. They are afraid that the child will not have enough milk, he will remain hungry, will not gain weight, and so on. To dispel all doubts, before giving birth, it is recommended to take special courses for expectant mothers or consult a doctor about breastfeeding. One way or another, you can use the drug "Lactamil" after childbirth just for prevention. But at the same time, if you see that your baby has enough milk, why use any additional means? Of course, in this case, the decision is up to the mother and the doctor who observes the woman after pregnancy. In this article, we talked in detail about the Lactamil remedy for nursing mothers. Instructions for use, reviews from customers and doctors are also given in the text. We hope this will help you in choosing a drug to improve lactation and dispel all doubts about whether to buy it or choose something else.