It is known that any athlete, fitness lover, and just a losing weight person needs to take BCAAs to grow and maintain muscle mass, as well as prevent the process of its catabolism. PureProtein (reviews on sports supplements from this manufacturer represent a wide range of opinions from admiring to negative) is a Russian company that uses German raw materials to produce a wide range of high-quality sports nutrition. The products of Pure Protein LLC are certified and tested for compliance with all domestic and European quality and safety standards.

In the production of essential amino acids (BCAA) natural ingredients are used, the recipe is regularly improved and the flavor range is expanding.
Description of BCAA (PureProtein)
Feedback from athletes,who tried the complex of essential amino acids from a Russian company from St. Petersburg, were divided into several categories. In the first (the most numerous), the product is praised, when checking BCAA, most experts dilute amino acids in water, getting the very “cherished” film on the surface, which should form when leucine, isoleucine and valine are dissolved - the main components of natural protein. The ratio of three essential “amino acids” (as experienced athletes call amino acids) in this complex is ideal (2:1:1), since it contains (per 100 g of product) 45 g of L-leucine and 22.25 g of L- isoleucine and valine. To improve the taste, 5 g of fructose and citric acid are added to the complex. The range of products produced can be found in various flavors: green apple, wild berries, orange or lemon.
Positive Reviews: Product Benefits
The rise in prices for products from foreign manufacturers led to the desire of many athletes and adherents of fitness training to pay attention to the budget version of the BCAA PureProtein complex. Reviews comparing this domestic product and expensive sports nutrition from the world's leading brands claim that Pure Protein amino acids are not inferior in quality to analogues from Optimum, Nutrition, S. A. N and others.

The Russian amino acid complex serves as a source of energy and additional endurance during intense loads, getting directly into the muscles. Bypassing the liver, BCAAs stimulate the construction of tissues, have a beneficial effect on their preservation.structures and help improve performance. Thus, during training, due to the intake of a harmonious combination of amino acids, athletes achieve two goals: build muscle mass due to the restoration of damaged and the formation of new protein fibers. In addition, fitness enthusiasts praise the amino complex for reducing unpleasant soreness in the muscles after intense cardio and strength training. This is facilitated by the saturation of cells with vital building material, the creation of conditions for anabolic processes and the secretion of hormones.
How to take the drug
Packaging PureProtein BCAA (200 gr.) gets positive reviews, as it contains high-quality protein (about 55-60%). In addition, essential amino acids are not synthesized in our body, but only come from outside. The complex is usually taken on an empty stomach, before and after training. Before going to bed, you can drink it at will (to slow down the destruction of proteins during fasting), but in the evening it can be replaced with 200 g of cottage cheese.

Professionals dilute the BCAA in a shaker, which helps turn the solution into a yellowish emulsion without sediment. One serving of the powder (10 g or 2 measured teaspoons) has 4.5 g of leucine and 2.25 g of valine and isoleucine. Athletes warn that muscle mass grows rather slowly, so you should not expect a noticeable effect of the drug at the initial stage. This amount of the product at one time is enough to get after 3-6 months of regular usethe result of the “aminoks” work.
About flavors and calories
The energy value of the PureProtein BCAA product is called low. One serving contains only 2 kcal or 8.4 kJ, and 100 g of the drug contains 20 kcal or 84 kJ. Carbohydrates due to the sweetener (aspasvit) in the complex is 0.5 g per serving and 5 g per 100 g, respectively.

When choosing the taste of an additional source of amino acids, judging by user surveys, many prefer orange (69%) and lemon (56%), a little less “green apple” (50%) and “forest, wild berries” (38%).
PureProtein FUZE+BCAA line description
Reviews on the main composition of a multicomponent protein using a mixture of 5 types of animal and vegetable proteins (casein, egg and wheat protein, soy isolate and whey protein), essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) and carbohydrates (glucose and fructose), praise its biological value. The ratio of fast-digesting whey protein and slowly processed casein, amino acid-balanced soy and high molecular weight wheat protein, and other useful ingredients of the product allows them to be optimally absorbed and absorbed by the muscles, protecting them from destruction.

Depending on the taste (vanilla, caramel, cherry, chocolate chip cookie or ice cream), new components can be added to the product line, but the basic complex remains unchanged. Studies among athletes who used the PureProtein FUZE + BCAA + PROTEIN product, feedback from fitness trainers and ordinary amateur athletes about it proved to be highly effective. They testify that this product helps well in increasing muscle mass, in recovery after grueling workouts, in the prevention of infectious diseases against the background of intense exercise.
Neutral and negative comments
Most of the neutral reviews are due to the short period of application of the amino acid complex, when the visible result has not yet been obtained. Users write about the usefulness and quality of the Russian-German product, but for themselves they conclude that it did not help them build muscle. It is extremely rare, in isolated cases, BCAA PureProtein reviews are negative. They talk about the unpleasant bitter taste of amino acids, sweetener and flavors, reminiscent of cheap "pads" of chewing gum. Other users don't like the "forest berries" complex, but they are delighted with the "orange" product.

Many people who previously spoke negatively about Pure Protein BCAAs had to change their minds when they used their favorite juice instead of water in a shaker with powder. Myths about an overdose of amino acids are often told by beginners, since the daily intake of these substances reaches 400 grams, and the excess is excreted from the body by the excretory system.
About cost
On the rise in prices PureProtein BCAA (200g) deserves grateful reviews. Inexpensivebodybuilders call it a source of additional energy. This small package can be bought at a sports nutrition store for about 700-800 rubles. The expanded network of representative offices of the St. Petersburg company allows you to do this in any city or order in an online store with delivery.