Organic food has been very popular lately. Food products of natural origin, which allow you to preserve youth and beauty, help fight various diseases, prevent their occurrence, and generally heal the body, are produced by many companies.
One of the well-known domestic suppliers of eco-products is the Werther Organic company. Product reviews and product line descriptions can be found below.

Main products
Werther Organic's products are produced mainly on the basis of sea brown algae (kelp) from the White Sea. Medicinal plants growing in Russia are used as additional substances.
The company produces three product lines: cosmetics, natural home cleaning products and organic food itself. The most common and effective are the following Werther Organic products(product reviews confirm popularity):
- kelp gel. The tool can be used externally for cosmetic purposes or as an additional medical nutrition. The main effect of the drug: bioregulation due to the presence of a large number of useful trace elements in the gel, detoxification of the body and normalization of the processes of purification and recovery at the cell level.
- Phytocomplexes. Compositions of plant extracts are offered to normalize the work of various systems (cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, etc.), reduce weight and strengthen immunity.
- Phytotea. Each copy of the tea collection, as well as phytocomplexes, is designed for specific purposes: rejuvenation, cleansing of toxins, weight loss, women's or men's he alth, toning the body, strengthening immune defenses or normalizing the digestive system.
Customer Reviews
About Werther Organic products, reviews are mostly positive. Buyers note the quick positive result, the naturalness of the drugs, the complex effect on the body, the safety, the absence of side effects, the simplicity and versatility of using Werther Organic.

Product reviews testify to the effectiveness of drugs: buyers notice the first signs of improvement in well-being already on the third or fifth day of use, and after a three-four-week course - a general improvement in the quality of life. External changes are also noticeable: improvement in complexion, hair and nails. organismfills with vital energy, gets rid of toxins, renews and rejuvenates.
Negative opinions
Of course, no remedy can have a positive effect in absolutely all cases and regardless of the individual characteristics of the organism. Werther Organic preparations are no exception. Product reviews contain little information about the disadvantages of kelp gel or phytocomplexes.
Buyers note mainly the unpleasant color and taste of preparations, sometimes there are opinions about the high price of cosmetics or organic food "Werther Organic", which is further justified by the effectiveness of these products.
In addition, sometimes there is intolerance to the components of organic products. For example, kelp, including as part of various cosmetics and medicines, is contraindicated for people allergic to iodine.
Expert Opinion
Doctors' opinions about organic nutrition vary considerably. Some experts categorically oppose self-treatment (in which they are absolutely right) and the use of such drugs, while others encourage the use of various dietary supplements, medicinal and dietary foods based on medicinal plants, not only for the prevention of various pathologies, but also as a full-fledged method of therapy.

Rational approach: undergo traditional diagnosis and treatment, consult a specialist regarding the use of organic nutrition and follow his recommendations. Don't stand on your ownuse any medication for serious illnesses. This statement does not apply to topical creams, which are used as a cosmetic product, but should only be applied to he althy skin.