"Mastophyton" - tea for the he alth of the female breast

"Mastophyton" - tea for the he alth of the female breast
"Mastophyton" - tea for the he alth of the female breast

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands that occurs in the fair sex. The disease is not fatal, but rather unpleasant. In addition, its consequences can be the most unexpected. So, in 10 cases out of 100, the disease goes into the category of oncological. Therefore, it is so important for every woman to prevent her appearance.

Firstly, the young lady should regularly do mammograms and attend doctor's consultations. Secondly, prevention with the help of traditional medicine will help. One of these natural medicines with beneficial properties is the Mastophyton drink - tea. Instructions for use and reviews about it, indications and contraindications, composition and analogues will be discussed in the article below.

mastophyton tea
mastophyton tea

Healing tea

Mastophyton tea is a domestic product. The instruction attached to the product says that it is produced by PTC "Vitacenter" and NPP "Zdorovye". It is considered a wonderful he alth drink, with which you can fight the manifestations of mastopathy.

This is exactly the disease thatit is easy not only to prevent, but also to cure with the help of folk remedies. After all, the basis of the disease is an increase in lymph nodes, which often does not require special drug therapy. It is enough to change the way of life, daily routine, working conditions. And, of course, add he alth tea to the diet, which helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

mastophyton tea instruction
mastophyton tea instruction


"Mastophyton" - tea, which is presented in the form of a biologically active food supplement. Taking a drink daily, you thereby prevent mastopathy and other diseases associated with the mammary gland. Tea is best used together with other remedies against the disease, because it is in complex therapy that it acts with lightning speed.

The product has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and blood-purifying properties. It effectively suppresses the development of seals in the chest, eliminates tumor foci. Even women who are completely he althy can drink tea, as it not only heals, but also has a general strengthening effect on the body.

mastophyton tea instructions for use
mastophyton tea instructions for use


Phyton drink is "Mastophyton" (tea). Instructions for use states that this product contains only natural ingredients. Ecologically clean vegetable raw materials are grown in areas with an impeccable state of the environment. In addition, manufacturers have saturated tea with useful ingredients. These are rose hips, plantain leaves, dandelion roots, marigold flowers, yarrow and thyme grass.

Mastophyton tea instruction reviews
Mastophyton tea instruction reviews

Issue form

Mastophyton is produced in special filter bags placed in blue-beige packaging. The tea is in a box that depicts the Madonna and Child. The main indication for drinking the drink is that a woman has problems with the mammary gland.

One package is enough to prepare it. It must be placed in a glass or enameled container filled with boiling water. After that, cover the cup and infuse the tea for 30 minutes. You need to take a drink twice a day, one glass half an hour before meals. The course lasts 1-2 months, after which a three-week break is made. After it, if necessary, tea is continued in a similar way.

mastophyton tea instructions for use and reviews
mastophyton tea instructions for use and reviews


As already mentioned, the drink is a biologically active food supplement. It is used to treat hormonal imbalances in a woman's body. Thanks to her, the background is put in order, respectively, breast diseases disappear. But mastopathy is not the only ailment that the drink fights. Being an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory product, it promotes the resorption of various neoplasms in the mammary glands. Tea is recommended for those young ladies who have weak immunity, as it is able to strengthen a weakened female body.

mastophyton tea
mastophyton tea


Mastophyton has no special contraindications - tea is suitable for almost everyone. Exceptionare girls who have allergic reactions to one of the components of the drink or their individual intolerance. In addition, the use of the product is not recommended for girls under the age of 12, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Caution should be taken by people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or kidney problems. In any case, before taking tea, it is better to consult a doctor.

mastophyton tea instruction
mastophyton tea instruction


"Mastophyton" - a tea that has analogues. The closest in action is the drug "Mastodinon", which is available in the form of tablets and drops. It contains natural herbs that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mammary glands. The homeopathic remedy is also used to treat menstrual disorders, pain during this period. It normalizes the hormonal background and even strengthens the immune system.

mastophyton tea instructions for use
mastophyton tea instructions for use


Many women who have tried Mastophyton tea claim that it is very effective. Those who took it as a prophylactic indicate that the product helped to avoid the development of mastopathy, although the disease threatened them. Customers who use the remedy as a therapy say: the drink contributed to the fact that the seals in the chest area were resolved. The course of tea treatment eased their condition, helped to defeat the disease as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Mastophyton tea instruction reviews
Mastophyton tea instruction reviews

So, we are in detailanalyzed tea "Mastophyton" in the article. Instructions, reviews were also brought to your attention. If you are interested in this drug, remember that self-medication, even with natural medicines, is dangerous to he alth. Therefore, before taking a drink, be sure to contact the clinic for tests and a detailed consultation with an experienced therapist.
