A natural and safe nutritional supplement - brewer's yeast "Ecco Plus" is called a real well of he alth that has a beneficial effect on the human body. The unique composition of proteins, vitamins and amino acids with minerals: magnesium and potassium, calcium and zinc, iron, selenium and other useful trace elements allows you to normalize the functioning of internal organs, activate metabolism, increase mental and physical performance, successfully fight acne and other skin diseases, improving her condition, as well as strengthening the he alth of nails and hair.

They help you gain weight and cope with stress, recover from surgery and fight obesity. Proof of this are the grateful reviews of customers who got rid of problems associated with a lack of B vitamins with the help of dietary supplements.
Universalproduct: description
Food supplement - brewer's yeast "Ekko Plus" in tablets consists of the basic component indicated in the name, which is supplemented with various elements - magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, selenium, iron and others. This vitamin-like remedy is not a medicine, but due to the countless natural biologically active components, it restores the disturbed metabolic process, compensates for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, and helps maintain the immune status of the body.

Thanks to additives that enrich the base preparation: sulfur-containing amino acids, zinc, calcium, iodine, chromium, selenium and iron, as well as complexes of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3 or iodine and calcium, Ekko Plus Brewer's Yeast acquires additional opportunities to saturate the body and provide a versatile beneficial effect.
Composition of the basic nutritional supplement and its derivatives
Vitamin B complex of natural origin, which is rich in yeast preparation, consists of:
- thiamine (B1) - a cellular energetic that promotes the growth and development of the body, increases mental and physical activity, as well as the main participant in metabolic processes, ensuring the transmission of nerve impulses to brain cells;
- choline (B4) - the most important building material of the brain, as well as a substance that strengthens the nerve sheaths, regulates the function of the liver and restores its destroyed tissues;
- pantothenic acid (B5) –an antiviral component that fills the blood with antibodies, as well as the most important stimulant of metabolic processes in the body;
- pyridoxine (B6) - improves the functioning of the nervous system, increases brain activity, improves memory and mood;
- cyanocobalamin (B12) - regulating biological processes associated with cell growth.
In addition, this dietary supplement contains vital vitamins: E, H, PP and D; amino acids, macro- and micronutrients (iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and others).

They are necessary for the synthesis of energy and its transformation into muscle activity, for the functioning of most body systems (nervous, cardiovascular, digestive), to stimulate metabolic processes.
Instructions for use: indications and contraindications
Popular brewer's yeast "Ecco Plus" instruction recommends appointing people with diabetes, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery or a serious illness to compensate for nutritional deficiencies and eliminate exhaustion; with an unbalanced diet (including obesity), with gastrointestinal diseases, for the prevention of B-hypovitaminosis and cardiovascular problems; with polyneuritis, anemia, dermatosis and dermatitis, neuralgia, permanent cracks in the corners of the mouth, eczema, furunculosis and acne, itching, psoriasis, problem (oily) skin, acne (acne of various etiologies).

This dietary supplement helpsalso during intense physical and mental stress, which has a good effect on the results of study and sports achievements of adults and children taking the drug. Rare side effects that occur as a result of eating nutritional yeast may include an allergic reaction and itching. From the prohibitions on the use of this drug can be distinguished: hypersensitivity to its components; fungal diseases; gout; atrophy of the optic nerve; kidney disease; advanced age of the patient (due to the presence of nucleic acids in them); children under 3 years old; pregnancy (mandatory consultation with a doctor).
Ecco Plus Brewer's Yeast: Sulfur Amino Acids
This type of biologically active food supplement contains substances - methionine and cysteine, which have: a pronounced antioxidant effect, as they are the richest source of sulfur; have a hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic effect, promoting the breakdown of fats and protecting the liver, arterial walls from their deposits; participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin; stabilize blood sugar levels; stimulate energy production, and also help in the formation and regeneration of skin, bones and muscle tissues.

B vitamins, which are also rich in Ekko Plus brewer's yeast with sulfur-containing amino acids, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, activate metabolism, increase the body's immunity and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.
Reviews: from positive tonegative
Users express different opinions about the company's brewer's yeast. Most of them like a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and minerals. Positive comments are left by people who buy it with a variety of compositions: with a complex of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3, with sulfur-containing amino acids, a children's variety of nutritional yeast, with iodine and calcium. But not everyone who is prescribed a food supplement advises others to take Ekko Plus brewer's yeast. Reviews are neutral, when the expected effect of taking the drug has not been achieved, or negative ones warn that dietary supplements do not help everyone. For example, for several people, Ekko Plus dietary supplement pills did not help to gain weight.

But they note that after taking them regularly, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improved, the nervous system calmed down, and acne, which appeared intensively at the initial stage, soon disappeared completely. Those who control their weight did not like that body weight began to increase after eating nutritional yeast. Experts say that the acceleration of metabolism, which stimulates the nutritional supplement, leads to an increase in appetite, so people who are not careful about their diet may eat more than usual. In general, buyers of Ecco Plus brewer's yeast are satisfied with the result for which they purchased the drug. They managed to normalize weight (lose weight or gain missing pounds), get rid of acne or improve he alth and qualitynails, hair, and skin.
Beer yeast tablets: benefits and harms
This drug is recommended for use as a general he alth-improving medication for anyone who experiences strong physical or mental stress: men whose work is associated with stress and stress; women to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as to reduce pain during PMS; children for active growth and development, including assistance during learning. Bodybuilders often use brewer's yeast for high-quality and rapid muscle building, as the substances that make up their composition can stimulate protein synthesis. But with the introduction of this drug into the diet, belching and bloating may appear. In this case, it is necessary to immediately stop taking brewer's yeast, since the price of such experiments may become too high: after all, these very useful fungi can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis, destroying its entire biocenosis. Brewer's yeast in tablets, the benefits and harms of which have been studied in sufficient detail today, are best taken as directed by a doctor and not resorted to experiments with your he alth. Thus, you can get the maximum beneficial effect of the drug, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions of the body.