Every day the problem of obesity is becoming more common. Moreover, both women and men of various age categories suffer from it. Therefore, companies involved in the development of drugs and various means for weight loss are constantly looking for new products that would not only be useful, but would also help burn extra pounds. One of the new products that have appeared on the market relatively recently is the Energy Diet Smart. Reviews about it are very contradictory. That is why you should figure out whether this tool is worth attention at all and how real its effectiveness is.
General information
Balanced nutrition Energy Diet Smart, reviews of which can be both positive and negative, is aimed at professional athletes and people with a sedentary lifestyle. This product helps to remove toxins, as well as saturate the body with vitamins and all the necessary nutrients. At the same time, fat burning occurs slowly, so that there are no stretch marks left on the skin, and it does not sag. In order not to harm your he alth, it is better to consult a qualified nutritionist before using such products.

Energy Diet HD vs Energy Diet Smart - What's the difference?
Today, such food products are called "smart food". Energy Diet Smart, reviews of doctors about which claim that this is the best diet food on the market today, has become incredibly popular with buyers. On sale there is also another option - Energy Diet HD. Therefore, ordinary people often have a question about which one is better and what is the difference between them.
There are no fundamental differences in balance and composition. The only difference is in the flavors available, as well as the size of the sachets. The serving size of the Smart Series is smaller than the He althy Energy Diet HD. So if you're active and want to be able to eat anytime, anywhere, then buy the Smart options as they're much easier to carry around.
It is worth noting that all Energy Diet Smart products undergo multi-level quality control and meet all international standards. This is evidenced by the quality certificates that are included in the package with the product. Therefore, you can safely buy this diet food and not worry about your he alth.
Slimming cocktails: the principle of action
In reviews of Energy Diet Smart cocktails, only positive qualities are noted. It is believed that thesefoods help create an optimal weight loss program by providing sufficient calories and helping to provide the body with a daily requirement of micronutrients.

At the same time, there are quite a few flavor varieties that are perfectly combined with each other. Thus, the ability to diversify your diet is another advantage of the products of this brand. The composition of the cocktails contains fiber and special enzymes that help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Diet drinks "Energy Diet Smart" are well and quickly digested, removing toxins from the body. Due to the high content of protein and dietary fiber in cocktails, the feeling of hunger quickly disappears, so a person feels full almost immediately after consumption. To date, a lot of famous athletes have included cocktails of this brand in their diet.
Among analogues, Energy Diet Smart nutrition, reviews of which are more often positive than negative, is represented by innovative products. It has an optimal ratio of all components, therefore it is able to provide an adult with a daily intake of vitamins, minerals and vital macronutrients. In addition, after eating this food, the body receives the necessary energy, which is enough for the whole day.
Cocktails include the following ingredients:
- Proteins of animal and vegetable origin. It contains 18 irreplaceableamino acids that our body cannot produce on its own.
- Fats. The composition of diet drinks contains soy milk, which contains about 30 important trace elements, including vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which reduces the likelihood of developing malignant tumors. All fats are of vegetable origin, so there is no cholesterol in the shakes.
- Carbohydrates. Energy Diet Smart cocktails, which doctors' reviews confirm the safety of the product, contain large amounts of glucose, m altodextrin and starch, which are good sources of energy. These substances increase vitality and improve physical activity.
- Fiber. Guarantees fast satiety, and the feeling of satiety after drinking a cocktail will last for several hours. In addition, fiber cleanses the intestines and restores its microflora.
- Minerals and vitamins. Accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
- Royal jelly. Improves the absorption of oxygen by the soft tissues of the body and normalizes the emotional state of a person.
- The complex of enzymes helps to activate the digestive system and the absorption of proteins.
Thus, reviews of losing weight about Energy Diet Smart confirm its effectiveness. Judging by the responses, many of them completely replaced their daily diet in order to quickly lose extra pounds.
Weight loss program
Diet food "Energy Diet Smart" is a concentrate that allows you to quickly and easily prepare first courses, omelettes and cocktails. A balanced composition provides the body with all the nutrients with a minimum calorie content. Thus, adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations and reviews of the Energy Diet Smart, the weight loss program should be divided into three stages. At the same time, it is extremely important that, dropping extra pounds, losing weight can fully eat. Another fundamental point is the need to adhere to the correct drinking regimen: drink at least two liters of water every day.

First stage: preparing the body for weight loss
The first stage is designed for 3-5 days, depending on excess weight, and is aimed at rebuilding the body for a new diet, normalizing metabolic processes in the body and starting the process of burning fat. The daily calorie content for this period is 1350 calories. At this stage, it is allowed to drink 4-5 diet drinks per day and eat one serving of foods that are allowed to be consumed. To get rid of the feeling of hunger for a longer period, it is recommended to drink a glass of water immediately after the cocktail.
As for permitted foods, any raw or boiled vegetables are allowed. The size of one serving should not exceed 400 grams. To increase the palatability of vegetables, they can be seasoned a little with vegetable or olive oil, lime juice and spices. But in drinks, such as coffee or tea, it is not recommended to add sugar.
Second stage: transitional stage
After completing the first phase of the Smart Food dietEnergy Diet (consumer reviews confirm that this food contributes to weight loss), a transitional stage begins. During this period, the number of cocktails consumed per day is reduced to two, and the list of foods that can be eaten is expanding.

It can include:
- dietary meat (boiled fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken) - 150 g;
- veal or lean beef - 100g;
- liver - 100 g;
- low-fat cheese - 100 g;
- cottage cheese - 150 g;
- whites of two boiled eggs.
If at first you will not have enough of this, then two hours before bedtime you are allowed to drink half a serving of a cocktail. The transitional stage takes about 3-4 weeks. If the proper effect of losing weight is not achieved, then you should return to the first stage and repeat all over again.
Third stage: final stage
To achieve maximum results, you need to monitor the size of portions and the quality of food consumed. Of great importance is getting rid of psychological food addiction. To make it easier to adapt to the new nutrition system, the manufacturer recommends leaving for dinner, for example, an Energy Diet Smart cocktail (Sweet mix). Reviews back up the claims of the product - it really helps to dull the feeling of hunger that usually appears before bedtime.

At the final stage, it is allowed to eat in small quantitiesvarious cereals, such as buckwheat, rice or oatmeal, dietary bread, beans, lentils, as well as pasta made from coarse flour. In addition, once a day you can eat fruits, the daily norm of which is 80 grams.
The duration of the last stage depends on the number of kilograms dropped during the first and second stages. One kilogram is equal to one month. This will allow you to finally get used to new foods and adapt to new nutrition.
How to use it correctly?
All slimming cocktails are best diluted in 1.5% fat milk. This moment plays an important role, since the consumed caloric content should not exceed the daily allowance. If you do not like milk, then you can use vegetable broth, kefir or plain water instead. But in this case, the taste of the drink and its energy value will change. In addition, doctors' reviews of Energy Diet Smart claim that the product is completely safe for he alth, and different cocktails can be mixed with each other. It is worth noting that prepared drinks should be consumed immediately as they are not meant to be stored.

Where to buy?
Today, you can buy diet food and cocktails only on the official website of the manufacturer NL International. It is enough to select the necessary product, open its card and fill out an electronic form. The selected products will be delivered to the address you provided.
Consumer Reviews
OneOf the modern safe and effective means to combat excess weight is the so-called smart food Energy Diet Smart. Consumer reviews of this product are mostly positive. People who exercise intensively claim that nutrition and cocktails contribute to the growth of muscle mass, thereby increasing the effect of training. As for losing weight, it doesn’t happen very quickly, but the extra pounds burn out steadily. Drinking just one cocktail for dinner every day, you will notice a positive result after a while. The vast majority of consumers enjoy the taste of diet drinks. Thanks to their high calorie content, many women who are struggling with obesity are ditching conventional foods and switching to smoothies entirely.

Balanced nutrition Energy Diet Smart, reviews of which are found and negative, has a rather high cost, which, in fact, causes dissatisfaction among consumers. But, as you know, you have to pay for quality.
Unfortunately, today there are quite a lot of people who are overweight. The cause of its appearance may be malnutrition, lack of exercise, as well as various he alth problems. Due to the fact that in the modern world there are a wide variety of complexes for weight loss, it is now much easier to become slimmer.