Company "Evalar" produces a whole line of products called biologically active food supplements that affect the human body in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as to improve the general condition. For example, the drug "Pari Evalar" serves as a tool to help fight drug and alcohol addiction.
Plants and human he alth
Medicinal plants were given to man by nature, so that he would use them to help his body in diseases and ailments. The study of the properties of such gifts of nature is still taking place, despite the fact that people have been using flowers, herbs, fruits and roots in folk medicine for centuries. Many companies specialize in the development and production of medicinal products and biologically active food supplements based on medicinal plants. One such organization is the Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar. The mere fact that "Evalar" has been operating in Russia and abroad for about 20 years speaks of the quality of products and consumer confidence. "Pari Evalar" - one of the drugs developed by pharmacistscompanies based on the special properties of a group of plants.

Not a miracle, but a pattern
The fact that alcoholism is not a bad habit, but a disease that can be treated, one can talk a lot and for a long time. But to fight the craving for alcohol or the use of drugs is possible only if the person himself wants it. The special properties of some medicinal plants, used by generations of healers and tested by the pharmacists of the Evalar company, made it possible to develop, put into production and sale the Pari Evalar drug, which helps fight cravings for alcohol or drugs.

About the composition of the product
The composition of the drug "Pari Evalar" contains a whole line of herbal ingredients: thyme, St. John's wort, centaury, Leuzea, elecampane, yarrow, horsetail, flax seed. The tablets also contain glycine and ascorbic acid - vitamin C. About the drug "Pari Evalar" reviews can be heard mostly positive, since all the components selected in this tool help cleanse the body of toxins, improve overall well-being, relieve nervous excitement. The complex of phytopreparations contributes to the stabilization of the general condition of the body of a person who has consumed alcohol or other drugs, providing a sedative effect, normalizing metabolic processes and facilitating the removal of harmful substances from the body.

One of the herbal remedies,helping to fight the consequences of taking alcohol or drugs, as well as relieve cravings for such substances - "Pari Evalar". Reviews about it come not only from those who abuse alcohol, but also from people who spent too much, for example, holidays, without thinking about the consequences for the body. In this case, you can also use this tool - in any case, users advise this method as getting rid of a hangover. Herbs, extracts from which are the basis of dietary supplements "Pari Evalar", have exactly the action that is necessary to relieve the effects of the use of psychotropic drugs. Also, the tool removes cravings for such pseudo-pleasures.
Leuzea root, for example, contains substances that help improve blood supply to the central nervous system and relieve nervous tension. Thyme has long been used as a blood purifier that also helps fight insomnia. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane have diuretic and choleretic properties, and also help to strengthen the immune system. St. John's wort has served as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, and antidepressant for many centuries. Yarrow and horsetail have a metabolism-improving effect, have a diuretic property. The centaury herb has been used for centuries as a remedy for the aversion to alcohol. Flax seed has also long helped to fight alcohol addiction and contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Herbal components of dietary supplements "Pari Evalar", reviews of which are mainlygrateful, allow you to improve the condition after taking alcohol or drugs, and also reduce cravings for the use of these substances. This is what many of those who have used the drug for the treatment of addiction say about it.

Vitamin C and glycine
The herbal preparation "Pari Evalar" in its composition contains active substances that are not herbal products - these are ascorbic acid and glycine. Ascorbic acid is essential for human immunity, playing an important role in redox and metabolic processes. This is a powerful antioxidant that protects the organs and tissues of the human body from various damages, including atypical cells.
Glycine is an amino acid, but due to its composition (it is an atypical amino acid) it has a nootropic effect on the body. Glycine affects the higher mental functions of the brain responsible for mental activity, learning ability, memory development. These funds in the composition of dietary supplements "Pari Evalar" complement herbal ingredients, allowing this tool to be popular in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. Also, the drug helps a person to deal with the effects of alcohol and drugs. Biologically active food supplement Pari Evalar is known in the pharmaceutical market of foreign countries.

No matter how good the drug is, no matter how active its components, but today medicine cannot cure drug addictsor alcoholism without the strong desire of the person himself to get rid of this serious problem and fix his life.
Take care of yourself and be he althy!