From an early age, many parents teach their children to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle. Eating at least three times a day should save you from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits should enrich the body with useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and walking in the fresh air will definitely save brain cells from oxygen starvation and increase hemoglobin. The recipe for a happy life is simple.
But, sadly, modern ecology, vegetables and fruits “stuffed” with all sorts of fertilizers, do not always benefit. Low immunity, fatigue, apathy are often associated with quality of life.

If frequently ill people turn to a specialist with he alth complaints, he will certainly prescribe vitamins to boost immunity. One of the favorites is Bion 3.
Instructions for use
It is worth remembering that "Bion 3" is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. Its direct purpose:

- restoration of intestinal microflora duringtime of taking antibiotics;
- prevention and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract associated with stress, quality of life;
- increased immunity, beriberi, anemia.
Depending on the form of release, this remedy is great for both adults and children from four years old. The children's form has smaller tablets and a balanced set of vitamins and minerals according to age.
The only contraindication to "Bion 3" is sensitivity to the components of the drug. Patients allergic to B vitamins should consult a doctor.
Special cast
After visiting the attending physician, coming to the pharmacy, many fall into a stupor when they hear the price. But there are reasons for this.
In addition to a complex of vitamins and microelements, Bion contains three types of bacteria that improve intestinal function, and a specially produced enteric-coated tablet delivers a live culture into the intestinal lumen without being affected by gastric juice.
In addition, the tablet itself has a specific structure: three layers. The first layer is vitamins; the second - minerals and microelements; the third is probioculture. The substances contained in each layer are released gradually, which also gives an additional plus. Thus, the absorption of vitamins and minerals is much higher than when taking regular vitamins.

And no matter how good the drug is, not everyone can get it. Respectively,you need to buy a cheaper analogue of "Bion 3" to start treatment. After all, despite the price policy of medicines, diseases will not disappear by themselves.
"Bion 3": analogues
It is worth noting that this dietary supplement has no complete analogues on the pharmaceutical market. There are preparations containing only bacteria or only vitamins. Therefore, if the price of Bion 3 does not suit you, you should consider buying two drugs or consult your doctor and ask for something more economical.
In addition, it is worth considering for which disease "Bion 3" was prescribed. Cheap analogues should contain vitamins and minerals if it is beriberi or anemia. Or a complex of probiotics to restore microflora, if this is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
As mentioned earlier, "Bion 3" has no analogues in composition, but with the help of specialists you can find the most similar option.
For the normal functioning of the immune system and the liver, the body requires bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The body's resistance to colds and viruses directly depends on their quantity. Dysbacteriosis entails not only a disorder of the stool, but also the assimilation of food.
Bifido- and lactobacilli play an important role in a woman's body. Their deficiency affects the microflora of the vagina, causing inflammation. To avoid such problems, gynecologists advise periodically drinking probiotics to those women who often suffer from such problems.

Analogues similar in composition of bacteria to Bion 3: Bifiform, Biovestin, Linex, Normolakt. Each of the above preparations contains from two to four types of bacteria.
Bifiform and Linex
What do these medicines have in common? Release form. Both Bifiform and Linex are produced in capsules. On this, in principle, their similarity ends.

Linex is a probiotic consisting of three types of lyophilized lactic acid bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Enterococcus faecium. Once in the intestine, they interact with the flora in a certain part of it. This composition allows you to maintain the "correct" intestinal flora and participate in the processes of fermentation and metabolism. Thanks to the easily separable capsule, it can be used both in adulthood and in newborns. Produced in Slovenia.

"Bifiform" is an eubiotic consisting of two types of bacteria: Enterococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium longum. The drug is used to restore the microflora in diarrhea, as well as an aid to maintain the functioning of the intestines, the immune system. Enteric capsules allow you to enter a live bacterial culture into the intestinal lumen. It can be used in pediatrics, for children from two years old. Produced in Denmark.
"Biovestin" and "Normobact"
Foreign preparations containing bacterial cultures similar to Bion 3 have a rather high price compared totheir domestic "comrades". Closer to Bion 3 are Russian counterparts, such as Biovestin and Normobakt.
Both drugs dissolve in a small amount of liquid before taking: water, juice. This method makes it possible to correctly select doses even for the smallest patients.
"Biovestin" is a probiotic containing live bacteria Bifidobacterium adolescentis MC-42. This type of bacteria is characterized by good resistance to various pathogenic microorganisms. Its main advantage is its rapid growth. Use:
- with dysbacteriosis;
- intestinal dysfunction;
- pre- and postpartum;
- during hormone treatment or chemotherapy;
- gynecology;
- stress, eating disorders, allergies.
Course of treatment - from two weeks to three months.
"Normobact" is a complex preparation containing both bacteria and the environment for their development. It includes Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium BB-12 and fructooligosaccharides. "Normobact" contains the largest number of bacteria among similar drugs, about 4 billion.
Allowed for children from six months and adults. Depending on the age of the patient, one to three packets are needed per day. The duration of treatment is ten to fourteen days. It is worth remembering that if the cause of the intestinal disorder is an infection, after the diarrhea stops, Normobact is taken for at least another three to five days.
In addition to bacteria, Bion 3 contains vitamins of group B, fat-soluble A, E, D3, vitamin C,folic acid, nicotinamide, biotin, pantothenic acid and trace elements (chromium, zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, iodine).
It is worth remembering that replacing the tablets "Bion 3", the analogue of the drug must have no less expanded composition. You can purchase vitamins of a domestic manufacturer: "Complevit", "Alphabet Classic", "Selmevit".
Each of these vitamin complexes has an affordable price (starting from 120 rubles), as well as high-quality well-digestible components.
Consumers say
According to buyers who used Bion 3, analogues of this drug have different properties. Most often, a positive result was noted after the use of dietary supplements.
Pros according to consumers:
- improvement of the gastrointestinal tract during the first week of admission;
- elimination of intestinal dysfunction, as well as dysbacteriosis;
- improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails after the course "Bion 3";
- increase in the supporting function of the immune system in people with strong physical and emotional stress;
- positive effect on women's he alth.
But there were also cases of negative experience of consumption of "Bion 3":
- severe allergic rash;
- indigestion.
To buy or not to buy?
Many try "Bion 3". Reviews analogues of the drug receive completely different. Trying to save money, the patient spends more money on medicines, because he has to take not one remedy, but two: vitamins and a probiotic to restore microflora.

Packing "Bion 3" is much cheaper. It is enough for a course - 30 days, and in addition, you need to take only one tablet per day. But if you still decide to save money by buying a cheaper drug, you should consult a specialist.
The attending physician prescribes a course of treatment, always based on the individual indicators of each patient, as well as the results of the examination (blood tests, urine tests). Based on this, the doctor selects the drug that best meets the needs of the patient at this moment.