Dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) have firmly entered our lives. They are not a cure and cannot cure a disease. Their main task is to restore, saturate the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Sports women actively use dietary supplements. Especially if they are involved in professional sports or bodybuilding.
Women who are used to spending their free time in the gym know about the Maxler Vita Women vitamin complex. Reviews about it can be read in this article. According to the manufacturers, this dietary supplement is a unique vitamin complex designed specifically for women. It is designed with the needs of the female body in mind. Ideal for ladies who work out in the gym. The peculiarity of the dietary supplement is that it is allowed to be taken at any age.

The complex helps to deal with stressful situations, has a beneficial effect onbrain activity. The main advantage of the supplement is that it acts as a powerful energy drink, eliminates lethargy, apathy, loss of vitality. The complex is balanced. It contains important vitamins and minerals. One tablet contains the optimal amount of nutrients.
Experts remind that nutritional supplements do not harm the body, but you should not place high hopes on them. Sometimes they can do harm if the dietary supplement turns out to be a fake. At best, such a nutritional supplement does not bring the claimed effect. A good result can be obtained if you combine the intake of a vitamin complex and a balanced diet, as well as include physical exercises in the recovery of the body. Remember that dietary supplements help to eliminate functional disorders, but they are not able to fix the result for a long time. It depends on the woman. If you continue to take care of your physical and mental he alth, then taking supplements will only be a recommendation.
Sports nutrition for women is balanced, so taking additional vitamin complexes is not necessary.
Maxler Vita Women should be taken twice daily with meals. The course is one month. Then you should take a break for two weeks and return to taking the supplement if necessary. Remember that hypervitaminosis is more dangerous than vitamin deficiency in the body.

The vitamin complex from the German manufacturer Maxler Vita Women (reviews about it at the end of the article) affects the bodysystemically. It improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, helps to better absorb nutrients, as well as sports nutrition and protein products. The dietary supplement restores the body's strength, promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and a set of muscle mass.
The composition of the complex slows down the aging process of cells. It is recommended for admission not only to athletes, but also to women who are faced with pathological hair loss, brittle nails, and severe exhaustion. Dietary supplement is able to restore the body after psychological and physical stress. The product is recommended to be used as a prevention of various diseases. The manufacturer guarantees the result after taking Vita Women Maxler. How to take the complex correctly is indicated in the instructions and on the package.

Complex of vitamins and minerals for women Maxler Vita Women must be drunk carefully, strictly following the recommendations of the manufacturers. The dosage of the drug is calculated for the athlete. Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle are better off with simpler supplements. It is allowed to take this dietary supplement with high-calorie foods, proteins, sports nutrition. If the complex is used correctly, then there will be no side effects. Uncontrolled intake leads to serious problems: dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, insomnia, nausea, headache, skin rashes, menstrual irregularities, weakness, irritability. However, everything goes away if you stop taking the pills.

What it consists of
Maxler Vita Women has a completely balanced composition. All vitamins and minerals perfectly complement each other. In dietary supplements, in addition to minerals and vitamins, there are special components that have a positive effect on the reproductive system of a woman.
- The manufacturer included digestive enzymes and fatty acids, as well as Chinese angelica (strengthens sexual functions, protects the heart muscle, normalizes the intestinal microflora, cleanses the skin, has an antioxidant effect).
- Substance L-Glutathione is involved in respiratory processes, synthesizes growth hormones, affects the formation of muscle mass.
- Citrus bioflavonoids slow down the aging of the body; lutein has a beneficial effect on vision.
- Choline (B4) normalizes the rhythm of the heart, calms the nervous system, normalizes blood sugar levels.
- Inositol (B8) has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, regulates the functioning of all body systems.
- It also contains red clover. It acts as an antioxidant.

The Maxler Vita Women complex (reviews below) includes all the trace elements necessary for life (iodine, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese and others). There are vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, D, E, K, berry extracts. Present in the composition and other ingredients that enhance the effects of vitamins and minerals.
Sport nutrition for women supplemented with nutritionalsupplements, returns lost strength, energy, tones the body. The Maxler Vita Women complex does not belong to the category of cheap dietary supplements. Along with others, more famous and affordable, it loses in price. The dietary supplement is sold in the pharmacy chain, specialized stores (sports nutrition), as well as on the Internet. The cost varies. For example, a complex of 60 tablets costs from 529 to 890 rubles. Packing 120 tablets - 1390 rubles. Tablets are pink, oblong in shape. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions.

Maxler Vita Women has mostly positive reviews. Women note that after a course of treatment, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. Dietary supplements are recommended for use during menopause. It is in adulthood that complex support of the body is required. A good and balanced composition, German quality, quick effect are the undoubted advantages of a food supplement. This dietary supplement is recommended by nutritionists. It is able to regulate appetite and reduce weight without exhausting the body.
Despite the absence of a therapeutic effect, after taking it, the state of he alth improves and efficiency appears. Women confirm that after a week of use, energy appears, the hair becomes shiny, and the skin acquires a he althy tone. The disadvantages of Maxler Vita Women include the high price and size of the tablets. In addition, the nutritional supplement is designed for sports women. For those who are physically unprepared, it is better to choose a lighter preparation.