Nature very prudently gave a person everything necessary for a full and rich life. Vitamin D is also one of nature's gifts. His role cannot be overestimated, not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

What is the vitamin useful for?
It is thanks to this valuable vitamin that the following processes occur in our body:
- Maintain he althy bones and teeth with magnesium and calcium absorption.
- Evolution and growth at the cellular level. This item reduces the risk of cancer, affects the condition of the intestines and maintains the skin in good condition.
- Spurring up the body's defense systems.
- Insulin synthesis.
Signs of deficiency
Signs of vitamin D deficiency are most common among patients over 50 years of age. Usually these are those who spend little time on the street, being mostly indoors. Namely, sunlight provides the production of vitamin D.

At risk for vitamin D deficiency are alsowomen during pregnancy and lactation, residents of remote northern regions, where the climate does not allow the body to produce enough vitamins. Therefore, in such situations, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of a vitamin with medication. It should be noted that it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor, since hypovitaminosis is also a serious disease.
What is the risk of overabundance?
An excess of vitamin D can cause an excessive accumulation of calcium, which will lead to malfunctions of the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver and other internal organs and systems. Symptoms of a vitamin D overdose are vomiting, extreme thirst, loss of appetite, and unreasonable weight loss. The mood may change and skin peeling may begin. There are a lot of multivitamin complexes, which include vitamin D. However, to achieve the best result, it is better to use specialized vitamin preparations. One of these tools is called "Ultra D". Reviews abound.
Form and composition
The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with a pleasant fruity taste. Tablets are conveniently stamped for those cases when they need to be divided into several doses. Available without a prescription, sold in pharmacies and online stores.

The main active ingredient of Ultra D vitamins is cholecalciferol. This is a biologically active component that belongs to the group of fat-soluble. Vitamin D promotes the distribution of calcium from the stomach tovarious fabrics. Vitamin deficiency leads to a decrease in the level of phosphates and calcium in the body.
Vitamin D has a significant impact on a woman's reproductive function. This is due to the fact that vitamin-like receptors are also present in the organs of the female reproductive system. It is a proven fact that in women without vitamin D deficiency, eggs are fertilized more often. IVF results are also better if the woman's body does not lack this vitamin (most likely due to its effect on the endometrium). The price of "Ultra D" will be presented below.
For women with a history of PCOS, the drug will help thicken and strengthen the endometrium. Also, the drug helps to correct weight gain in connection with the above diagnosis.
Positive dynamics when taking "Ultra D", according to reviews, is observed in women with irregular menstrual cycles. In adult women, those who take vitamin D have a slightly higher chance of conceiving a child than those who are deficient. The need for it increases in women during menopause, since in case of deficiency there is a risk of osteoporosis. It has been scientifically proven that if the expectant mother takes vitamin D, the risk of developing obstructive diseases in the child is significantly reduced.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis against the background of taking "Ultra D", according to reviews, look like this:
- Vomiting.
- Nausea.
- Increased calcium levels.
- Muscle pain.
- Headaches.
- Increasedheartbeat.
- Weakness.
- Loss of appetite.
As indicated by the "Ultra D" instructions for use, such symptoms are a sign of exceeding the normal dosage of the drug. In case of exact implementation of the recommendations prescribed by the doctor, side effects are excluded. In addition, the tablets contain a sweetener, the use of which in abnormally large doses has a laxative effect.
The dosage regimen of Ultra D vitamins is determined by the doctor, taking into account the examination and tests. Sometimes the daily dose may not correspond to that prescribed in the instructions. However, taking more pills than prescribed by the doctor is strictly not recommended. To determine the maximum daily dosage of the drug, the specialist needs to familiarize himself with the patient's diet in order to assess how much vitamin D is ingested with food.
You can not combine the intake of vitamins D3 "Ultra D" with other drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes, which include cholecalciferol.
Absolute contraindications for taking the drug are:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Intolerance to the components of the drug. This confirms the "Ultra D" instructions for use.

Use the drug with caution in the following diseases:
- Kidney dysfunction.
- Urolithiasis.
- Hypovitaminosis or high levels of calcium in the blood.
- Malabsorption.
If you have one of the above pathologies, you should definitely consult a specialist before taking Ultra D.
Special Instructions
The doctor deals with the determination of the daily dose of vitamin individually, it depends on the results of laboratory tests, so the dosage may be different from that indicated in the instructions. Also, the dose is prescribed taking into account the amount of vitamin supplied with food. At the same time, it is not recommended to use other vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin D3, as this is fraught with hypervitaminosis. If there is impaired renal function, then the drug should be used with caution, after consulting a doctor. "Ultra D" contains a sweetener. May have a laxative effect when taken in excess.

There are quite a few reviews of "Ultra D" on the Internet. However, those that can be found are positive. Some of these vitamins help to get rid of the problem of hair loss, for someone they have become an indispensable tool to compensate for calcium deficiency. Everyone agrees that the drug is actually effective and really helps to fill the lack of vitamin D.
Price and analogues
What is the price of "Ultra D"? This is the moment that buyers attribute to the disadvantages of the drug. Its cost is quite high - about 750 rubles per pack. The next disadvantage is the absence in many pharmacies. Some have gone to great lengths to find it in their city.
EatDoes "Ultra D" have analogues? Yes, they include:
- "Aquadetrim".
- "Vigantol".
- "Videin 3".
- "Vitamin D3".
- "Cholecalciferocaps".
- "Cholecalciferol".