Energy stimulating drinks have been in demand at all times: in the Middle East - coffee, in China, India - tea, in America - mate, in Africa - cola nuts, in the Far East - lemongrass, ginseng, aralia. Stronger drinks in Asia - ephedra, in South America - coca.
Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz after a visit to Asia came up with the idea to create a drink that competes with Pepsi. And then the inspiring Red Bull appeared on the market. Similar product companies responded by releasing their own variants: the fiery Burn, the Adrenaline Rush drink and others.

Today, energy drinks with various flavors are very popular in all countries. The wide production of tonic drinks started in 1984, and now they are available in any bar, club, on the territory of the sports ground.
Ingredients of the drink
Energy drink "Adrenali Rush"is a combination of tonic components: stimulants, vitamins, flavors, dyes. The opinions of experts about the benefits of energy drinks are different. Some treat them like soda, others warn of addiction, addiction and harm.
Drink "Adrenaline Rush" contains sucrose, glucose (a substance formed during the breakdown of starches and disaccharides). In all energy drinks there is a well-known psychostimulant - caffeine, which relieves fatigue, speeds up the pulse and performance. The stimulant has an overshoot limit and lasts only three hours, but it takes much longer to clear.

Main ingredients in Adrenaline Rush:
- caffeine is the basis of energy, providing a tonic and invigorating effect;
- mate - an analogue of caffeine, only its effectiveness is lower;
- L-carnitine, glucuronolactone, found in ordinary food, in energy drinks exceed the norm limit by several times;
- melatonin - present in the body, responsible for sleep and wakefulness;
- ginseng, guarana - natural CNS stimulants, useful in microdoses, and in the volumes offered in the drink, have an unpredictable effect;
- theobromine - a tonic, a stimulant present in chocolate, is toxic in its natural form, but undergoes special processing for energy;
- taurine - an amino acid that activates the nervous system involved in metabolism;
- inositol - a type of alcohol;
- phenylalanine - flavor;
- vitamin B- useful, available in other products;
- vitamin D - synthesized in the body on its own;
- sucrose, glucose - universal energy providers for the body;
- preservatives, flavors, regulators are integral components of any modern product.
Operation principle
Drink "Adrenaline Rush" was created to stimulate the nervous system, reduce fatigue, activate mental activity, but only for a period of 6 to 8 hours. The main tonic effect is caused by amino acids and caffeine, which can be achieved with the use of natural remedies. Each of the ingredients of the drink is useful, but in the aggregate and in the proposed dosage, their effect is questionable.

Analysis of the components shows that the contents of energy drinks are not distinguished by outstanding properties. The principle of the drink is to squeeze the forces out of the body for a limited time, after which they will need to be restored. A glass of natural stimulant drink brings the same effect, except for the influence of chemical additives. Therefore, comparing the harm and benefits of the Adrenaline drink, we can conclude that it has nothing to do with a he althy lifestyle.
Facts "For"
According to some buyers, an energy drink will be a lifesaver when needed to cheer up.
Isotonics, unlike energy tonics, are suitable for people involved in sports.
Carbonated drink speeds upthe effect of active substances in it compared to the usual.
Energy drinks differ in composition: some contain more caffeine and are suitable for people with a nocturnal lifestyle, others are higher in carbohydrates, so athletes and workaholics choose them.
Convenient packaging allows you to use energy tonic on the go and in any circumstances.
Side effects
Regular use of the Adrenaline Rush drink has a direct effect on a person's sleep: stable insomnia develops, and the sleep that comes is pathological. Nightmares may occur, external stimuli are strongly influenced, and waking up brings a feeling of fatigue.

The mood under the influence of the drink changes towards instability: suspiciousness, irritability, aggressiveness, excessive anger appear. The surrounding reality seems colorless to a person, loses its meaning.
Sinus tachycardia, heart failure, high blood pressure, indigestion should be attributed to the defeat at the organic level.
If the intervals between energy drinks are reduced, there is a risk of overdose. Her symptoms: nervousness, insomnia, heart rhythm disturbances.
If the intake of caffeine in the body does not stop, the consequences are: pain in the abdomen and muscles, destruction of the central nervous system. 10 to 15 grams of caffeine, equivalent to 150 cups of coffee, is lethal.

Drink harm
Whenregular use of the Adrenaline Rush drink, the harm from it is obvious and is observed in the following:
- increased risk of diabetes;
- disturbance of CNS functions, mental disorders;
- depression, apathy, overexcitation, insomnia;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, heartburn);
- failure in the activity of the heart;
- increased likelihood of developing gastrointestinal pathologies;
- decrease in libido;
- risk of anaphylaxis, epilepsy, thrombosis;
- decrease in working capacity, cognitive abilities;
- high calorie content, which contributes to weight gain.
Known deaths: in 2001 in Sweden, when mixing an energy tonic with vodka; in 2000, when an athlete consumed three cans of energy tonic at the same time.
Unfortunately, according to modern research, the Adrenaline Rush energy drink, like others like it, is highly addictive. And for some people, this addiction is equated to alcohol or drugs.

In Norway, Denmark, France, drinks are available only in pharmacies and are considered dietary supplements. In Russia, the presence of more than two tonic components in the product is prohibited, and mandatory indications of restrictions on the bank have been introduced. "Adrenaline" is forbidden to sell at school.
First Aid
In case of an overdose of energy drinks, you must immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, you need to give the victim 2liters of warm water and induce vomiting, and then give him 12 tablets of activated charcoal. To neutralize the effects of caffeine, you should drink green tea or milk. Foods enriched with magnesium (avocado, cabbage) will benefit.
In the hospital, the victim will be given a gastric lavage and a drip. The goal of treatment is to detoxify and relieve the nervous system.
It is not recommended to use energy drinks in excess of 0.5 liters. You can not use energy drinks, including the Adrenaline Rush drink, after physical exertion.

It is contraindicated to mix the energy drink with coffee, tea, alcohol, as the consequences for the body are not excluded.
Energy drinks are absolutely contraindicated for teenagers and people over 50, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases.
Diseases in which Adrenaline Rush is harmful:
- thrombophilia;
- kidney disease;
- gastrointestinal problems;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hypertension;
- insomnia;
- glaucoma;
- impaired circulation of the brain;
- CNS diseases.
In countries-consumers of the drink, there is no propaganda about its harm, and the norm is not regulated by anything. It should be noted that in Europe and the USA the number of types of energy drinks significantly exceeds that in the CIS. The consumer should remember that the drink is not a source of strength - on the contrary, it depletes the body, provoking an unevenenergy production, for which you will have to pay sooner or later.