Capsules for weight loss "Beelayt": how to take, composition, reviews

Capsules for weight loss "Beelayt": how to take, composition, reviews
Capsules for weight loss "Beelayt": how to take, composition, reviews

With the advent of spring, most women remember that it would be nice to lose weight so that they can put on a beautiful dress. But not everyone wants to stick to a diet, calculate calories and go to the gym. Therefore, the search for a magic pill begins again and again. Today, in almost every pharmacy you can find Beelight slimming capsules. Let's find out what they are and whether to believe the advertisement.

bilayt for weight loss responses
bilayt for weight loss responses

Credit of trust

Chinese slimming capsules have long lost their popularity. People understand that the lost weight will return anyway, but the damage done to he alth will remain with you forever. But Beelight slimming capsules are sold in pharmacies, that is, theoretically, this product is certified, which means it is harmless to he alth.

I would like itbelieve. But, unfortunately, the capsules go on sale not as a drug, but as a dietary supplement. That is, there are simply no mandatory checks regarding the compliance of the declared composition with reality, as well as the amount of the active substance. As indicated by the manufacturer, it will appear in the instructions. That is, it is impossible to say that Beelight slimming capsules are effective and safe.

bilayt capsules for weight loss price
bilayt capsules for weight loss price

Declared composition

Let's take a look at what the manufacturer has included in their miracle capsules. And the most interesting thing is how this composition helps to reduce excess weight. Slimming capsules "Beelayt" are positioned as a completely natural remedy, which contains only herbal ingredients:

  • Hawthorn fruits. Berries are very useful for the body. They strengthen the cardiovascular system and contain many vitamins. But what does weight loss have to do with it is not entirely clear.
  • Tinder fungus. The extract of this parasitic plant activates the liver and helps it process fats. This is partly true, but for this, fats must pass from a solid to a liquid state. As long as they are located on your sides in the form of a subcutaneous layer, they are completely safe. And for their extraction, one condition must be met. It's an energy deficit. There are two ways to organize it: eat less or move more.
  • The inner shell of a chicken stomach. How it can help to lose weight, even the manufacturers did not explain. In general, in folk medicine, it is used fortreatment of diarrhea.
  • Coconut poria is another tinder fungus. Has a diuretic effect.
  • Discorea rhizome is a diuretic and cholagogue.

The list ends here. The manufacturer claims that this is enough to lose 5 kg per week. And without side effects. This is the whole composition. "Beelayt" for weight loss, according to the instructions, can be taken in long courses. It won't harm your he alth. That is, the manufacturer claims that you can take capsules exactly until the arrow on the scale shows the desired numbers.

bilayt capsules for weight loss original
bilayt capsules for weight loss original


Before taking, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions. Slimming capsules "Beelayt" are indicated for use to reduce volume and weight, as well as normalize metabolism. They can be taken in violation of metabolic processes, especially fat. Judging by the instructions, disorders of the motor function of the intestine can be corrected in this way.

What do the reviews say

This article could have ended. We are all different. Moreover, we are distinguished not only by gender and age, but also by the state of he alth, and the number of extra pounds, and the reason for their appearance. Hence the completely different opinions. "Beelight" for weight loss is just another brand in the relevant market among hundreds of its own kind. Without taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, it is impossible for everyone to prescribe one drug. For one it will work, and for another it will only get worse.

Buteverything would be clear here if the drug did not help anyone. But on thematic forums you can find quite a lot of positive feedback. "Beelight" for weight loss is used quite widely, which in itself is attractive for beginners on this path. Due to what such an effect is ensured, because there is not a single fat-burning component in the composition? In any case, if you take into account the declared ingredients.

bilayt capsules for weight loss instruction
bilayt capsules for weight loss instruction

Ratio of effectiveness and composition

The manufacturer of Beelight claims that this is a highly effective dietary supplement that can help you achieve an ideal figure in a short time. But at the same time, there are no references to studies that would substantiate this information. It turns out a curious thing: in the composition of the drug there is nothing that could break down and burn fat. However, in most cases, it still works, causing bewilderment among experts in the field of nutrition. Perhaps there are other components in the composition that are simply not indicated in the instructions? The answer to this question must be sought in laboratories. But let's study the experience of those who have already taken this drug.

bilayt capsules for weight loss how to take
bilayt capsules for weight loss how to take


According to those who have already taken "Beelayt", the first 2-3 days of admission pass as usual. Scheduled meals and capsules, and with the exception of more frequent trips to the toilet, no effect. Diuretic components were indicated in the composition, so there is nothing surprising in this.

About the third daymost people begin to notice the change. The feeling of hunger disappears almost completely, but the whole day is tormented by a strong thirst. There is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, and to this is added tinnitus, tachycardia, headache or dizziness. Often there is a strange insomnia. A person who is tired during the day cannot fall asleep, although such problems were not observed before.

How do nutritionists comment on such phenomena? Many believe that history is repeating itself with the famous Chinese Lida capsules. The instructions contain only herbal ingredients, but in fact - all the symptoms of taking sibutramine. Yes, it is used to correct obesity, but only in exceptional cases and under medical supervision. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is in the composition of the Beelight drug, but the description of side effects makes this fact very likely.

bilayt for weight loss composition
bilayt for weight loss composition

Information from the manufacturer

How do they explain that a safe, over-the-counter herbal remedy has such serious side effects? The official website has a simple and accessible explanation. To really lose weight and not experience unpleasant consequences for the body, you need to buy the original. Beelight slimming capsules are counterfeited, so you can easily buy a box with a popular name and unknown contents. That is, you need to pay attention to the watermarks and certificates that the seller should have.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Price can serve as a guideline. Capsules forweight loss "Beelayt" do not belong to the most affordable drugs. The cost of one package is 2200-3000 rubles. It contains 90 capsules, which is enough for 1 month if you take 3 capsules a day. A fake can cost much less. But price is not always an indicator. Just so that the buyer does not suspect anything, the price can be raised to the level of the original. Therefore, carefully inspect the packaging:

  • It should have the original hologram on it.
  • The instruction must be written without errors, in Russian.
  • The original product has an expiration date written in small print, but on a fake product, on the contrary, it is very large.
  • Inside the package there must be a branded tape and a table for comparing mass and volume.
  • bilight manufacturer
    bilight manufacturer

How to take

Capsule for weight loss "Beelayt" is recommended to drink courses. Each of them should not exceed 1.5 months. After that, you need to take a break for 3 weeks and, if necessary, continue. The first three days you need to drink one capsule 30 minutes before breakfast. During this time, the body has time to get used to the supplement and the dosage can be increased to two capsules per day. On the eighth day, it is recommended to enter the third capsule. Now the drug is taken before each meal. If, when increasing the daily dosage, you feel dizzy or tachycardic, then you need to go back to taking the capsule per day.

But back to the reviews. Many people note that even taking two capsules a day, they experienced the strongestdiscomfort. Dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, numbness in the hands, tremors, and insomnia are just a few of the side effects. And only the minimum dosage (1 capsule), and then taken every other day, is usually well tolerated. Again, this calls into question the herbal nature of the drug.

Instead of a conclusion

If your body mass index is less than 25, then it is strongly not recommended to resort to the help of capsules. This is easily corrected by reducing the caloric content of the diet. The other extreme is when the body mass index is above 30. In this case, specialist advice and appropriate treatment is required. Those who fall into this gap can resort to the help of the drug "Beelayt". Do not forget to consult with your doctor beforehand and inform him of all chronic diseases.

Capsules "Beelight" in some cases really help to lose weight. But they have a lot of side effects. Therefore, you need to think carefully whether the result is worth it.
