Energy in a pharmacy: review, composition, application, effect on the body, photo

Energy in a pharmacy: review, composition, application, effect on the body, photo
Energy in a pharmacy: review, composition, application, effect on the body, photo

In order to cheer up, you can drink not only coffee. Nature has created more useful and effective means that can increase the body's defenses and performance. You can make your own tinctures of tonic plants or buy an energy drink at a pharmacy.

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Natural energy drinks are adptogens. Adaptogens are substances that can have a general tonic effect on the body, increase its resistance to great physical exertion, with sudden changes in climate, hypoxia. Adaptogens help the body adapt to unexpected or negative environmental factors.

The use of energy drinks from a pharmacy will prevent the occurrence of colds during weather changes during the day, will be useful for people who play sports, as they perfectly support the body, increase its endurance, stimulate the central nervous system, protect the body from negative external factors.

KThe group of adaptogens includes preparations based on mummy, deer antlers, Chinese magnolia vine, aralia, leuzea, eleutherococcus, ginseng. These funds should not be taken if a person has an increased excitability of the National Assembly, insomnia, high blood pressure, and violations of the heart. Not recommended for use in hot weather. To prevent addiction to adaptogens, it is necessary to periodically replace drugs.

It is important to consider that adaptogens should be taken in the morning, as they can disrupt sleep patterns.

Efficiency from the use of natural energy will be achieved only if the indicated dosages are observed, all contraindications are taken into account. It must be remembered that you can take any adaptogen for no longer than a month.

Use herbal energy from a pharmacy as a course, it is advisable to consult a doctor first, as they have some contraindications (for example, kidney disease, low or high blood pressure, infectious diseases, high fever, pregnancy).

In general, adaptogens of plant origin practically do not provoke negative manifestations, and if they occur, they are symptomatic and quickly pass. However, one should not assume that naturally occurring adaptogens are completely safe.

So, what kind of energy drinks can you buy in a pharmacy?


Preparations based on ginseng can have a tonic effect on the body, stimulate metabolicprocesses, prevent the occurrence of fatigue, general weakness, exhaustion, can increase performance.

energy drink in a pharmacy
energy drink in a pharmacy

In China, there is an opinion that ginseng has seven beneficial properties: good for the skin, digestion, lungs, strengthens the body, relieves fatigue, quenches thirst, calms the nerves, has a positive effect on the heart. The drug is produced in several forms: tablets, capsules, powder, tinctures. The average cost of a package is 35 rubles.

Ginseng tincture should be taken 3 times a day, 25 drops maximum, which are first added to the solution with a small amount of soda. The course can last up to 15 days.

What other natural energy drinks can you find in a pharmacy?

Eleutherococcus extract

Indications for its use are the same as for preparations based on ginseng. At the same time, Eleutherococcus has a stronger anti-stress, antihypoxic, radioprotective, antitoxic effect. It is often used in sports medicine as a restorative and tonic agent for overwork, strong physical exertion.

The average cost of a bottle of Eleutherococcus extract ranges from 43 rubles.

It is recommended to take the drug half an hour before taking a meal, 5 ml maximum, the duration of the course is up to 3 weeks. It is recommended to take the remedy in the morning.

energy in the pharmacy list
energy in the pharmacy list

Chinese lemongrass

This adaptogen is produced in the form of tablets, powder, tinctures. You can alsouse its dry fruits for adding to tea, preparing a decoction. Lemongrass is a kind of biostimulant that can tone up the central nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and increase resistance to oxygen starvation. The drug is often used to activate metabolic processes in order to speed up the recovery of the body after heavy physical exertion, with overtraining, overwork, to increase efficiency. Lemongrass should not be used if a person has hypertension, insomnia, nervous overexcitation. The average cost of lemongrass tincture is approximately 76 rubles.

It is recommended to take it no longer than a month 3 times a day in an amount of 30 drops maximum.

Natural energy drinks are sold without a prescription in pharmacies.

Manchurian aralia

Preparations based on this plant, according to the type of their effect, belong to the group of ginseng preparations. The tool is often used as a tonic for mental and physical stress, during periods of recovery after training, as a prophylactic drug for asthenic conditions, overwork. The manufacturer produces the product in tablet form and as a tincture.

The average cost of a pack of tablets is 175 rubles, and a bottle of tincture is about 50 rubles.

Take the tincture for 3 weeks 2 times a day in the amount of 40 drops (maximum). Tablets should be taken for 3 weeks twice at 50 mg. In both cases, it is recommended to take the remedy in the morning.

Rhodiola rosea (golden root)

Drugs based on Rhodiola rosea are available in the form of alcoholic extracts. Against the background of their use, the processes of recovery in the central nervous system are optimized, hearing and vision improve, the adaptive abilities of the body to the effects of extreme factors increase, and efficiency increases.

The course of therapy with Rhodiola rosea extract lasts up to 2 months. It is recommended to take once in the morning 40 drops of the drug, no more.

natural energy in the pharmacy
natural energy in the pharmacy

What else is on the list of pharmacy energy drinks?

Lust high

Tinctures made on the basis of the roots and rhizomes of high lure have low toxicity. In terms of its psycho-energizing effect, the drug is inferior to ginseng and other means of the adaptogen group. It is recommended for use in case of asthenia, fatigue of peripheral muscles, physical determinism against the background of heavy loads.

The average cost of a bottle of tincture is approximately 55 rubles. It should be taken three times a day, 40 drops each.

Leuzea sofloroides (maral root)

Leuzea-based preparations are available in the form of alcoholic extracts. They use it as a stimulant that can increase performance during mental and physical overwork.

The average cost of one bottle of levzenia tincture is 100 rubles. It is recommended to take the remedy 2 or 3 times a day for 30 drops.

energy pills in pharmacy
energy pills in pharmacy

Sterculia platanophylla

A product is produced in the form of an alcohol tincture made on the basis of the leaves of the plant. There are no potent substances in its composition, and therefore the drug has a more gentle psychostimulating effect in comparison with other means of the ginseng group. Sterculia tincture is recommended for use after suffering diseases of an infectious nature, with a decrease in muscle tone, general weakness, asthenia, bad mood, headache, overwork, lethargy.

The average cost of the drug is 80 rubles. It should be taken for a month 3 times a day, 10-40 drops, best taken in the morning.

Can you find energy tablets in the pharmacy?


The drug is produced by the manufacturer in tablet form, injectable, and also in the form of an alcohol-based extract. A remedy is made on the basis of deer antlers, it can have a tonic effect in case of hypotension, myocardial overstrain, neurasthenic conditions, asthenia, overwork.

This energy drink tablet from a pharmacy can be used to speed up recovery processes and prevent the development of adverse disorders with increased loads.

natural energy in the pharmacy
natural energy in the pharmacy

The average cost of the drug is 300 rubles. It should be taken in a course of up to 3 weeks, 2 times a day, before meals, 2 tablets or 40 drops.

The listed adaptogens are the most affordable natural energy drinks with virtually no negative effects andcontraindications.

Here is a list of energy drinks in tablets from a pharmacy:

  • Vitus Energy. These are pills that increase efficiency, give vigor and energy. Contains taurine, guarana extract, caffeine, inositol, succinic acid, vitamin B1, B6 and cyanocobalamin.
  • "Duovit Energy". Increases the tone in the body. Contains extract from ginseng root, vitamins, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acids, zinc and copper sulfate.
  • Vitrum Energy. It is a multivitamin complex that raises the tone of the body.
  • "Vitamin Alphabet Energy". Designed for people whose body is depleted.
  • in the pharmacy list
    in the pharmacy list
  • "Dynamizan". It is a tonic for the body. The composition contains vitamins, glutamine, calcium, magnesium, arginine, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc and ginseng extract.
