Modern residents of large and small cities are increasingly thinking about a he althy lifestyle and a balanced diet. However, scientists have long found out that today it is far from always possible to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals that contribute to a he althy and harmonious life. With the growing interest in useful trace elements, many began to study their positive effect on the body. Omega-3 is known for its participation in the growth of the child's body and its beneficial effect on the functions of all systems in the adult body. Where are polyunsaturated fatty acids found, what is their effect and effect on the human body, and which of the Omega 3 Forte manufacturers is more suitable for normalizing the level of this important compound?

Properties of Omega-3
Experimentally found that a daily intake of 2-3 grams of fish oil, rich in Omega-3, reduces the level of "bad fats", the excess of which adversely affects he althhuman.
In addition, Omega-3 contributes to the stimulation of a large number of functions of the human body.
Main properties of Omega-3:
- by lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, the work of the entire cardiovascular system is normalized, the risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced, the blood circulation process is accelerated;
- Omega-3 group of fatty acids slows down the aging process in the body, tones the skin and improves the condition of the skin and internal organs, protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
- normalizes the condition of joints, ligaments and tendons, reduces inflammatory reactions and slows down their destruction;
- stimulates sexual function, maintains the normal functioning of the genital organs and the production of hormones;
- strengthens the immune system.

Where is Omega-3 found?
Foods containing Omega-3:
- Fatty fish. To stock up on omega-3, which is not synthesized in the body on its own, it is best to include fresh or canned fish in your diet. This includes tuna, sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel and others. If you eat at least 2 times a week fatty or bold fish, you can prevent the development of many cardiovascular and skin diseases.
- Whole or crushed flax seeds and linseed oil. These products can be bought at the supermarket, ground seeds or oil can be added to salads and other dishes. The main advantage of flax is that it is a simple dietary any dish that does not require cooking. In addition to useful Omega-3, seeds also contain fiber. The daily value is a teaspoon of crushed seeds.
- Walnuts. Also, everyone's favorite product, which will easily provide the body with the necessary fatty acids of the Omega-3 group and substances that accelerate mental activity and memory. The daily norm is from 5 to 10 nuts.
- Sesame oil, spinach, broccoli, melon, beans, cauliflower and many other simple vegetables and fruits contain Omega-3s. By making a balanced diet from these products, you will significantly increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids in your body.

Complete nutrition in conditions of constant stress and increased loads is necessary. Our body does not have time to cope with such pressure and begins to use additional resources in the fight against negative or uncomfortable environmental conditions. Today, everyone is well aware that the presence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity directly depends on our diet. A huge role is played by food containing Omega-3. Compensating for the lack of all the necessary substances, we improve the quality of our lives.
Many doctors, based on clinical studies and their own positive experience, recommend taking specially designed vitamin and mineral complexes:
- According to the instructions for "Omega 3 Forte" from the company "Doppelhertz", the composition of the drug includes fish oil and excipients. The drug isan additional source of Omega-3, significantly affects human he alth and daily well-being.
- "O-mega 3 Forte" Norwegian Fish Oil. This is a preparation that, in addition to Omega-3, contains vitamin E, which has significant antioxidant properties and reduces the formation of carcinogens.

Indications for use
Doppelhertz Omega 3 Forte is not a drug and can be used as a dietary supplement as directed by a physician. The effect of the drug on the body will be due to the natural and effective composition. The active substance is fish oil, which is an additional source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

"Omega 3 Forte" is a recommended drug to maintain the level of essential beneficial compounds in the body, however, before starting use, it is necessary to clarify the duration of the course and dosage with a specialist. The usual dosage for an adult is 2 capsules daily with or after meals for 1-2 months. If you find it difficult to swallow the capsule, you can add the contents to food by simply pricking it.
Norwegian's Omega 3 Forte is a supplement with vitamin E. It should be used on the advice of a doctor. Additional elements in the form of tocopherol and vitamin E can benefit the body, but can also harm, it all depends on individual needs.

Composition and properties
In general, both drugs are similar in composition and properties, but for each individual consumer may be of their own interest.
Both drugs affect the human body as follows:
- heals the skin, nourishing it and giving it a he althy glow;
- increase the tone of muscles and internal organs;
- accelerate metabolism, removing toxins from the body;
- have antioxidant properties;
- energize and combat chronic fatigue syndrome;
- reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
- have a positive effect on the reproductive system.
It is important to remember that dietary supplements do not replace good nutrition, but only supplement it. Before using the drug or its analogue, you should consult with your doctor and determine the needs of your body.
Component Properties
Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the preparation "Omega-3 Forte" help to reduce cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, increase vascular elasticity, lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent lipid metabolism disorders, reduce the risk of blood clots, prevent inflammation in arthritis and rheumatism, maintaining the functions of the nervous system and organs of vision.
"Omega 3 Forte" is not recommended for use in the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerancedrug components. Although this remedy is available in pharmacies without a prescription, you should pay attention to the fact that its irresponsible use can lead to negative side effects.
Omega 3 Forte Norwegian and Doppelherz are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, except in some cases, which are best agreed with your doctor.