How to drink vitamins: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

How to drink vitamins: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews
How to drink vitamins: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

The question of choosing a vitamin complex, the method of administration and benefits, is very relevant today. A variety of vitamin supplements, presented on pharmacy shelves, is an easy way to compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But when and how to drink vitamins, so as not to harm your he alth? To get the most out of the multi-colored pills, you need to understand some of the nuances of taking them.

The importance of vitamins in the human body

Vitamins and minerals play a significant role in the life of every person. Their tasks include:

  • Maintaining normal metabolism.
  • They are responsible for physical activity.
  • Strengthening the protective properties of immunity.
  • Speed up recovery from past illnesses.
  • Improve appearance: clean and velvety skin, strong and he althy nails, silky and bouncy hair.
Vitamins in capsules
Vitamins in capsules

However, with all the above pluses, an excess of vitamins in the body leads to an imbalance.

An excess of vitamin C leads to allergic rashes, adversely affects the functioning of the stomach and contributes to the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, oversaturation with this trace element interferes with the absorption of magnesium and vitamin B6.

Vitamin D overdose is the road to constant nausea, brittle and brittle bones and regular headaches.

Excessive content of retinol (vitamin A) in the body initiates severe headaches and signs of intestinal infection, which are accompanied by nausea.

The conclusion that suggests itself: drinking vitamins as you please is harmful. For admission, you need good reasons, among which, first of all, the appointment of the attending physician. The doctor, judging by the analyzes, will determine the lack of vitamins, as well as their overabundance and select an individual solution. He will also tell you which vitamins to drink for a woman and which ones are suitable for men.

Optimal time to take vitamins

Time to take vitamins
Time to take vitamins

According to statistics, the lack of vitamins and minerals lies in the malnutrition of most people. However, no matter how much you want to, it is impossible to extract all the necessary nutrients from the plate. Vitamin-mineral complexes are designed to come to the rescue and fill the gap.

The timing of taking vitamins is of great importance. This depends on the degree of benefit received. It is advisable to drink vitamins as indicated in the instructions provided.

Certain vitamins are drunk on an empty stomach for much better absorption, some with food orafter a meal.


The best time in this case is after sleep. The rule for taking vitamins on an empty stomach is to take them 30 minutes before breakfast.

Breakfast Reception

Some types of vitamins and minerals are best taken with food. For example, magnesium consumed at the same time with food reduces the risk of sudden diarrhea. And the simultaneous intake of iron during lunch will protect against gastrointestinal upset.

Vitamins for breakfast
Vitamins for breakfast

It is known that most vitamins are recommended to be consumed during the morning meal. For example:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • multivitamin complexes.

Morning time is convenient, because there is no need to remember during the day: when to take vitamins and how many more pills to take. Studies have shown that B vitamins taken with breakfast are converted into energy throughout the day.

A nuance that may arise is the incompatibility of vitamins. It is impossible to combine calcium and a complex with iron in one dose. Because calcium is able to absorb iron. Therefore, if a multivitamin complex with iron is taken in the morning, then it is better to transfer calcium gluconate to another time.

Assimilation of iron is promoted by vitamin C. Therefore, the combination of these two trace elements, on the contrary, will be useful.

What vitamins to drink after dinner?

Not everyone manages to take vitamins forbreakfast. In this case, lunch time becomes the best option for taking vitamins of groups B, E and C, and other complexes. An important rule - for the best assimilation, you need to eat food and drink vitamins at the same time, no matter what their functions are.

Vitamins for lunch
Vitamins for lunch

Compatibility of vitamins and minerals: together or separately?

Having de alt with time, the unresolved question remains whether it is possible to drink vitamins all together or is it better to use them separately. There are a number of rules, following which, you can increase the benefits of taking mineral complexes.

Vitamin complex
Vitamin complex

It is a well-known fact that vitamins have a great influence on the assimilation of each other, both good and negative. For example, retinol (vitamin A) is easier to digest and brings more benefits in combination with B vitamins, as well as E and D. And the enhanced result from the latter is formed in the addition of calcium, zinc and phosphorus.

Vitamin C contributes to the favorable absorption of B vitamins. Meanwhile, the former is better absorbed when taken together with calcium and magnesium.

Sunshine vitamin D is ideally combined with vitamin A, C, calcium and phosphorus.

The intake of a large dose of minerals with other trace elements provokes rivalry, and the ability of the latter to assimilate is suppressed.

As mentioned above, calcium is most often consumed in maximum dosages. As a result, calcium intake must be postponed, separately excludingcombination with other multivitamins and minerals. Modern vitamin-mineral complexes include a moderate amount of calcium in one tablet, for example, with iron. Due to this, the assimilation of the latter is not affected in any way. In the case when you need to take calcium in increased doses, it is advisable to split the intake of vitamins into two times.

The dosages of magnesium and zinc can also be increased. Therefore, these two elements should be taken separately from other vitamins.

Long-term intake of zinc, as a rule, the course is up to 2.5 months, removes copper from the body. In this regard, in order to avoid a lack of copper, it is useful to connect the intake of a vitamin complex with the content of this metal.

Some vitamins can increase the absorption of nutrients from other supplements or foods. For example, vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from foods consumed.

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K are best absorbed with a simultaneous intake of food that contains he althy fats. For example, with fish.

Otherwise, some of the supplements on this list interfere with the absorption of other fat-soluble substances. For example, the absorption of vitamin K is blocked by as much as 50%, while vitamin A is not affected in any way in this competitive struggle. To maximize the benefit of supplementation in this case, it is recommended to take vitamins K, E and D separately from other fat-soluble mineral complexes.

Judging by the reviews, balanced vitamin-mineral complexesare the most effective and safe to use, as adverse reactions and overdose are practically excluded.

Combination with drugs

Everyone taking vitamins should be aware that absorption is greatly affected by certain medications. The interaction of vitamins with products from a certain group can provoke the appearance of side effects.

It is forbidden to use coagulants (blood thinners) and vitamins E and K at the same time.

Combining antibiotics or cholesterol-lowering drugs with vitamin A (retinol) can cause he alth problems.

Acetylsalicylic acid flushes out vitamins B, C and A, as well as calcium and potassium from the body.

Assimilation of vitamins B12, A, E, D is powerfully affected by sleeping pills, which also lower the level of calcium in the body.

Laxatives significantly inhibit the work of vitamins E, A and D.

To avoid the problems described above, it is better to ask your doctor in advance about what vitamins you should drink without disagreeing with your treatment.

Effect of foods on vitamins

natural vitamins
natural vitamins

Hot drinks have a negative effect on the entire body. As for mineral complexes, vitamin A is destroyed, potassium, calcium and B vitamins are excreted.

Nicotine addiction reduces selenium, destroys vitamin C, A and E.

Daily dose of caffeine is notgives a chance for the assimilation of B vitamins and nicotinic acid. Additionally, but slightly reduces calcium and iron levels.

Indications and contraindications

Vitamin-mineral complexes are indicated in the following cases:

  • lack of one or another component that was identified during the analysis;
  • replenishment of microelements in the body after injuries or surgery (calcium after fractures, iron after blood loss);
  • in combination with drug therapy (potassium for heart problems, vitamin C for colds, B vitamins for pathologies of the nervous system);


  • hypervitaminosis;
  • the presence of diseases in an acute form, in which some substances can only worsen the condition;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Admission rules

Reception of mineral complexes is inevitable in the case when the body is not able to get them from food, is depleted and lacks nutrients. What vitamins should be taken? Only those prescribed by a doctor.

Dosage of vitamins
Dosage of vitamins

A balanced complex selected by a doctor and a competent reception protect the body during the season of colds, and gives strength for full functioning.

The release form is both tableted and liquid. There are two types of vitamins:

  • food supplement;
  • vitamins for treatment.

As a rule, the second type is prescribed by a doctor in highdosages. However, the supplement also requires the advice and control of a specialist.

The complex is canceled when allergic reactions occur, such as:

  • redness on the skin;
  • itch;
  • rash.

To increase the absorption of vitamins after meals, food should be of natural origin and good quality.

To get the desired benefits, vitamin intake should be regular and preferably at the same time. Drink a moderate amount of clean, warm non-carbonated water. The answer to the question of how much to drink vitamins is determined individually.

Important! Exceeding the dosage indicated in the instructions can be dangerous.

According to doctors, the ideal vitamin complex does not exist. A customized solution based on the results of laboratory tests is the best option that can bring maximum benefit to the person.
