Aleran pills never stop being discussed on the Internet. Most of the reviews about the product are positive, which makes many people think about whether to try drinking a course of this drug. The problem of hair loss is relevant for many people today. Moreover, both women and men suffer from alopecia equally. It is difficult to determine the cause of the pathology. One of the many factors can lead to increased hair loss. Often there are multiple reasons for this condition. Bad ecology, stress, overwork, unbalanced diet, thyroid disease, genetics are just some of the factors predisposing to hair loss.
Domestic manufacturer "Vertex" knows how to easily cope with hair loss, strengthen curls and make them he althy. Medical cosmetics of the Alerana series is a whole range of products, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the hair, their active growth and reduction of hair loss. Notthe last place in the line is occupied by a vitamin-mineral complex in tablets.
About the manufacturer

Looking through the reviews about Alerana tablets, you can often find positive comments about the Vertex company. This is a St. Petersburg manufacturer that has been operating since 1999. It is worth saying that the company's products are known in Russia on the positive side. And this applies not only to the Alerana series of medical cosmetics, Vertex is also engaged in the production of products used in gynecology, psychiatry, neurology, allergology, dermatology and some other branches of medicine. The company has its own pharmaceutical plant, where it produces the developed products.
General information about the vitamin-mineral complex of the Alerana series
About Aleran tablets, the reviews would not be so good if the drug was ineffective. The vitamin-mineral complex has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of hair, eyelashes, nails and skin, but also on the body as a whole. Like any other product produced by Vertex, the tablets have been clinically tested, during which their effectiveness has been confirmed.
Pills are coated with a special shell, some of them are white, the other is maroon. Since the vitamin-mineral complex was developed according to the dual formula "day-night", the shades make it possible to distinguish between them. The drug is produced in a cardboard box, which contains 3 blisters. There are 60 tablets in total, which is enough for a month.course.
Rich composition of Alerana vitamins

The complex is designed so that one tablet "works" during the day, and the other - at night. Depending on this, the composition of Alerana tablets is different. Why was it necessary to divide them in this way? During the planning period for the launch of the vitamin-mineral complex, a lot of research was carried out, which made it possible to identify some features. For example, the factor of compatibility of components among themselves. This contributed to the division of active substances and auxiliary components into daytime and evening intake. The technique contributes to the fact that at the right time a person receives the necessary amount of trace elements.
Formula "day" is a white tablet. They consist of the following substances:
- beta-carotene;
- thiamine;
- iron;
- magnesium;
- folic acid;
- alpha-tocopherol;
- selenium;
- ascorbic acid.
Formula "night" - these are maroon tablets "Alerana" for hair. They have a richer composition:
- cystine;
- riboflavin;
- chrome;
- pyridoxine;
- D-pantothenate;
- silicon;
- cyanocobalamin;
- zinc;
- para-aminobenzoic acid;
- silicon;
- biotin;
- cholecalciferol.
Substances such as potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate are used as auxiliary componentsand a special cover. It is important to know about the presence of these substances in order to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of them.
Indications for use

If the hair began to look worse, then they lack vitamins and minerals. The Alerana complex is recommended in the following cases:
- split ends;
- dandruff;
- increased hair loss;
- slow growth;
- early gray hair;
- androgenic and alopecia areata;
- dry or oily seborrhea;
- poor microcirculation in the scalp;
- prevention of hair loss and other conditions;
- lack of hair thickness.
As can be seen from the reviews, Alerana hair tablets are recommended by many girls. But the vitamin-mineral complex can be used not only for loss. It helps to cope with many other conditions that occur not only in women, but also in men. Like any other multivitamin preparation, Alerana is recommended for hypovitaminosis of various etiologies. Pathology is expressed in depression, sudden mood swings, digestive disorders, decreased tone and the occurrence of dermatological diseases. It is important that only a doctor can determine the presence or absence of such a condition as hypovitaminosis after a series of additional tests. The results of these studies will determine the deficiency or excess of certain substances.
Dosage and course duration

Detailed information on how, when and how much to take the drug can be found in the instructions for Alerana tablets. Vitamin-mineral complex must be taken daily 2 times a day. The white pill should be taken in the morning, the maroon one at bedtime. The drug is recommended to be taken after meals. So the tablets are better absorbed by the body. Drink with a glass of plain water. The duration of the course of treatment is a month. It is not recommended to stop it earlier.
If no improvement is noted after the allotted time, it is possible to increase the duration of therapy up to 3 months, but after consulting a doctor. There is a mandatory break between courses.
During the year, up to 3 treatment or preventive courses are allowed. In one package of the vitamin-mineral complex "Alerana" 60 pcs. tablets. Customer reviews say that if there are no special problems with hair, it is better to take a course 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. The vitamin-mineral complex can also be taken as a preventive measure to prevent the development of beriberi and strengthen the hair. At the same time, it is important to prevent hypervitaminosis. At the first symptoms, the course should be discontinued.
Only one of the two formulas can be used. This is usually done in cases where there is an intolerance to one or more components.
Contraindications and adverse events
Alerana hair treatment pills banned:
- people whose age isunder 14 or over 60;
- patients with mitral stenosis;
- those who have individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- people suffering from hormone-dependent tumors;
- patients with secondary pulmonary hypertension.
Very rarely an allergic reaction is possible. It is characterized by the appearance of a rash, the occurrence of urticaria, swelling or rhinitis. There is a digestive upset, which is associated with exposure to active components, in particular zinc.
It is extremely rare that more serious pathologies occur. For example, decreased visual acuity, headaches, dizziness. Dermatological pathologies such as thinning of the skin and pigmentation of body hair appear. All this is mentioned in the reviews. Alerana hair loss pills are generally safe, and these symptoms are rare, so you should not be afraid of them.
The effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex

The Alerana tablets contain important elements that help the body function properly. When all processes go right, a person feels great, looks he althy and happy. This is manifested not only in the condition of the hair, but also in the skin. Therefore, if the cause of hair loss lies in the lack of one or more elements, vitamins will be effective. And this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Tablets "Alerana" from hair loss will not help if some acute condition has led to this condition.or a chronic illness. First you need to eliminate the cause, and only then restore the hair.
If hair loss is associated with a pathology such as alopecia, to achieve the best result, the issue should be approached comprehensively. In such cases, topical preparations are additionally used: sprays, shampoos, masks. An integrated approach is not only more effective, but also helps to cope with the problem in a shorter period of time.
If we talk specifically about how effective this vitamin-mineral complex is, then you should contact the manufacturer. "Vertex" claims that the drug helps to cope with hair loss and increase the density of hair in 70% of cases or more. This is a really good result, which not all manufacturers can achieve.
The words of the manufacturer are confirmed by numerous reviews. Tablets against hair loss "Alerana" helped even in cases where it seemed that nothing could stop the development of alopecia. As you know, this disease is often found in men. And here is such an interesting fact that will interest many representatives of the stronger sex: men under the age of 40, including those who have been trying to cope with baldness for more than 10 years, thanks to the Alerana drug, have achieved impressive results, completely restoring the scalp.
Vitamin-mineral complex is effective against gray hair. The components in its composition prevent the aging of the skin and hair, start regeneration processes. And this is an important aspect forthe state of the whole organism and each of its systems separately.
The effect of taking Aleran tablets can be enhanced. It's very easy to do this:
- be sure to take vitamins after meals and drink plenty of water;
- revise your diet to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eliminate unhe althy foods (or reduce them to a minimum);
- keep active;
- be less nervous, take sedatives if necessary;
- choose the right hair cosmetics depending on their type and needs.
Medical cosmetics of the Alerana series, which consists of shampoos, balms, sprays, serums, tonics and masks, also has a lot of positive reviews. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to choose one or more hair care products from this line for yourself.
Worthy analogues

For some reason, you may need to choose a different vitamin-mineral complex. For example, if there is intolerance to any components in Alerana. Or the price is too expensive. The cost of the drug, by the way, is about 500-700 rubles. However, analogues of Alerana in tablets are not much cheaper. In general, a vitamin-mineral complex, if it is really good and effective, will not be cheap. For example, Perfectil received good reviews. It also belongs to the group of multivitamins and is prescribed for various diseases of the skin and hair,associated with nutritional deficiencies. "Perfectil" is produced in England, and the price for it varies within the same range - 500-700 rubles.
The special dragee "Merz" will cost a little more. This is a German-made product, which also has good reviews. The price for it can reach 1000 rubles. In the range of 1300-1700 rubles is "Pantovigar". It is designed specifically to eliminate hair loss. This is a popular and well-reviewed German-made vitamin-mineral complex.
Alerana tablets: customer reviews
Of course, comments are not only positive, but also negative or neutral. Some people write that they are not enthusiastic about the drug, but there is an effect from its use, and it pleases. If we consider the negative reviews, it is difficult to determine why Alerana did not help. If the effect is seen in most people, then the lack of results in a minority is most likely due to a different cause of hair loss than a lack of vitamins.
Customer reviews say that the drug not only helped stop hair loss, but also contributed to their growth. The curls become soft, shiny, in a word - alive. However, there is such an unpleasant moment as increased hair growth on other parts of the body. In men, it is usually on the back, and in women - on the nasolabial triangle. This is a kind of side effect that is rare, but occurs.
Another unpleasant moment is the withdrawal syndrome. Buyers write about this in many reviews. That is, some time afterstart taking the pills, their good effectiveness is noticeable, but when the course ends, the amount of hair falling out becomes the same.
Alerana tablets for hair: expert reviews

Perhaps the best indicator of doctors' confidence in this drug is the frequency of its prescribing. "Alerana" is recommended to patients by many specialists in the field of trichology and dermatology. The fact that they bought the drug precisely on the recommendation of the attending physician is written by the buyers themselves. However, reviews of the trichologists and dermatologists themselves were not found on the Internet.
"Alerana" is a high-quality drug of domestic production, which in a relatively short time managed to earn the love of most users. Some women and men were so impressed with the effect of taking it that even without problems with hair, they continue to drink vitamins in a course 2 times a year. It should be said that this is one of the few dietary supplements that have such a huge amount of positive feedback. "Alerana" for hair growth in tablets is a drug that deserves the attention of people struggling with various hair problems.