In the treatment of many chronic diseases, as well as for the prevention of infections, vitamin-mineral complexes are often used. They increase the body's defenses and speed up recovery. One of the most popular of these drugs is the drug "Triovit". The instructions for use describe it as an effective antioxidant complex agent used during times of increased need for vitamins in adults and children from 15 years of age.
General characteristics of the drug
"Triovit" is a complex vitamin preparation. The manufacturer is the well-known pharmaceutical company KRKA. The drug is produced in the form of capsules. They are hard, gelatinous, reddish in color. The drug is intended for oral administration. The name "Triovit" describes the features of its composition - it is a complex of 3 vitamins A, E and C. This drug can be easily bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Its price is only 200-250 rubles, so it is available to everyone.
In addition, there is a second version of the drug - "Triovit Cardio". This is a vitamin complex with a slightly different composition. It contains three B vitamins: pyridoxinehydrochloride, folic acid and cyanocobalamin. Therefore, this version of the drug is intended for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

What is included in it
The drug "Triovit" is a complex of fat-soluble vitamins and trace element selenium. Each capsule contains 10 mg of vitamin A, 40 mg of vitamin E and 100 mg of ascorbic acid. In addition, Triovita contains a yeast complex with selenium. Auxiliary components are mainly the shell of the capsule and do not have a significant effect on the body.
This composition is optimal for the vitamin-mineral complex, as these components complement and enhance each other's action. It is in this combination that these microelements effectively show their antioxidant effect. And thanks to him, there is a healing effect on the body.
Fat-soluble vitamins A and E prevent lipoprotein oxidation and improve blood composition. Ascorbic acid protects tocopherol from destruction, accelerates regeneration processes. These vitamins show their activity at the cellular level, preventing the formation of free radicals and their damage to cell membranes. This effect is provided by the complex effect of all four components of the drug.
Features of action
Vitamins "Triovit" are a complex preparation. It has an antioxidant effect, protecting the body from the effects of free radicals. The main purpose of the drug- increase the body's immunity and resistance against infectious diseases. But "Triovit" also reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancerous tumors, cataracts.
The drug, due to the presence of vitamins A and E, improves the condition of the skin and hair, slows down aging, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It normalizes sleep, removes anxiety and irritability, improves mood and performance.
Due to the presence of vitamin C, the drug improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents platelets from sticking together, and reduces the amount of cholesterol. And selenium protects cells from damage and normalizes metabolic processes. The drug "Triovit" has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunostimulating and tonic effect.

Indications for use
Any vitamin-mineral complexes make up for the lack of necessary trace elements in the body. They are prescribed for beriberi, frequent colds, with an increased need for vitamins and minerals. Such funds increase the body's defenses and serve to prevent diseases. For the same purposes, the drug "Triovit" is used. Indications for its use are:
- unbalanced diet, frequent consumption of junk food, coffee, fast food;
- fasting, long-term dieting;
- selenium deficiency in the body;
- frequent colds;
- presence of bad habits;
- living in an ecologicallydisadvantaged place;
- work in hazardous production, exposure or regular inhalation of harmful gases;
- prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
- period of intense mental activity;
- increased physical activity;
- stress situations;
- old age;
- period of intensive growth in adolescents.
Be sure to read the instructions before taking any medicine. After all, there are conditions in which it is undesirable to take additional vitamins. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, it is especially necessary to take this into account before taking the Triovit drug. Contraindications for its use are:
- Children under 12;
- excess in the body of vitamins A or E;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects
These drugs are generally well tolerated by patients. If vitamins are taken taking into account contraindications and in compliance with the dosage, no side effects are observed. But people do not always accept Triovit according to all the rules. Side effects in such cases may be:
- itching, peeling skin;
- urticaria, rash;
- contact dermatitis;
- palpitations;
- shortness of breath;
- in very rare cases, there is bronchospasm.
If you do not complythe rules for taking the drug, which are set out in the instructions, may cause nausea, pain and heaviness in the abdomen or vomiting. This usually happens when taking the capsule on an empty stomach.
When taking the drug "Triovit" instructions for use should definitely be studied. Only when following the recommendations for taking this drug is well tolerated by patients. If you take it with hypervitaminosis or exceed the recommended dose, overdose symptoms may appear. Most often, such negative reactions occur with hypervitaminosis of vitamins E and A. This can also happen when taking more than 15 capsules of the drug per day. In this case, the patient has the following symptoms:
- nausea, vomiting;
- increased blood pressure;
- yellowing of skin and nails;
- shortness of breath;
- headaches;
- liver dysfunction.
If such phenomena are observed, you need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. With hypervitaminosis, there is no special antidote, gastric lavage is performed and adsorbents are prescribed.

"Triovit": instructions for use
It is recommended that you use this medication only with your doctor's prescription. After passing the tests, it is determined which microelements are lacking in the body. To prevent hypervitaminosis, Triovit vitamins are used only if indicated. The doctor determines the need for the drug and the desired dosage.
Instructions for use to "Triovit"recommends using it only from the age of fifteen. But sometimes the drug is prescribed to children at 12 and even at 10 years old. The dosage of the drug does not change, it is the same at any age and for any state of he alth. Capsules "Triovit" should be taken 1 piece in the morning with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to drink them on an empty stomach, it is best - during breakfast or after it. The duration of taking the drug varies and is 1-2 months, depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

Special instructions for use
During childbearing do not prescribe vitamins "Triovit". They do not contain all the microelements necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, so doctors select other drugs for women. In addition, a high dosage of active ingredients can cause allergic reactions. And since vitamins penetrate into breast milk, the drug should be taken with caution when breastfeeding.
Sometimes when taking "Triovit" patients notice that their urine has become bright yellow. This is a normal process of excretion of active substances through the kidneys. This condition does not require discontinuation of the drug. In rare cases, slight skin discoloration may also occur.
Triovit contains no sugar. This allows the use of the drug for the treatment of patients with diabetes. And the optimal composition, the presence of vitamins A, E and C makes the drug effective in mastopathy. Women in this case are often prescribed"Triovit". It normalizes the hormonal background, reduces soreness of the mammary glands and prevents tissue growth. Reception "Triovit" will protect a woman from the risk of a malignant tumor. But in this case, you need to take it 1 capsule 2 times a day for 8 weeks.
Interaction with other drugs
Vitamins "Triovit" should not be taken simultaneously with other vitamin complexes, especially those containing vitamins A or E. This threatens to overdose.
If the patient needs to take adsorbents or antacids, then it is necessary that 3-4 hours pass between taking them, otherwise the effectiveness of "Triovit" will be reduced.

Analogues of the drug "Triovit"
It is not always necessary to replenish the amount of only vitamins A and E with beriberi. Most often, preparations containing more components are needed. In such cases, analogues of "Triovit" are prescribed. There are a lot of them on sale, you can buy them without a prescription, but it's best not to choose a remedy for treatment yourself. Only a doctor can determine which drug is needed in each case. The following remedies may be prescribed:
- "Antioxycaps" is closest to "Triovit", as it contains only three vitamins, but no selenium.
- In addition, you can use as a substitute for "Triovit" drug "Aevit", which is an oil extract of vitamins A and E.
- "Dekamevit" also containsvitamins E, A, C, it does not contain selenium, but there are vitamins P, PP and B.
- "Complivit" is a complex containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for he alth.
- "Duovit" contains, in addition to vitamins A, E and C, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, lipoic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, nicotinamide and calcium.
- "Vitrum" is a multivitamin preparation containing, in addition to a large number of different vitamins, also 17 minerals.
In addition, there are a large number of multivitamin complex preparations: Aerovit, Vitamult, Hexavit, Decamevit, Multitabs, Neuromultivit, Pentavit, Revit, Undevit and others. But there are no structural analogues containing, like Triovit, only three vitamins and selenium. Therefore, when choosing a drug to increase immunity, you should be guided by the recommendations of a doctor.

"Triovit": reviews
This drug is well tolerated by patients and appreciated by physicians. Everyone likes its low price, efficiency and availability in every pharmacy. Patients who were recommended "Triovit" leave mostly positive reviews. Many note that they noticed an improvement in the condition of the hair - they stopped falling out, dry skin disappeared, complexion improved. But mostly positive changes are observed in the general state of he alth. In humans after a course of drug usesleep improves, mood improves, efficiency increases.