Which drug contains chromium?

Which drug contains chromium?
Which drug contains chromium?

Preparations that contain chromium have an anorexic effect on the body, that is, they significantly reduce appetite. In addition, an increase in metabolic processes is carried out, which does not contribute to the accumulation of body fat. Chromium has a number of positive effects on the body:

  1. Normalize insulin production.
  2. Provides preventive action against diseases that are provoked by an increase in cholesterol.
  3. Normalizes libido.
  4. Eliminates depression.

What drugs contain chromium and how they work, see below.

The effect of chromium on the body

This substance is considered a vital ingredient. Its maximum daily dosage should not exceed 150 mcg. Persons who are hard to digest carbohydrates need this chemical element, since only this substance improves metabolic processes.

Pharmacy preparations containing chromium help glucose enter cells. In case of deficiency of this component, an increase in cholesterol and sugar occurs. The patient may experience apathy, as well as migraine,overweight and the risk of diabetes. Excessive amounts of chromium are also toxic and can cause significant damage to he alth.

the drug contains chromium
the drug contains chromium

Normally, this component regulates glucose in the body. And also chromium performs a wound healing function, improves metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, as well as the heart.

Excess weight loss occurs only with normal lipid metabolism. If it is not possible to provide it in the body, then the probability of losing weight is zero. In such a situation, drugs containing chromium for weight loss are prescribed.

For weight loss

This method of eliminating extra pounds is good to use only for those patients who are provoked by obesity:

  • overeating;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • a constant desire to eat.
what drugs contain chromium
what drugs contain chromium

It is these signs that are considered a "bell" that there is not enough chromium in the body. In addition, if the patient suffers from apathy and is depressed, this may also be due to a deficiency of this substance.

What other positive effects does chromium have

The component has the following effect on the body:

  1. Ensures the normal functioning of lipid metabolism.
  2. Stabilizes blood sugar.
  3. Promotes the conversion of glucose to glycogen, thereby reducing fat accumulation.
  4. Can partially replace iodine, in case of deficiencywhich causes damage to the endocrine system, which is fraught with obesity.
  5. Cleanses the liver of toxins and helps cleanse the body.
medicines containing chromium
medicines containing chromium

The use of drugs containing chromium is considered an additional and temporary method. They reduce appetite, but doctors say that this is only effective while taking the medicine.


In addition, certain signs should be noted:

  1. The symptom of insufficiency appears when there is a deficiency in the intake of chromium in the body: a feeling of anxiety, reduced ability to work, and high cholesterol levels.
  2. The symptom of intoxication develops when taking very high dosages of medicines. There are skin rashes, insufficiency of the functioning of the liver and kidneys, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

Drug List

You can find the following list of drugs containing chromium in the pharmacy:

  1. "Turboslim Chromium Picolinate".
  2. "Solgar Chromium Picolinate".
  3. "Vitrum Centuri".
  4. "Carnitine Plus Chromium".

Before taking medication, you should consult a medical professional. To achieve your goal, that is, to lose weight, you need to accustom yourself to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle. Dosing higher than recommended is prohibited.

How chromium "works" when overweight

the drug contains chromium
the drug contains chromium

Sufficientthe amount of this substance plays a major role in weight loss. Moderate consumption of chromium supplements and certain foods will make it so that the need for sweets will disappear, only if it is not a psychological addiction.

Chromium is very necessary when losing weight, as it facilitates the transport of glucose inside the cell: it is easier for the substance to get through the membrane. Plus, the component irritates cellular nerve endings, prompting insulin to interact more intensively with glucose.

With the help of this, the physiological need for insulin is reduced in the body and other nutritional needs are formed. Chrome performs the following processes:

  1. Controls the amount of bad and good cholesterol.
  2. Affects the state of the endocrine gland, which affects metabolism and is important for weight loss.
  3. Regulates protein metabolism.
  4. Helps remove heavy metals.
  5. Improves physical endurance.
  6. Increases muscle growth.

Turboslim Chromium Picolinate

The drug contains chromium, each capsule has an optimal concentration, making up for its deficiency in the body and helps:

  1. Reduce cravings for sweets and starchy foods.
  2. Keeping blood sugar normal.
  3. Reduce hunger.

Chromium is considered a vital substance that plays a huge role in the human body. The action of the component is associated with its participation in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and, above all, with the maintenance of stable tolerance toglucose.

According to the instructions for use, chromium is known to enhance the effects of insulin. It contributes to maintaining the normal sensitivity of the nerve endings of tissues to insulin. Chromium affects the permeability of cell membranes for glucose. With the help of this, the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels occurs, it helps to adhere to proper nutrition.

With age, the concentration of chromium in the human body, unlike other components, progressively decreases. At the same time, the amount of chromium in food products is minimal. The concentration of this component is reduced due to increased purification of products before consumption.

Thus, in the processing of grain to obtain white flour, almost eighty percent of chromium is lost. Ninety-eight percent of the chromium is gone from brown sugar, after being converted into white sand. The intake of large amounts of carbohydrates also leads to its deficiency.

Decreased levels of chromium in the body provoke a sharp variation in the concentration of sugar in the blood and can cause a persistent increase in its level. Deficiency symptoms include irritability as well as memory difficulties and extreme thirst. Normally, a person should receive up to 250 micrograms of this substance per day with food. What other drugs containing chromium are available in the pharmacy?

Solgar Chromium Picolinate

preparations containing chromium list
preparations containing chromium list

The dietary supplement comes in the form of capsules. One package contains ninety, one hundred twenty or one hundred and eighty pieces. A drugtaken orally, washed down with water. It is best to start taking the medicine in the morning.

One capsule contains 200 or 500 micrograms of chromium, depending on the supplement. It is necessary to take from 1 to 3 pieces per day. You can buy a biological supplement through the Internet or by visiting a pharmacy. The cost of the drug depends on the number of capsules in a jar.

When using "Solgar Chromium Picolinate", you should follow the recommendations of medical specialists and do not exceed the concentration of the drug indicated by them. With a significant increase in dose, poisoning is possible.

Adverse reactions can be quite noticeable and harmful. It must be understood that an excess of chromium is as bad for human he alth as its deficiency. Before starting therapy, the doctor must warn the patient that the substance is toxic if taken uncontrolled.

Vitrum Centuri

preparations containing chromium for weight loss
preparations containing chromium for weight loss

This is a multivitamin that contains all the mineral components in the structure in dosages needed for people over fifty. The drug contains chromium, so it improves resistance to diseases that are common at this age, as well as physical and mental performance. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of cancer and heart disease, prevents premature aging.

With long-term use in high concentrations, you may experience:

  1. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
  2. Increased plasma calcium concentrationblood.
  3. Sensitivity disorder characterized by sudden onset of burning sensation and goosebumps.
  4. A condition in which the level of uric acid in the blood exceeds the limits.
  5. A symptom that indicates an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood compared to the norm.
  6. Kidney dysfunction.
  7. Dry skin.
  8. Seborrheic rash.
  9. Hair loss.

It is necessary to use the medication with extreme caution in case of liver and kidney damage, as well as diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. The drug is not recommended for use in conjunction with other multivitamin complexes, as poisoning is possible.

Carnitine Plus Chromium

preparations containing chromium in a pharmacy list
preparations containing chromium in a pharmacy list

A dietary supplement should be used for the general he alth improvement of the body or in the following situations:

  1. For the purpose of regular weight control.
  2. For weight loss.
  3. To maintain the normal functioning of the body during increased physical or motor stress.
  4. To increase stamina.
  5. Accelerated recovery of muscle tissue after intense sports.
  6. Increased muscle in athletes.
  7. Improve the performance of the autoimmune system.

Levocarnitine, which is part of the drug, refers to the natural amino acids that are present in the body. It is involved in the oxidation of fatty acids, as well asin their further transportation for further conversion into energy.

"Carnitine Plus Chromium" is specially made for this purpose. The drug contains chromium, so when using a dietary supplement, metabolic processes are maintained at the proper level, as well as a general strengthening spectrum of action.

In tablet form, the daily dose is one to two pieces. The use is carried out in the process of eating. If it is necessary to repeat the treatment, the time interval must be observed: the "rest" from the drug varies from 15 to 30 days.

Capsule: One to two capsules, with meals. Before repeating the therapy, a gap of two to four weeks is maintained.

In liquid form: the prepared dosage is diluted with clean water. For men, one serving is 15 milliliters, for women - 10 ml. The finished drink is used during the day or thirty minutes before training.


It is important to note that the simultaneous use of chromium and carnitine is ideal for dealing with excess weight. The use of dietary supplements with it provides a rapid improvement in shape and stabilization of body weight.

At the same time, the skin becomes beautiful, as well as elastic and younger. This action becomes possible due to the stimulation of metabolic processes and the accumulation of this substance in the body.
