Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Varicose veins are a fairly common disease that affects many middle-aged women. It is usually expressed by pain in the legs. The veins become swollen, acquire an unattractive appearance. Therefore, patients prefer to quickly deal with this problem, seeking help from doctors. Those, in turn, often prescribe an inexpensive, but effective Troxevasin ointment. What helps? What are the contraindications? How to use it correctly? What do doctors and patients think of her? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

Main indications for use

This ointment is considered a venotonic drug, which is used exclusively for external use. Ointment "Troxevasin" can be bought at a pharmacy without presenting a special prescription, but you should still consult a doctor before taking it. Specialists, as a rule, prescribe it if the patient has the following diseases:

  • varicose veins of any stage;
  • edema orall kinds of pain arising from sprains, bruises and other injuries;
  • chronic venous insufficiency - the ointment is used as part of complex therapy, it helps to relieve swelling, a feeling of heaviness, pain, cramps and tension:
  • in the presence of spider veins and meshes;
  • thrombophlebitis and periphlebitis;
  • varicose dermatitis.
Apply the drug to the skin
Apply the drug to the skin

Some patients are also interested in whether it is possible to take Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids. And although this disease is not listed in the list of indications offered by the gel instructions, some doctors recommend its use. However, the agent can only be applied to external hemorrhoids. The ointment perfectly copes with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It relieves swelling of the rectum, reduces pain, improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. For internal foci of inflammation, it is better to use special rectal suppositories.

Composition and release form

As mentioned above, the drug is released in the form of an ointment. However, it is worth noting that there is also a capsule form of "Troxevasin", which is recommended to be taken with the gel.

The ointment itself is a translucent substance, the color of which can vary from yellow to light brown. It is used exclusively for external use. The main active ingredient of the gel is troxerutin. 1 g of the drug contains 20 mg of this component. The composition also includes additional substances: purifiedwater, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride and some others.

The ointment has a transparent structure
The ointment has a transparent structure

Ointment "Troxevasin" can be packed in a plastic or metal tube. The volume of both containers is 40 g. The tubes themselves are packed in cardboard boxes. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Its expiration date is:

  • five years for a metal tube;
  • two years - for plastic.

Store the drug in a cool, dark and dry place, but do not freeze it. After the expiration date, the ointment should be thrown away.

Who should not take this remedy?

Doctors note that the ointment is quite easily tolerated by the body, so it can be used by almost all patients. However, in some cases it is still worth choosing another remedy. For example, the use of Troxevasin ointment is contraindicated in people who are hypersensitive to one or more of its components. If the patient ignores this prohibition, then he may develop any allergic reactions. Also, the drug should not be applied to open wounds, as well as eyes and other mucous membranes.

The drug is available in the form of ointment and tablets
The drug is available in the form of ointment and tablets

In all other cases, the ointment can be used without fear. However, to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is still worth consulting with your doctor before using it.

What side effects can occur after applying the ointment?

Ointment"Troxevasin" is an effective and safe remedy, because it practically does not cause any side effects. Since it is used externally, it has almost no effect on the internal organs. However, in rare cases, allergic reactions to the skin may occur. As a rule, patients complain of severe itching, an unpleasant rash and irritation. Urticaria, eczema, and even skin dermatitis may also appear.

Sometimes allergic skin reactions may occur
Sometimes allergic skin reactions may occur

When these symptoms appear, the use of the ointment should be discontinued. You do not need to consult a doctor, as usually the symptoms go away on their own after a while. However, if the patient's condition worsens, then there is no need to postpone the visit.

Using Troxevasin ointment

In their reviews, among the advantages of the ointment, patients most often note the ease of use. The gel is applied externally. The instructions also indicate that you need to use it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The ointment is applied with massaging movements to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and then rubbed until completely absorbed. The active substance quickly penetrates the epidermis, so pain is eliminated in about half an hour. Once absorbed, the affected area can be covered with bandages or elastic stockings.

Gel can be applied under elastic stockings
Gel can be applied under elastic stockings

To enhance the effect, sometimes doctors recommend combining the use of the ointment with the capsules of the same name. The gel shows its therapeutic effect only with prolonged use. Usually,often apply ointment "Troxevasin" from bruises, bruises and sprains. In this case, the course of treatment will be approximately 6-7 days. If symptoms persist after this time, it is best to seek medical attention.

Is it possible to overdose and how to treat it?

With external use, cases of overdose of the gel in medical practice have not been encountered. However, if a large amount of Troxevasin ointment is inadvertently swallowed (for example, by a child), a negative reaction of the body is possible. In this case, you should immediately induce vomiting to clear the stomach, and then consult a doctor for help. He will definitely prescribe symptomatic treatment to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of an overdose. For faster elimination of the drug from the body in individual cases, the use of peritoneal dialysis is recommended.

Can the ointment be used to treat pregnant women and children?

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman, because many drugs are forbidden for her to use, as they can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb. However, Troxevasin ointment is not included in this category. Reviews about the use of this remedy during pregnancy are often positive. For example, doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of hemorrhoids in a future mother, because other drugs are contraindicated for her during this period. However, it is still recommended to stop using it in the first trimester. The ointment can also be used during breastfeeding, as it does not penetrate intomother's milk.

The drug is prescribed for varicose veins
The drug is prescribed for varicose veins

Bruises, bruises and other injuries often accompany active children, so many parents are wondering if this ointment can be used to treat babies. No, the gel is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age, so it is better for them to choose a more gentle remedy for bruises.

What does the instruction say about interactions with other drugs?

The ointment is considered a safe medicine that practically does not interact with other drugs. However, if the patient has increased vascular permeability, doctors recommend combining the application of the ointment with taking ascorbic acid in order to enhance the effect of the treatment. Also, the gel does not affect the state of the nervous system, so even with regular use, patients can engage in heavy mental work and drive vehicles without restrictions.

Main analogues of the drug

There are a sufficient number of analogues of Troxevasin ointment. At the same time, there are also products that have the same active substance in their composition, and drugs that differ in the same principle of action. However, the attending physician should choose a specific ointment.

Doctors for the treatment of bruises and bruises prescribe "Troxevasin" or heparin ointment, so they are often considered analogues. What drug will be better? It should be noted that it is not a direct analogue of the described remedy, but it is also used to treat varicose veins and othervascular problems. It perfectly fights thrombosis, and has an analgesic effect. Despite similar indications for use, both drugs have completely different principles of action.

Heparin ointment is considered an analogue of "Troxevasin"
Heparin ointment is considered an analogue of "Troxevasin"

"Troxevasin" or heparin ointment - which is better? The first remedy more effectively copes with the removal of edema, a feeling of heaviness and cramps in the legs. This ointment is most often prescribed at an early stage of varicose veins. Heparin ointment is best used when complications occur, in particular in the formation of blood clots.

However, this drug has analogues that have a similar principle of action. We list the main ones:

  • "Troxerutin";
  • "Troxevenol";
  • "Lyoton";
  • "Phleboton";
  • "Trombless" and others.

Positive feedback from patients and doctors

This ointment is popular with many people suffering from problems with the vessels of the legs. As a rule, they speak about it almost always well. In the reviews, among the advantages, patients note the low cost of the drug, its effectiveness and economy. One tube of ointment is enough for a long time. The gel quickly helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms, but, on the contrary, does not cause side effects. Some people have been treated with this ointment for several years, noting that it copes with bruising and swelling with ease. The gel is quickly absorbed and leaves no stains on clothes. Patients also liked that the drug did nothas an unpleasant and pungent odor.

Negative reviews

And yet "Troxevasin" was not to the liking of all the people who tried it. Patients in their reviews sometimes note that the ointment seemed useless to them, because after application they did not feel any positive effect. Someone did not like the very consistency of the gel. It is quite sticky, so it is unpleasant to apply it on the skin. In addition, the ointment leaves a slight yellow tint on the skin, which people also consider to be a rather significant drawback.

It can be said that Troxevasin gel is an inexpensive, safe and effective remedy that can be used to relieve swelling from the legs. Doctors recommend using it in the early stages of varicose veins, as it is not always effective in the later stages.
