Alcoholism is a chronic disease that refers to one of the types of substance abuse. Doctors characterize this ailment as an addiction that affects the mental and physical state of a person. Having launched the disease, the alcoholic ceases to control the amount of alcohol consumed. This provokes the development of all kinds of pathologies. One of them is drinking. To get a loved one out of this state, you will need an extensive range of therapeutic measures, consisting of drug treatment.
What is binge
This serious condition consists in a long period of uncontrolled drinking. Without outside help, an alcoholic will not be able to cope with this ailment. To normalize the condition, a professional approach, consistency in actions and perseverance of loved ones will be required. For complex therapy, you need to usemedical preparations. And to withdraw the medicine from binge is not an easy process. Drugs for withdrawal from hard drinking are divided into groups. It is necessary to choose the necessary method of treatment depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

Detoxification of the body
This stage of treatment will help eliminate the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol, as well as its decay products on the human body. With the help of detoxification, you can not only remove the drug from binge, but also prevent various complications that have formed against the background of poisoning with alcohol toxins. The detox treatment stage can last from 15 to 90 days. Much depends on how many days or weeks a person has been in a state of binge. You should also consider his he alth and age. During detoxification, drugs are used to remove ethyl alcohol toxins from the body. This stage of binge treatment helps:
- Replenish the amount of fluid in the body after vomiting or excessive sweating.
- Get rid of alcohol dehydration.
After the restoration of water balance, the load on the liver and kidneys, which suffer most from alcohol intoxication, is significantly reduced.

Drugs for detoxification for binge
Treatment of severe alcohol poisoning should begin with the use of a drip. It is this method that is used to remove from binge. It quickly cleanses the body of toxins and improves water balance. Only after heryou should think about what medicines to get a loved one out of hard drinking. Drip administration of medicines is also used when it is impossible to use the liquid on its own. This happens with severe bouts of vomiting and fainting during binge. The medicine for the dropper is selected by the doctor depending on the condition of the patient. The following drugs may be prescribed for drip administration:
- Glucose solution. Doctors choose a 5% and 10% solution depending on the patient's well-being. In order for the medicine to be better absorbed, insulin is additionally used.
- Isotonic solution. The most commonly used is 0.09% sodium chloride solution.
- Polyion solution. It can be Ringer's solution, as well as "Disol" or "Chlosol".
- "Hemodez" or "Gelatinol". These drugs are used for acute poisoning and prolonged drinking.
- Sodium Dicarbonate. The drug is used by intravenous administration. It is prescribed not only for binge drinking, but also for acidosis.
Remission stage
After the detoxification of the body, the stage of remission begins. This rehabilitation stage consists of the normalization of the internal systems of life. At this stage, treatment is carried out with various drugs after binge, which reduce the physical and psychological attraction to alcohol. They also use drugs that have the ability to restore the activity of vital organs.
In addition to these medications, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, as well as restoration of the nervous system with the help ofantidepressants. The most effective drugs after binge that prevent the development of a relapse attack are drugs such as Esperal, Disulfiram. If they do not help, doctors recommend using the alcohol addiction coding method.
Pills for alcohol aversion
If a person often goes on a binge, detoxification alone is unlikely to defeat the addiction. Alcohol addiction needs to be treated. This will help special tablets that cause a strong aversion to ethyl alcohol. They can be taken out of binge at home. Medicines for this should be selected after consulting a doctor. The action of such drugs is based on blocking the oxidation of alcohol. However, do not forget that their use contributes to the development of side effects. The most common are nausea, vomiting, tremors of the limbs, the development of panic attacks and weakness in the body. Doctors advise choosing the most popular drugs for withdrawal from binge:
- "Abstinil".
- Lidevin.
- Esperal.
- Espenal.
- Stoptil.
- Teturam.
- Crotenal.
- Radoter.
You can not self-medicate and purchase such drugs without a doctor's prescription. Even a short period of drinking can provoke the development of complications. Therefore, before engaging in treatment, it is necessary to examine the body, as well as to carry out its complete detoxification from the decay products of ethyl alcohol.

Pills fromalcohol addiction
Thinking about what medicine after binge will help maintain the achieved result, you need to pay attention to pills for alcohol addiction. This drug group of drugs acts on the body much milder than drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. To eliminate attachment to alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to use them for a fairly long period. These pills will not be taken out of binge, but they can greatly facilitate the remission stage. The following drugs are considered the most popular medicines in this group:
- "Torpedo".
- Proproten-100.
- Actoplex.
These drugs should be strictly controlled by a physician.
Their action is aimed at a sharp inhibition of those receptors that are responsible for a sense of satisfaction. Of all the numerous means of this category, it is necessary to single out such a medicine as Vivitrol. It is very effective in fighting alcohol addiction, while having a minimum number of side effects.
Among the drugs that remove binge, it is necessary to single out those that can neutralize ethyl alcohol. This group of tablets consists of drugs that reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the human body. This category of medicines includes enterosorbents, as well as various vitamin complexes.

Pills for the hidden fight against binge
A person who is in a state of binge has an extremely negative attitude towardsany method of treatment. Often he does not realize the criticality of the situation and even his own dependence on alcoholic beverages. Therefore, loved ones have to look for ways for treatment that will work effectively, but secretly. To remove from hard drinking by this method, tablets and drops are used. They are added to food and drinks. Anyone can buy such a drug for binge in a pharmacy. They do not require a prescription from the hospital.
Despite its effectiveness, doctors do not recommend using this type of treatment if there are other ways to help a loved one. Almost all narcologists note that therapy of this format will not bring long-term results. The alcoholic must want to be cured of the addiction and stop the series of days and weeks of drinking. If other methods of treatment have failed, you need to look at such drugs: "Barrier", "Blocker", "Disulfiram", and also "Colma".
Overview of sedatives
A person who is in a state of binge behaves eccentrically and violently. Quite often, alcohol intoxication leads to thoughtless actions that negatively affect the later life of an alcoholic. Close people should not only take the patient out of hard drinking, but also do everything so that he does not suffer from the consequences of prolonged intoxication. Sedatives will help them with this. They have the following properties:
- Relieve withdrawal symptoms.
- Prevent the development of seizures, and also relieve their symptoms.
- Calm the patient with increased excitability from the influence of alcohol.
- Eliminate tremors in legs and arms.
- Normalize blood pressure.
- Prevent the development of arrhythmias.
A sedative drug is prescribed to a patient by a doctor. You can not choose a medicine from this group on your own, since such drugs are known for their numerous indications and contraindications. To eliminate the symptoms of binge, the following categories of sedatives are distinguished:
- Anxiolytics. These medicines are taken to relieve signs of anxiety and agitation. Of the second-generation drugs, the most effective can be distinguished: Relanium, Seduxen, and also Diazepam.
- Tranquilizers and ataractics. Drugs from the category of psychotropic drugs are known for their psychoactive effects. They suppress fear, relieve anxiety, relieve anxiety and emotional stress. With this medicine, it will be much easier to get out of the binge. Drugs with an effective psychotropic effect, including the most popular Phenozepam, can have severe side effects. An overdose of these drugs leads to a violation of the respiratory system, which can cause respiratory arrest and subsequent death.
- Neuroleptics. The most popular in this category are: Propazine and Carbamazepine. "Propazine" is used as a drug with an anticonvulsant effect. It has antiallergic as well as antiemetic actions. The medicine relieves hyperthermia, normalizes salivation. Carbamazepine is used inas an analgesic and anticonvulsant. This drug for binge reduces excitability, eliminates trembling, and also restores the process of coordination in movements.

Physiological and metabolic treatment
Having figured out what drugs are taken out of hard drinking, you need to take care of the further restoration of the body. Physiological and metabolic treatment provides the following benefits:
- Normalizes metabolism.
- Protects the liver and heart from the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol.
- Prevents the development of possible complications of intoxication.
- Restores all vital processes of the body after drinking alcohol.
Thinking about what medications to take after drinking, you need to remember the effectiveness of the following drugs:
- Thiamin. It is also called vitamin B1. It has a positive effect on metabolism, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, and prevents complications from alcohol intoxication.
- Ascorbic acid. This vitamin not only improves metabolism, but also normalizes the activity of the thyroid and pancreas. Its use improves the process of bile secretion, and also has a strengthening effect on the immune system.
- Tocopherol acetate. It is also vitamin A, which has the ability to participate in enzyme metabolism.
- Propranolol. Suppresses adrenaline caused by nervous overexcitation, calms, has antiarrhythmic, anti-ischemic action.
- Magnesium sulfate. Possessesvasodilating, antispasmodic, sedative, diuretic, anticonvulsant and hypotensive action.
From the drugs of this group, doctors isolate the Solcoseryl gel. It is prescribed for the rapid recovery of the body after suffering a binge. The gel has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and also protects cells from destruction by the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol.
Treatment reviews
Helping a loved one get out of binge is a difficult task, and not everyone can do it. However, this does not mean that no one can get a friend or relative out of a binge. Most people believe that the main task is to explain to the alcoholic all the tragedy of the possible consequences of uncontrolled drinking. Only by realizing the problem, there is a chance to fix it. As for drugs for binge drinking, they play a secondary role in a person's recovery. If the patient does not want to get well, taking medication will only give a temporary result.
When choosing a drug for the treatment of addiction, you must be guided by reviews about it and the opinion of a specialist. Due to the huge assortment, it is very difficult to choose a really good medicine. It should be effective, and also have a minimum number of side effects. Almost everyone who has come across such a choice argues that it is impossible to save on a cure for binge. After all, the recovery of a loved one depends on the right remedy. It is necessary to select a medicine from the list of the best drugs. Numerous reviews highlight the two mosteffective remedies.

"Acamprosate" - treatment of addiction to alcohol
It is quite difficult to explain to an alcoholic how much harm ethyl alcohol does to his body. Pharmaceutical companies offer the use of effective drugs aimed at reducing craving for alcohol. One of the most popular means of this category is "Acamprosat". The medicine consists of a synthetic substance that is similar to the amino acid found in brain cells. After taking the pill, this active ingredient begins to act on glutamate receptors responsible for cravings for alcohol. Taking medication for binge drinking must be strictly dosed.
Popular and effective medicine "Colme"
This drug is manufactured overseas. "Kolme" is included in the category of aversive drugs. After its use, there is a strong aversion to alcoholic beverages. Because of this feature, the drug can be used not only at the stage of treatment, but also during remission, to prevent relapse.
The active ingredient in the drug is cyanamide. This substance does not have any taste or smell. This nuance makes it possible to use tablets in a hidden way. They can be mixed into drinks and food of an alcoholic. But it is very important to observe a strict dosage. Failure to follow the instructions for use may adversely affect the he alth of the patient.

Affordable medicine "Teturam"
Practically everyone whogoes to the pharmacy for a cure for alcohol addiction, gets advice to try Teturam tablets. They have many good recommendations from doctors, as well as affordable prices. Nevertheless, not everyone knows about the serious consequences that manifest themselves from treatment with these pills. Sometimes even a complete rejection of alcohol is not worth the side effects that arose after taking Teturam. Penetrating into the body, the drug turns alcohol into a toxic substance that poisons the internal organs. The patient begins to develop severe intoxication: vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, and migraine attacks appear. The drug is very toxic and can cause the development of many diseases. Therefore, when choosing a good medicine, you should always consult a doctor.