Pain is the first sign of an inflammatory disease. It signals about any violation inside the body or about the action of some destructive factor from the external environment. An anesthetic drug will help to cope with the source of pain. Pentalgin is a combined drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects.

Release form, composition
"Pentalgin" is available in the form of tablets (from 2 to 12 pieces in one contour package) and 5% gel (30 and 50 grams). Capsules are film-coated, oval in shape, from pale green to green. The active ingredients that make up the tablets are the following trace elements:
- paracetamol;
- pheniramine maleate;
- naproxen;
- drotaverine hydrochloride;
- caffeine.
Excipients are:
- tribasic carboxylic acid;
- magnesium s altstearic acid;
- primelose;
- starch;
- talc;
- cellulose;
- ionol;
- hyprolosis;
- indigocarmine;
- quinoline yellow dye.
Composition of the film shell that covers the tablets:
- povidone;
- titanium dioxide; indigo carmine;
- hypromellose;
- quinoline dye;
- talc;
- polysorbate.
"Pentalgin. Extra-gel" is produced in the form of a translucent liquid from yellowish to brown, with a characteristic aroma. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for external use.
One gram of gel contains:
- ketoprofen;
- pepper tincture;
- dimexide;
- camphor;
- peppermint oil;
- hypromellose;
- sodium hydroxide;
- ethanol;
- water.

Instructions for Pentalgin indicate that paracetamol, which is part of the drug, is considered a non-narcotic pain reliever that has analgesic and antipyretic effects. Its action is to block the enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostanoids in the central nervous system. And also the substance affects the mechanism that allows living organisms to maintain a constant body temperature and pain.
Pheniramine is endowed with a slight sedative and antispasmodic property. The trace element increases the analgesic effect that paracetamol hasand naproxen. In addition, pheniramine reduces the release of fluid into the tissue or body cavity from small blood vessels during inflammation.
According to the instructions for use of Pentalgin, naproxen has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also characterized by antipyretic and analgesic effects.
Drotaverine eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of organs, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, in the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the vessels of the brain. In addition, it is able to expand the blood vessels of the kidneys, heart, skeletal muscles. Caffeine significantly increases the permeability of the physiological "filters" that are between the blood and tissue fluid. The component increases the ability of non-narcotic analgesics to be quickly absorbed, thereby ensuring the fixation of the therapeutic effect. Caffeine helps to increase mental and physical performance, helps to effectively fight drowsiness and increased fatigue.
According to the instructions for use of the gel "Pentalgin" ("Extra"), ketoprofen, when used externally, has an analgesic and anti-edematous effect. The trace element inhibits the activity of enzymes that regulate the metabolism of prostaglandins.
The use of an extra-gel provides a local therapeutic effect on inflamed ligaments, muscles and tendons. Ketoprofen does not have the slightest destructive effect on articular cartilage.

According toinstructions for use, "Pentalgin" in tablets is prescribed in the presence of the following symptoms and diseases:
- Pain of various origins, including migraine and pain due to cerebrovascular spasms.
- Painful menstruation, accompanied by a violation of the general condition.
- Neuralgia (damage to the peripheral nerves, characterized by bouts of pain in the zone of innervation of a nerve).
- Sciatica (damage to the spinal cord that causes motor, autonomic and pain disorders).
- Myalgia and arthralgia (muscle and joint pain).
- Pain in postcholecystectomy syndrome (functional restructuring of the biliary system after surgery).
- Toothache.
- Pain in gallstone disease (a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts).
- Pain in chronic inflammation of the gallbladder.
- Renal colic (sharp pain in the lower back, which are caused by a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney).
- Post-surgery and post-traumatic pain.
- Acute respiratory infections with fever.
According to the instructions "Pentalgin. Extra-gel "is recommended for use in the presence of the following ailments:
- Tendinitis (inflammation of ligaments and tendons).
- Osteoarthritis (a disease in which joints are exposed to degenerative-dystrophic damage).
- Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome (chronic disease,as a result of which the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs is affected).
- Sciatica.
- Bursitis (an inflammatory disease of the synovial bursa, characterized by excessive formation and accumulation in its cavity).
- Sciatica (inflammatory process affecting the sciatic nerve, sciatic neuritis).
- Lumbago (acute pain in the lower back).
- Muscular pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic nature.
- Injuries and ruptures of ligaments, bruises.
The drug is intended for symptomatic treatment, reducing pain and inflammation.

As indicated in the instructions for use, Pentalgin has a number of limitations:
- Pregnancy.
- Syndrome of violation of all kidney functions.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding (leakage of blood from eroded or pathologically damaged blood vessels into the lumen).
- Erosed and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
- Hyperkalemia (a condition in which the concentration of potassium in the plasma is higher than normal).
- Implementation of coronary artery bypass grafting (surgical intervention on the vessels of the heart disturbed by a chronic disease of the elastic type of arteries, which is aimed at resuming their blood circulation by creating artificial vessels).
- Acute source of ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle, which develops as a result of an acute violation of the coronary circulation.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- Persistent high blood pressure.
- Lactation period.
- Arrhythmia of the heart, characterized by extraordinary, premature contractions of the ventricles.
- Paroxysmal tachycardia (an attack of rapid heartbeats that suddenly start and end just as suddenly).
- A complex of symptoms that is characterized by damage to the liver as a result of acute or chronic damage to its tissue.
- Bronchial asthma, with recurring benign lesions in the nasal cavity.
- Aplastic anemia (a disease of the hematopoietic system, which belongs to the category of myelodysplasia).
- Hypersensitivity to trace elements that are part of the drug.
- Benign hyperbilirubinemia (diseases associated with hereditary disorders of bilirubin metabolism).
- A long-term benign disease that manifests as an intermittent icteric discoloration of the skin with elevated levels of predominantly bilirubin.
- Rotor Syndrome
- Gilbert's syndrome (a genetically determined disorder of bilirubin metabolism resulting from a defect in microsomal liver enzymes).
- Viral hepatitis (an acute infectious lesion of the liver characterized by a benign course).
- Toxic liver damage from alcohol.
- Endocrine disease caused by a deficiency in the body of the hormone insulin or its lowbiological activity.
- Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
- Peripheral arterial disease (discomfort or pain in the legs when walking).
- Decreased activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
- Cerebrovascular diseases (diseases of the brain caused by pathological changes in cerebral vessels with impaired cerebral circulation).
- Epilepsy (a common disorder of the nervous system characterized by periodic seizures).
- Old age.
- Weeping dermatoses (a skin disease that is a consequence of a malfunction of the internal organs).
- Inflammatory lesion of the skin, which has a long chronic course with frequent complications.
- Infected abrasions, wounds.
- Skin allergic to sunscreen or perfume.
- Under the age of eighteen.

Tablets "Pentalgin": instructions for use
The drug is intended for oral administration. Adults are prescribed one capsule from one to three times a day, depending on the course of the disease, age. The maximum daily dose is four tablets, the interval between doses is six hours.
As a rule, it is recommended to drink the whole capsule. To protect yourself from the destructive effect of the drug on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the pill should be taken after a meal.
According to the instructions for use, Pentalgin tabletsit is not recommended to take more than three days, as in this case the risk of side effects increases. In rare situations, Pentalgin can be used for up to five days, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
If there is no therapeutic effect during the first three days, the patient should consult a doctor to select another medicine.

How to apply ointment correctly?
According to reviews and instructions for use, "Pentalgin. Extra Gel" should be used as follows:
- Gel must be used only on clean skin. A small amount of gel should be applied in a thin layer.
- Next, gently rubbing, distribute the drug on the inflamed area of the skin.
- The gel is applied two to three times a day.
- Duration of therapy is no more than fourteen days.
According to the instructions, "Pentalgin" (gel "Extra") should be applied only to intact skin, while avoiding contact with wounds, eyes and mucous membranes. After applying the ointment, wash your hands. The formation of a thin film on the skin at the site of application of the gel is allowed.
Side effects
According to reviews and instructions, "Pentalgin" (tablets) has certain negative reactions after taking increased dosages:
- Disruption of kidney function.
- Anxiety.
- Arrhythmia.
- Gestational hypertension.
- Hearing loss.
- Ophthalmotonus.
- Insomnia.
- Nausea.
- Hyperreflexia (inflammation characterized by an increase in methemoglobin).
- Decrease in concentration.
- Excitement.
- Dizziness.
- Skin rash.
- Tremor (rhythmic, rapid limb movements).
- Decrease in blood white blood cells, red blood cells or platelets.
- Increased amount of methemoglobin (methemoglobinemia).
- Discomfort in the epigastric region.
- Vomiting.
- Tinnitus.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Meteorism.
- Migraine.
- A stomach or intestinal ulcer (a local defect in the gastric mucosa that occurs under the influence of hydrochloric acid).
- Liver dysfunction.
- A disease of allergic origin, which is fraught with blisters on the skin.
- Dermatitis (acute contact inflammation of the skin tissue resulting from exposure to irritants).
- Angioneurotic edema (an acute condition characterized by the rapid development of local mucosal edema).
- Tachypnea
- Erythema (severe reddening of the skin caused by dilated capillaries).
- The phenomenon of increasing the body's sensitivity to the action of ultraviolet radiation.
According to reviews and instructions for use for "Pentalgin" (gel and tablets), the symptoms of this phenomenon are varied. These include:
- Increased prothrombin series.
- Pale skin.
- Loss of appetite.
- Anorexia (excessive thinness).
- Hepatonecrosis (a complication of many liver diseases that is associated with the elimination of cells).
- Increased activity of specific liver enzymes that play an important role in transamination processes.
- Motor restlessness (akathisia).
- Nervous excitement.
- Muscle spasms.
- Seizures that develop as a result of too strong neural discharges in the cerebral cortex.
- Confusion (clouding of the human mind, which can be short-term or long-term in nature).
- Increased urination (nocturia).
- Hyperthermia (a pathological process characterized by an increase in body temperature, the level of which depends on the environment).
- Arrhythmia (disturbance of heart rhythm, as well as electrical conduction of the heart).
- Tachycardia (a special condition of the body in which the heart rate exceeds the norm).
The cost of "Pentalgin" varies depending on the release form:
- Gel - 200–300 rubles.
- Pills - from 90 to 180 rubles.
Substitute drugs
Like any other drug, the drug has generics. Analogues of "Pentalgin" in tablets:
- Plivalgin.
- Pentalffen.
- "Sedalgin".
- Pentamialgin.
Some medicines contain narcotic analgesics, so theydispensed in pharmacies by prescription only.

"Sedalgin" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for symptomatic relief of pain, as well as to reduce elevated body temperature. The cost of the drug is 180 rubles. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, they include the following trace elements:
- caffeine;
- metamisole sodium;
- thiamine hydrochloride.
"Sedalgin" has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect. Substances are evenly distributed throughout the human body, inactive decay products are excreted in the urine. The components that make up the drug are quickly and completely absorbed from the intestines into the blood, as indicated in the instructions.
Gel "Pentalgin" has other analogues:
- Artrosilene.
- Quick Gel.
- Valusal.
- Ketonal.
- Ketoprofen.
- Fastum.
- Febrofid.
- Flexen.
- Artrum.

"Bystrumgel" - a drug for external use, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is applied to the damaged area twice a day, distributing a uniform thin layer. Do not apply the gel on open wounds. The cost of the medication varies from 200 to 500 rubles.

"Fastum" is used to reduce inflammationphenomena and pain syndrome in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The main active ingredient in the drug is ketoprofen. After application, the gel is quickly absorbed into the tissues, where it has an antiphlogistic effect (anti-inflammatory). With caution, the gel should be used for violations of the kidneys and liver. The cost of the drug is from 200 to 600 rubles.