In the article, consider the instructions for the "Alphabet Diabetes".
Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes need to supplement their treatment with vitamin and mineral complexes more than anyone else. The body of a diabetic does not receive the necessary nutrients, since a patient with such a diagnosis is forced to adhere to strict dietary rules throughout his life. There are a number of drugs designed specifically for people with diabetes.

One of these complexes is Alfavit Diabetes. It is considered the best option for this category of patients, as it takes into account all the nuances of their metabolic processes. The disease can also be accompanied by various complications, such as retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, etc. Due to the impact on the body of these pathologies, it also requires special support for the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems.
Complex"Alphavit Diabetes" contains 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, various plant extracts and acids of organic origin. All of these components in the preparation are contained in increased quantities, but not exceeding the maximum allowable norms for diabetics. Manufacturers have divided all useful elements into three complexes. Therefore, in one package there are three types of tablets in a shell of different colors. This separation allows the body to absorb the maximum possible amount of nutrients.
Issue form
One pack of Alphabet Diabetes contains four blisters of 15 tablets. Three pills of different colors are located in one row, which makes taking the drug more convenient. Each tablet is balanced in composition and easily absorbed by the body, without disrupting metabolic processes, but, on the contrary, contributing to them, which is especially important for a patient with diabetes. Vitamins or minerals that cannot interact with each other are in different pills. According to the instructions for use, this separation is necessary for diabetics, whose body is overly susceptible to any changes.

Composition of "Alphabet Diabetes"
The composition of each color tablet is different. So, white dragee contains the following components:
- Thiamin is responsible for maintaining muscle tone in the digestive system, and also strengthens vision, improves mindfulness and memory, and makes the patient's body more resistant to stress.
- Ascorbic acid increases the body's immune properties,improves blood composition and normalizes the balance of hormones.
- Folic acid helps to normalize the level of acidity, and also allows you to effectively and quickly cleanse the intestines. In addition, this component normalizes appetite and improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
- Iron takes part in the process of hemoglobin synthesis, and also contributes to the normalization of brain function and sleep.
- Copper is involved in the processes of oxidation and reduction, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen bone structures, normalizes the endocrine system.
- Lipoic acid has a positive effect on the metabolic process and is a powerful antioxidant.
- Succinic acid provokes the production of insulin, supports the function of the pancreas, has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and body tone.
- An extract from blueberry shoots restores vision, increases the acid content in the stomach, improves the general well-being of the patient against the background of urolithiasis.

The composition of vitamins "Alphabet Diabetes", namely in blue pills, includes the following substances:
- Tocopherol or vitamin E. Prevents thrombosis and atherosclerotic changes, normalizes blood circulation in the retina and improves basic blood parameters.
- Nicotinic acid. It has a positive effect on the production of hemoglobin, which is significantly reduced in diabetes.
- Riboflavin. Takes part in the metabolic process.
- Pyridoxine. Responsiblefor protein metabolism.
- Ascorbic acid. Helps prevent the development of cataracts.
- Retinol. Participates in many physiological processes, which allows the body to provide antioxidant protection.
- Zinc. Strengthens the immune system.
- Manganese. Promotes insulin production.
- Iodine. Reduces blood sugar levels, ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
- Selenium. Takes part in the development of substances important for life.
- Magnesium. Reduces blood glucose levels, prevents the body from developing insulin resistance.
- Extraction of burdock root. Allows you to effectively suppress the feeling of hunger, which often occurs in diabetics. This substance also keeps the body in good shape, reduces thirst and helps restore the skin.
- Dandelion root extract. Prevents osteoporosis, improves skin condition and stimulates appetite.

Pink dragee includes the following components:
- Vitamin B12. Participates in metabolic processes.
- Cobalamin. Important for protein synthesis, blood cells and acids.
- Vitamin D3. Promotes calcium absorption and strengthens bone structures.
- Folic acid. Improves the process of hematopoiesis and strengthens the immune system.
- Biotin. Actively participates in the work of the thyroid gland, normalizes the composition of blood in general and hemoglobin in particular.
- Calcium pantothenate. Engaged in the regulation of phosphorus metabolism andcalcium.
- Chrome. Increases the action of insulin.
- Calcium. Responsible for the condition of teeth, nails and hair.

Instructions for using the vitamin complex
Vitamin complex "Alphavit Diabetes" is prescribed for diabetics, whose condition is steadily deteriorating. In addition, this complex can be prescribed to children over 14 years of age who have beriberi and other complications caused by diabetes mellitus.
According to the instructions for use, Alphabet Diabetes can be taken according to several therapeutic regimens. In some cases, patients uncontrollably drank all three pills of different colors at one time. This should not be done, since in this case the drug will not give the expected effect. The idea of the drug is precisely in the division of useful components into several groups. Only in the case of two or three times a day, vitamins will give the necessary positive effect.
When taking the drug twice
When choosing a double dose, white and blue pills are consumed in the morning, and the remaining red pills in the evening. However, the most optimal scheme is considered in which each dragee is taken separately: in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. The interval between doses should be at least four hours, but not more than six.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
Experts warn that you should not take any drugs, even dietary supplements, without consulting a specialist. Even vitamins can causeharm if their reception is not appropriate for a particular patient. The doctor prescribes drugs based on the available history and examination, as well as the individual characteristics of the human body.

As the instructions indicate, Alphabet Diabetes vitamins are contraindicated in the following conditions:
- Overactive thyroid.
- Intolerance to the components of the drug of an individual nature.
- Under 14 years of age.
Adverse reactions from use
Adverse reactions after taking the vitamin complex, as a rule, are not observed. Alfavit Diabetes has been designed so as not to provoke the development of allergies, which can adversely affect the body of a person suffering from diabetes.
Analogues of vitamin remedy
Vitamins Alphabet Diabetes cost an average of 230 rubles per package. The composition of the complete analogues of the drug is not available. In some cases, experts may recommend that the patient replace this vitamin complex with Doppelherz: Active for diabetics. It should be taken into account that the composition of both complexes has significant differences.

Reviews about this vitamin complex
Reviews of the "Alphabet Diabetes" indicate its effectiveness. Course intake of dragees helps to improve the condition of a patient suffering from diabetes, reduces the risk of complications. In addition, patients report that after takingthe drug increases their energy level, there is a desire to play sports and lead an active lifestyle. All patients are well aware that it will not be possible to cure diabetes by taking this drug, however, they consider it the most effective as maintenance therapy, especially in comparison with other similar complexes. Thanks to the reception of the drug, it is possible to reduce the number of drops in the level of glucose in the blood.
According to reviews, adverse reactions after taking the drug practically do not occur. The complex is designed in such a way as to exclude the development of an allergic reaction. However, in some cases, an overdose can cause an allergy attack, which is extremely dangerous for a weakened diabetic organism. In this case, swelling of the larynx, nasal congestion, atopic dermatitis and urticaria may occur. In such cases, it is necessary to refuse to use the remedy.