Pills to improve sleep in modern times have taken pride of place in every family's first-aid kit. The increased popularity of sleeping pills is facilitated by the fast rhythms of life, as well as the desire and need of a person to be in time, to do as much as possible.
Physical, mental, as well as mental and emotional stress on the body and constant stressful situations negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system, cause disturbances in the alternation of biological rhythms, and also lead to partial or complete loss of sleep.

Various drugs can give the body a good rest, including pills to improve sleep. They are applied in the presence of the following conditions:
- Sleep disorders.
- Bad sleep and multiple awakenings.
- Tension, anxious thoughts.
- Neurotic disorder.
- Irritability.
- Jet lag.
- Stress.
- Psychosomatic illnesses.
- Psychopathological diseases in alcoholism.
- Vegetative disorders.
- Memory deterioration.
- Depressive disorders.
- Hormonal failures.
- Age-related changes.
Which sleep pills are best?

Issue form
On the packaging of sleeping pills there is information about their formulation and the origin of the substances that make up the structure of the drug. Depending on the composition and effect on the body, drugs are stored differently in pharmacies and dispensed to patients.
The following non-prescription sleep pills are available:
Plant-based sleeping pills: "Motherwort", "Novo-Passit", "Melaxen", "Sleep Formula", "Persen"
These medications are effective for occasional insomnia as well as temporary sleep disturbances.
The following list of sleeping pills are available on prescription:
- Benzodiazepines: Diazepam, Lorazepam, Oxazepam, Nozepam, Relanium.
- Nonbenzodiazepines: Zopiclone, Zaleplon.
- Histamine receptor blockers: Donormil, Valocordin-Doxylamine.
Sleep Formula

The herbal complex makes sleep the strongest and longest, additionally enriches the body with useful components, B vitamins and magnesium.
Sleep-improving tablets are coated, contain herbal ingredients and B vitamins. They have the following effects:
- Magnesium is involved in nervous activity, as well as the transmission of impulses, activates vitamins and enzymatic processes.
- Due to natural substances, sleeping pills act as a sedative and cardiotonic drug, stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system.
- Vitamins play a huge role in the processes of nervous activity, they take part in the transmission of impulses.
The cost of the drug varies from 350 to 500 rubles.

Pills to improve sleep are indicated for insomnia and other disorders. The drug has a sedative and hypnotic effect, with the help of which the process of falling asleep is accelerated, the quality of sleep is improved. "Donormil" works for a time sufficient for a rash.
The drug is produced in two types of tablets: coated and effervescent, which should be dissolved in water before taking. Use half or whole tablet twenty-five minutes before bedtime.
If the problem persists after a few days of using the medicine, then you should contact your he althcare professional to change the daily dosage or use another therapy.
Evening sleep pills in adults can provoke drowsiness during wakefulness, dry mouth, intestinalobstruction, urinary retention. They are not recommended for persons under fifteen years of age, as well as women during lactation (pregnant women should be taken with extreme caution). Prohibitions for the use of the drug are:
- individual intolerance to substances;
- prostate adenoma is a benign formation that arises from the glandular epithelium of the prostate;
- glaucoma is a huge group of diseases of the organs of vision, which is characterized by a constant or regular increase in intraocular pressure above the tolerable level for a person.
The drug is incompatible with alcoholic beverages. Do not drive while taking Donormil.
In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed by prescription from a medical specialist. An overdose provokes severe symptoms, up to seizures and epilepsy, which require qualified therapy.

The drug is an effective and harmless sleeping pill, so it is available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is an effective chemical analogue of the natural hormone. Generics: Metaton, Melatonin, Melapur.
The drug stabilizes sleep, especially with primary insomnia in patients of retirement age, so it should not be used by people over fifty-five years of age, as well as those who suffer from insomnia with impaired sleep quality.
Sleep pills are recommended for insomnia associated with shift work, flights toother countries with stress. Side effects are extremely rare.
Contraindications for taking:
- Increased sensitivity to components.
- Disorders in the liver.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Children's age.
- A job that requires extra attention.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation.
Excessive increase in the dosage of the drug can cause drowsiness, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements. Therapy is not required, after half a day the drug is excreted from the body.

Pills for sleep "Melatonin"
The drug is a chemical component that was created as an analogue of such a natural hormone as the pineal gland.
Considered a powerful antioxidant, it protects against the formation of free radicals that cause aging and cancer.
The component is produced in the form of tablets to improve sleep in adults, which are intended for internal use.
"Melatonin" regulates the daily rhythm of the body, ensures falling asleep, excellent sleep and good awakening.
The drug is useful in violation of temporary adaptations during climate change, improves well-being after waking up, reduces reactions to stressful situations.
Dosage and frequency of use is prescribed according to a person's specific indications, usually once a day at bedtime. Tablets must be taken whole with water.
Good points"Melatonin" in that it does not provoke addiction and withdrawal syndrome, does not have serious negative reactions. With the help of which it is allowed to release it without doctor's prescriptions. But there are still certain contraindications to taking, for example:
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Various neoplasms.
- Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that is associated with impaired glucose uptake and develops as a result of insulin deficiency.
- Epileptic seizures.
It is not recommended to give medicine to children under twelve years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers, persons who work with equipment that requires increased attention.

Good sleep
Over-the-counter sleeping pills are designed to meet the changes that occur in the aging body. The structure of the tablets includes a complex of natural substances, as well as vitamins and minerals. Such a complex eliminates the symptoms of menopause, depressive disorders, and also restores memory, sleep, and physical strength. It is often prescribed by doctors to their patients.
Indications for Restful Sleep
The drug is prescribed for preventive purposes to prevent depression, support the body in stressful situations, in particular, in the following pathological processes:
- Neuroses.
- Sleep loss.
- Depressive disorders.
- Chronic fatigue.
According tostudies, the combination of natural substances with minerals and vitamins has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.
The complex protects nerve cells, and also supports cheerfulness, eliminates memory problems, treats Alzheimer's disease and similar ailments.
The duration of the treatment and preventive course and daily dosages are determined by a medical specialist.
Sleep Hormone
Melatonin regulates sleep and wakefulness, eliminates insomnia, eliminates stress, stabilizes blood pressure, prolongs life, increases the body's defenses.
Melatonin eliminates certain types of headaches, has antioxidant and antitumor effects. It is possible to increase the level of the hormone in a natural way. To do this, you must go to bed no later than twelve at night, sleep in a dark room and for a long time. After all, the component in the body is formed precisely at night, from midnight to four o'clock.
If melatonin is deficient, it must be taken additionally, in the form of tablets to improve sleep (available without a prescription at a pharmacy). Taking the drug:
- Improves falling asleep
- Reduces stress.
- Increases immunity.
- Regulates blood pressure and brain function.
- Reduces cholesterol levels.
- Relieves pain in the head.
No negative effects from the use of the sleep hormone have been recorded. At risk, as a rule, are pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, people with serious illnesses. However, the use of sleeping pillswithout consulting a doctor is not recommended for other people either.

Doctor Sleep
Herbal sedative, which is produced in capsules. Extracts of medicinal plants have hypnotic, anti-stress, sedative properties. Does not provoke addictions.
Assignments to use Doctor Sleep:
- Sleep disorder.
- Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by inadequate sleep duration or poor quality sleep, or a combination of the two, over a significant period of time.
- Stress.
- Worry.
- Irritable.
- Depressive disorders.
"Doctor sleep" is prohibited for children under twelve years of age and persons who are hypersensitive to certain substances.

Using sleep pills during pregnancy
Insomnia is a constant companion during the "interesting position" of a woman. In the early stages, it is associated with the following conditions:
- hormonal disruptions;
- emotional instability;
- frequent urge to urinate;
- increased nervousness.
In the second trimester, sleep usually improves, but again after the thirty-second week, insomnia returns again.
Sometimes there are a lot of reasons, but even one is enough to suffer from sleep loss at night and drowsiness during the day.
Applicationmedicines for sleep during pregnancy, like other medicines, are not recommended by doctors. Even those that are considered absolutely safe. Moreover, in an "interesting situation" it is unacceptable to self-medicate.
A huge role in stabilizing sleep during pregnancy is played by the correct daily routine, as well as the diet of the expectant mother, the support of relatives and the good attitude of all other people towards her. As a rule, after childbirth, a woman's sleep returns to normal without the help of drugs.