Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs. Treatment of pancreatitis: folk remedies

Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs. Treatment of pancreatitis: folk remedies
Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs. Treatment of pancreatitis: folk remedies

Infection of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. This disease cannot be left unattended, because this organ produces digestive enzymes and hormones that are responsible for regulating blood glucose levels.


Medications for the treatment of pancreatitis
Medications for the treatment of pancreatitis

For the appointment of competent therapy, it is important to establish a diagnosis in a timely manner. To do this, you need to know how chronic pancreatitis manifests itself. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment are known to doctors, but patients themselves need to understand the reason for their poor he alth.

For example, with acute inflammation, there are severe pains in the abdomen. They may be sharp or blunt. In addition, pancreatitis is characterized by disruption of the digestive system (diarrhea or constipation may begin), belching, dry mouth, fever. The chronic form of the disease may even be asymptomatic. But in most cases, pain attacks alternate with periods of remission.

Establish an accurate diagnosis only in the hospital after a series of examinations. The patient is sent for ultrasound, urine, stool and blood tests.

Choosing treatment tactics

Pancreatitis requires a special treatment regimen. It is advisable that a qualified doctor prescribe medication. Treatment for pancreatitis usually begins with fasting. At this time, powerful analgesics are prescribed that can eliminate pain. The patient must be in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. In the acute period, special enzyme inhibitors are administered intravenously. It can be such medicines as "Kontrykal", "Gordox". Plasma, saline solutions, Reopoliglyukin, Albumin preparations are also administered.

Medicines for the pancreas in the treatment of pancreatitis
Medicines for the pancreas in the treatment of pancreatitis

In an acute attack, a three-day fast is necessary. During this period, it is only allowed to drink water without gas, rosehip broth or unsweetened tea. At the same time, supportive therapy is carried out. After that, a strict diet is prescribed.

Drugs for the pancreas in the treatment of pancreatitis are selected depending on the patient's condition. Pain relievers are used if necessary. In addition, drugs are needed that regulate the functioning of the pancreas.


In the treatment of pancreatitis, it is important to alleviate the patient's condition. For acute attacks in a hospital setting, hospitals may administer narcotic painkillers intravenously. Treatment of pancreatitis should be aimed at relieving pain and normalizing pancreatic function.

Drugs for the treatment of pancreatitis, whichtake drugs
Drugs for the treatment of pancreatitis, whichtake drugs

After the elimination of acute inflammation or in the chronic form of the disease, the remedy "No-shpa" is often prescribed. To achieve the desired effect, you need 80 mg twice a day. When administered intravenously, it is important to ensure that the drug is delivered every 4 hours.

In addition to the indicated means, other antispasmodics can be prescribed. Papaverine candles are popular. But with their use, a violation of the heart rhythm is possible. They also use the Baralgin tool.

Recovery drugs

One of the main tasks is to normalize the functioning of the pancreas. For this, special medicines are used. Pancreatitis is treated with antacids. They are designed to relieve pain symptoms and protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. For these purposes, drugs such as Phosphalugel, Maalox, Gaviscon are used.

Block the receptors responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid, such drugs as Ranitidine, Omeprazole. With a decrease in its secretion, stimulation of the pancreas stops. They must be taken for at least two weeks. In hospital conditions, Ranitidine is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 50 mg three times a day. Intravenous injection is also possible. When the condition is relieved, they switch to taking pills. Assign, as a rule, 150 mg of "Ranitidine" twice a day.

Treatment of pancreatitis with drugs, folk remedies
Treatment of pancreatitis with drugs, folk remedies

But the remedy "Omeprazole" is administered once a day. Enough 40 mg diluted inphysicalstore. The drug is administered intravenously drip. Over time, it is possible to switch to capsules or tablets of the same name. You need to take 20 mg twice a day.

Additional funds

In addition to pain relief and cessation of pancreatic stimulation, it is important to get the entire digestive system working. For these purposes, not only special preparations for the treatment of pancreatitis are used. What drugs to take, in addition to antispasmodics and drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, should be explained by the attending physician.

Chronic pancreatitis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Chronic pancreatitis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

So, enzyme preparations are often recommended. Often prescribed the drug "Pancreatin". This is an enzymatic agent without the content of bile acids, which contains special pancreatic enzymes - amylase, protease, lipase. It helps to improve the process of digestion and absorption of essential nutrients into the duodenum.

Instead of Pancreatin, other medicines may be prescribed. Pancreatitis is also treated with medications such as Creon, Mezim, Festal.

Antibacterial treatment

In some cases, chronic pancreatitis is exacerbated by reactive inflammation of the bile duct. In this case, you can not do without antibacterial agents.

A remedy such as "Cefuroxime" may be prescribed. It is administered intramuscularly at 1 g three times a day. Also in this case, the drug "Doxycycline" is effective. Assign 0.1 g three times a day. Treatment should last 7 to 10 days.

But startIt is impossible to self-administer antibiotics without a confirmed diagnosis. In any case, pancreatitis should be treated with drugs only under the supervision of a doctor. Folk remedies are also used only after agreement with the doctor.

Alternative Methods

Folk remedies and methods of treatment of pancreatitis
Folk remedies and methods of treatment of pancreatitis

Decoctions and infusions of various herbs have a good effect on the pancreas. Ready-made fees can be found at the pharmacy or you can make your own. It is only important to figure out which combination of herbs best affects the condition of the pancreas.

An effective tincture of elecampane, mint and string is considered effective. The collection is poured with boiling water (at the rate of 100 ml of water per 1 tablespoon) and boiled for 3 minutes. The decoction can be drunk 1/3 cup on an empty stomach twice a day.

There are also other folk remedies and treatments for pancreatitis. Healers often advise to mix St. A tablespoon of crushed mixed herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water. After the collection is infused, it can be drunk. It is enough to consume 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Also, special breathing exercises positively affect the state of the pancreas. It is designed for gentle massage of all internal organs. It is necessary to hold your breath and protrude / retract the stomach.
