Ferrum phosphoricum: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, homeopathic composition, indications and contraindications

Ferrum phosphoricum: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, homeopathic composition, indications and contraindications
Ferrum phosphoricum: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, homeopathic composition, indications and contraindications

In the article, consider the indications for Ferrum phosphoricum. Homeopathy is considered an alternative form of medicine. It is based on the principle of “like cures like”. In it, the drug Ferrum phosphoricum has found wide application. What is this medicine, what is its uniqueness?

ferrum phosphoricum contraindications
ferrum phosphoricum contraindications

Iron s alt or Schussler in another way - all these are the names of Ferrum phosphoricum. The method of iron phosphate therapy was discovered by the German homeopath Schüssler. Based on the results of experiments, this scientist proved that the result of pathologies is a deficiency of important minerals in the body. And their complete replenishment leads to absolute deliverance from diseases. Iron can be contained in the blood, and in addition, in muscles, internal organs, bone marrow, that is, in absolutely every cell of the body. It can bind and deliver oxygen to all tissues without exception. Thanks to iron, oxidative and reduction processes occur in the human body, thyroid hormones are produced, and the immune system is supported.

Pharmacological effects

The drug called Ferrum phosphoricum belongs to homeopathic medicines. It is also referred to as Dr. Schussler's potentized s alts. Mineral s alt is essential for the human body as it helps maintain cell function. According to the theory of the scientist Schüssler, regulatory dysfunction of cells often leads to the development of all kinds of pathologies and ailments. During therapy with mineral s alts, it is possible to regulate the functional abilities of the cells of the human body, and at the same time harmonize the overall balance of the amount of minerals. The drug Ferrum phosphoricum is used in accordance with homeopathic pathogenesis, that is, according to the clinical characteristics of the drug.

Composition and release form of the product

Ferrum Phosphoricum is produced in the form of white granules. This is a monocomponent product. The composition of each granule includes iron phosphate in the amount of 250 mg. Excipients are wheat starch and magnesium stearate.

What are the indications for the use of Ferrum Phosphoricum? Homeopathy for children from adults can sometimes be the only possible treatment option.

Medicine prescription and effects

Consider the appointment of Ferrum Phosphoricum. Iron phosphate is a chemical compound of phosphorus and iron. According to homeopathic experts, itis in itself a special medicine that helps with exacerbations, however, it is not used in the presence of chronic pathologies. This medication can have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs. It normalizes body temperature and promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. This medicine helps cells produce energy, and at the same time regulates blood circulation throughout the entire body.

The use of Ferrum phosphoricum promotes the rapid absorption of iron (the one that comes with food), it kind of sends it to its destination. In the event that a person has a cold or flu, then iron is sent directly to the spleen, thereby stimulating the protective functions of the body, immunity. The considered homeopathic preparation, created on the basis of iron phosphate, acts directly on the hematopoietic organs, increasing the oxygen content in the blood. In the case of iron deficiency in the body, absolutely all organs and systems suffer. As a result, the patient develops the following pathologies:

  • Iron deficiency anemia, that is, anemia.
  • Glossitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue.
  • Leukemia (that is, blood cancer).
  • Mental retardation in children. This drug is recommended for dementia.
  • Chlorosis is a disease known as "pale sickness". It is caused by iron deficiency and dysfunction of the gonads.
ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy indications for use in children
ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy indications for use in children

Usually whendeficiency of such an important element as iron, muscle tissue in humans, just like blood vessels, lose elasticity, which leads to inflammation. Headaches may begin, and at the same time heartaches. Among other things, such patients often lose their appetite, they experience dry skin, cracked lips.

Therapeutic preparation Ferrum phosphoricum (pure homeopathy) is, according to many homeopaths, the best remedy in the initial stages of any inflammation that is associated with a lack of iron. The medicine regulates the work of cells, harmonizes the balance of iron phosphate, and in addition, removes toxins from the body. It is interesting to note that the total amount of iron in the human body averages between three and four milligrams. Moreover, seventy percent of the total mass of this element is contained directly in the blood.

Many, frankly, do not trust homeopathy. Indications for Ferrum phosphoricum are quite extensive, it is almost a panacea for all ailments. It is this fact that confuses many. It is better to consult a traditional medicine specialist before using it.

Constitutional type of person in need of this remedy

Despite the craving of all patients who need this drug to gain new knowledge and excessive performance, absolutely all of them tend to get tired very quickly, experience drowsiness during the daytime.

The type of patients who need Ferrum Phosphoricum 6 includes emotionally excitable people with increased fatigue. They have thin skin, redface, and besides, brittle nails. Such patients are often prone to colds and nosebleeds. They are characterized by anger along with rage, stubbornness and irritability. They may also be tormented by night anxiety, combined with worries about their wrong behavior towards certain people. Often they are cheerful, talkative and unnaturally noisy, but then such states can be abruptly replaced by hypochondria. Such patients often show dissatisfaction with what they have in life. They fall asleep very late, often tormented by nightmares. In the event that they wake up in the middle of the night, they will no longer be able to sleep and are very afraid of some kind of threat.

Such people want everything and always learn, getting new knowledge every time in order to work more productively. They are very responsible, absolutely always sure that they are obliged to work better than anyone. Such patients are not afraid of work and are able to perform the most difficult tasks, for the implementation of which they can devote all their strength. Thanks to all this, they are always very valuable workers.

Their extremely high performance sometimes leads to exhaustion of the body. This usually manifests itself in the form of colds. People of this type are good friends. People around appreciate them and are afraid of losing their friendship. Patients in need of Ferrum Phosphoricum love their home very much and have a daily need to communicate with friends. They are always ready to respond to absolutely any request, helping in trouble and supporting other people in misfortune.

What areindications for use Ferrum phosphoricum? Homeopathy for children and adults has been very popular lately, it can be successfully combined with traditional medicine.

Main indications for the use of homeopathy

ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy indications for use
ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy indications for use

Iron phosphate is indicated for use as a tonic drug in anemia in nervous patients susceptible to respiratory diseases. In particular, it is very useful for women who suffer from menstrual irregularities. In addition, in homeopathy, Ferrum phosphoricum is used as part of complex therapy when a person manifests the following ailments:

  • Viral colds.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Pulmonary bleeding.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints, which are accompanied by wandering sharp pains.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, accompanied by acute headache.
  • Uterine bleeding, bleeding or inflamed wounds.
  • Sunburn.
  • Gastric and intestinal bleeding.
  • Skin rashes and acne.
  • With the development of dysfunction of the cardiac or vascular system.
  • For bronchitis, which is accompanied by "scraping" in the throat, chest pain and severe cough.
  • In homeopathy, Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated for use in laryngeal edema. However, you should always strictly adhere to the dosage,specified in the instructions.
  • In the presence of otitis media, accompanied by acute pain, and at the same time high fever.
  • When redness of the eardrums, combined with hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • Not against the background of the development of chronic diseases of the small intestine, that is, with enteritis, diarrhea, and, moreover, in case of abdominal pain immediately after eating.
  • In case of sphincter weakness and involuntary bowel movements.
  • For painful urination and cystitis.
  • When there is a weakness of the urinary canal, when patients experience involuntary urination, for example, during pregnancy.
  • In case of vaginal hyperemia and lack of libido.

In homeopathy, Ferrum phosphoricum has very extensive indications for use, all of them are described in detail in the instructions for the remedy. It is interesting to note that in the case of taking the homeopathic preparation in question, which contains iron phosphate, improvement usually occurs due to the replacement of old cells with new ones that already contain the required amount of s alts.

Does Ferrum Phosphoricum have any contraindications? We will talk about this later.


The medicinal product should not be used in chronic pathologies. It is also contraindicated in case of occurrence in patients of certain allergic reactions to it.

Ferrum phosphoricum side effects

Given that the preparation contains wheat starch, it should be noted that against the background of its use, allergic reactions are quite possible. When there are any side effects that are not described in the instructions attached to the product, you should definitely inform your doctor about this. Otherwise, the homeopathic medicine in question is tolerated very well by most patients (both children and adults).

Features of taking and dosing of the drug for children and adult patients

ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy
ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy

So, the drug in question is produced in the form of pills and sold in glass bottles without a prescription. The composition of this homeopathic remedy includes milk sugar, which improves its taste and makes it easier to take. In the event that the symptoms of the disease correspond to the indications, Ferrum phosphoricum homeopaths recommend taking it without fear. At the same time, it is extremely important to observe the dosage, taking it until absolute recovery:

  • For the treatment of infants, it is usually prescribed one pill dissolved in water, taken half an hour before meals.
  • Babies between the ages of two and eight are given one pill several times a day, which is placed under the tongue to dissolve.
  • Children between the ages of nine and fourteen should be given one pill several times a day.
  • Teenage children, exactly like adults, are prescribed this drug two tablets several times a day.

This information is confirmed in the instructions for Ferrum Phosphoricum.

Total biochemical effects of the drug

ferrum phosphoricum homeopathytestimony
ferrum phosphoricum homeopathytestimony

The drug is the first remedy in cases where patients have a relaxed state of muscle tissue. In the event that a new supply of iron is received by relaxed muscle cells, despite the fact that such a condition arose due to a lack of this element, then their normal tone is soon completely restored, and the circular fibers of the vessels narrow to a normal circumference. And against the background of all this, the circulation evens out, and at the same time the fever stops.

Thus, the drug in question is used to relieve pain, fever, swelling and redness, increased heart rate and accelerated circulation. This homeopathic remedy is especially effective for ailments in children, accompanied by a decrease in appetite, when they become lethargic and apathetic, losing weight and strength.

It is worth noting that the drug not only increases stamina, but also helps the body develop and regulates intestinal activity. But Schüssler believed that the indications for this remedy disappear when exudation occurs along with suppuration. And only when Ferrum Phosphoricum ceases to bring a good effect, it must be abandoned.

Quite often in diseases of an inflammatory nature, fever that accompanies rashes, this remedy has an effect in intensity equivalent to that of taking "Aconite" and "Belladonna". Thus, the drug Ferrum phosphoricum is a biochemical agent that helps in a number of situations:

  • The initial stages of the inflammatory process.
  • The pain thatgets more intense with movement and lighter with cold.
  • Hemorrhages that are caused by hyperemia.
  • Fresh wounds that are caused by mechanical damage.

Proper nutrition

According to experts in homeopathy, Ferrum phosphoricum shows itself best, provided that the patient adheres to a certain diet, the principles of proper nutrition. The diet must contain those foods that are rich in iron. We are talking about beef, liver, fish, eggs, buckwheat and legumes. From fruits and vegetables, pomegranates, apples, figs, plums, spinach and beets are great. It is advisable to take more liquid during the day. It is extremely important to completely exclude coffee and tea, carbonated water from your diet, as such products greatly weaken the effects of s alts. Good nutrition, combined with compliance with the rules for taking the drug in question, will certainly make it possible to completely restore a weak body in a fairly short time.


The described drug helps children especially when their body is weakened by high fever, and there are no local symptoms. Thus, they are usually prescribed this remedy for fever and weakness.

Additionally, it is worth noting that this drug is absolutely harmless and does not cause any side effects in young patients. Children usually take one or two pills of this drug daily, depending on age.

Many homeopathic specialists FerrumPhosphoricum with hyperemia of the lower extremities is recommended as a very effective remedy. What is it about?

Hyperemia of the lower extremities

Due to the therapeutic effect of iron, it is possible to save patients from various factors that cause hyperemia. Taking a homeopathic remedy called Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Suppression of inflammatory processes at the first stage.
  • Elimination of pain caused by flushing.
  • Stop bleeding.

This drug is extremely effective in the presence of fresh wounds, contusions and sprains, as it quickly eliminates hyperemia.

Pain caused by iron deficiency is aggravated by movement and usually subsides in the cold. In the muscle cells of the human body, iron is present in the form of phosphate.

Thus, any diseases that cause weakening of the walls of the vessels, along with subsequent hyperemia, such as injuries, are treated by homeopaths using the homeopathic remedy in question. This medicine in minimal dosages effectively restores the balance of iron, thereby strengthening muscle fibers.

Special Instructions

It is worth bearing in mind that when using homeopathic medicines, it is likely that the patient will develop an initial temporary deterioration. In this situation, you should immediately stop taking this drug, and then contact your doctor. Be careful and remember the safety measures when taking Ferrum Phosphoricum:

  • Each pill of medicinecontains lactose monohydrate. This nuance must be considered by all patients suffering from lactose intolerance.
  • The preparation in question also contains wheat starch. This ingredient contains gluten, but only in an ultra-small amount. Thus, in general, this remedy is considered safe for those patients who suffer from gluten-sensitive celiac disease. However, it is still worth being vigilant.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, this remedy can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • It is worth emphasizing that this drug can be safely used to treat children. However, if the baby is less than a year old, this medicine should only be used on the advice of a doctor.
  • As for the peculiarities of the effect of this drug on the ability to drive a vehicle, it must be said that in this regard it is absolutely harmless.

Ferrum phosphoricum: drug reviews

ferrum phosphoricum side effects
ferrum phosphoricum side effects

As reported in the reviews of parents, the very next morning after taking this homeopathic remedy, children practically have a decrease in temperature, an appetite appears, and they look happier.

In general, both doctors and parents note in their comments that due to the treatment of children with the homeopathic preparation Ferrum phosphoricum, they are getting better. For most of them, such therapy often helps. In particular, moms and dads are impressed by the examples of healing along with noticeable improvements in the treatment process with Ferrum Phosphoricum when traditional therapypowerless.

The same is written about the use of the drug in question and adult patients who also happened to take it for their treatment. They note that this homeopathic medicine is easily tolerated without causing any adverse reactions. Thus, both adults and children actually notice the effect and benefits of treatment with the drug.

Specialists in the field of homeopathy call Ferrum phosphoricum one of the best remedies. Talking about its effectiveness, they give a simple example. What do you do when you can't concentrate for a long time and feel sleepy? That's right, sometimes it's enough just to take a deep breath of clean and fresh air. So, in this case, you can always count on Ferrum phosphoricum, as they say, as a means of first aid.


ferrum phosphoricum application
ferrum phosphoricum application

Thus, this s alt perfectly helps in the first stage of development in patients with fever or against the background of an acute illness, for example, with cough and runny nose. It should be taken before clear symptoms develop. During this period, patients usually lie flaccid with flushed cheeks, but without the presence of a clear and pronounced symptomatology. For example, patients are prescribed "Aconite" if the fever is accompanied by a certain anxiety along with panic and fear, or "Belladonna" is prescribed when the patient has shiny eyes with dilated pupils. The drug is suitable in all these cases, and also treats patients with acute otitis media when Belladonna does not help.

For the treatment of anemiait is advisable to alternate two s alts at once: Ferrum phosphoricum and Calcarea phosphoricum (Calcarea or Calcium Phosphoricum). The fact is that calcium contributes to a very effective absorption of iron. This remedy can be prescribed to pregnant women suffering from anemia, if they observe side effects from the appointment of iron-containing traditional drugs, in particular constipation, diarrhea or heartburn. The medicine is also prescribed for nosebleeds, including children. The presented medical preparation effectively reduces bleeding after surgical operations and soreness.

We examined a popular homeopathic remedy - Ferrum phosphoricum (indications for use, reviews, contraindications).
