Liquid spray for wounds - save yourself from scratches

Liquid spray for wounds - save yourself from scratches
Liquid spray for wounds - save yourself from scratches

Liquid Wound Spray is especially useful in the summer, when children and adults get abrasions and scratches during summer activities. Riding a bike or working in the country, playing on the playground or just spending time on a picnic, you always run the risk of getting a cut or minor injury. This risk is especially high for young children, who constantly peel off their knees, hands and noses with chins while exploring the world.

Quickly treat a scratch or abrasion with a wound spray that creates a breathable film on the surface of the skin and has a disinfecting effect on the affected area within 60 seconds after application. This spray is good for primary and primary delayed antiseptic treatment of small wounds, cuts, abrasions, insect bites, as well as thermal and sunburns.

liquid spray for wounds
liquid spray for wounds

Liquid Wound Spray has so many benefits:

  • convenient application, which does not require touching the affected area of the skin (which is especially appreciated by small children);
  • spray glue does not leave marks on clothes and skin, unlike the usual for us brilliant green, iodine and various fatty creams;
  • the product is usually contained in small convenient bottles that you can take with you anywhere;
  • do not rinse the wound with water before applying the spray if this is not possible;
  • most wound sprays kill a wide range of harmful microbes, including streptococci, staphylococci, various types of fungi.
spray for wounds
spray for wounds

How to properly use Liquid Wound Spray

As a rule, the product is applied to the affected area of the skin at a distance of 10-15 cm. At the same time, a protective film is formed on the wound, which prevents dangerous bacteria from getting onto soft tissues. Be sure to let the spray dry to avoid violating sterility. Typically, such funds can be applied to the wound an unlimited number of times a day, if necessary. The activity of medicinal substances is maintained even if there is blood or pus in the damaged area.

Liquid Wound Spray is an indispensable helper in every family's first aid kit due to its convenience and ease of use. By the way, disinfectants in the composition of such sprays are usually more active than iodine and brilliant green.

The most popular wound sprays available in pharmacies have similar properties, and you can choose any option you like. For example, spray "Ambulance", which contains natural extracts of bisabolol, arnica and calendula, as well as tea tree essential oil, d-panthenol and chlorhexidine.

spray glue
spray glue

There is also a great liquid sprayDettol, represented by a well-known European brand in the field of hand hygiene and antiseptic treatment. The active substance is benzalkonium chloride, which has an effect on many types of bacteria and fungi. The spray is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, as well as for people with individual intolerance to the components.

Speak with your pharmacist to find the right wound spray for you to always have with you to protect you and your children.
