Mental he alth 2024, October

Despair: what is it and how to fight

Despair: what is it and how to fight

Everything doesn't work out, and the world is painted in mourning colors… People don't understand, friends have turned their backs, family is annoying with complaints? And most importantly, there is no way out of this situation. A person designates his state as hopelessness. What is meant when this terrible word is pronounced?

How to live if you don't want to live? With or without medication

How to live if you don't want to live? With or without medication

A state close to depression is experienced by 95% of the population from time to time. Moreover, this is not related to the material level, if the country is close to the average values. If the population is on the verge of survival or in the process of war, the instincts of self-preservation turn on, the indicators of depression and suicidality fall. But these general phrases will not help the sufferer answer the question “How to live if you don’t want to live?”

What to do if your child bites children

What to do if your child bites children

Quite often, parents encounter a problem when their 1-3-year-old child bites other children on the playground or in kindergarten, pinches, that is, behaves aggressively. This is frightening and disturbing. What's this? Why is the kid so belligerent?

How to kill fear in yourself?

How to kill fear in yourself?

Do you feel that more and more panic thoughts appear in your head about how terrible it will be to lose your he alth or a loved one, to wake up old or poor? Urgently start an internal struggle with fear, and we will try to help you with some tips

What does a psychotherapist treat and why should you contact him

What does a psychotherapist treat and why should you contact him

Despite the abundance of psychologist characters in popular movies and TV shows, many people do not understand what a psychotherapist treats. This misunderstanding is aggravated in difficult moments of life, precisely when a person feels the need to seek help from such a specialist, when the ability to critically comprehend what is happening decreases and it becomes more difficult to draw rational conclusions

How to help a person get out of depression painlessly

How to help a person get out of depression painlessly

Depression is an emotional disorder characterized by low mood, impaired thought processes, slowness, and an inability to feel joy and fun. To help a person get out of depression, it is necessary to determine its main causes

How to beat depression. Tips & Tricks

How to beat depression. Tips & Tricks

Depression is a condition that every person experiences sooner or later due to certain circumstances. In especially severe cases, depression should be managed by a therapist, but most often it can be managed on your own. So, how to beat depression and bad mood? Here are some tips

Tired of everything. I want rest

Tired of everything. I want rest

Every woman in her life has a moment when she wearily runs her hand over her forehead, closes her eyes and, pushing aside all the papers, sighs: "How tired I am of everything …". What to do? How to cope?

Introvert: who is it? Ratio Expert

Introvert: who is it? Ratio Expert

The topic of introverts is becoming more and more popular abroad. Books especially for this category of people also began to appear in Russian. According to Western sources, there are few introverts, about 20%. In fact, about half of them, just in the active world of America, for example, to belong to a contemplative and calm category of people is considered a disadvantage

Psychosomatics of hair loss: description, possible causes and features of treatment

Psychosomatics of hair loss: description, possible causes and features of treatment

Hair loss is often the result of psychological problems and can even tell what exactly caused the unstable state of mind. By paying attention to this problem in time, you can radically change your life for the better by identifying the psychological cause

Anxiolytic action is Anxiolytic action of drugs

Anxiolytic action is Anxiolytic action of drugs

In the article we will try to take a closer look at the effect of psychotropic drugs, a group of which include tranquilizers, also called anxiolytics, and antidepressants, and also to understand what is the difference between their effects on the human body

The best psychiatrists in Moscow: addresses and reviews

The best psychiatrists in Moscow: addresses and reviews

How to make an appointment with a psychiatrist in Moscow? Is it possible to trust all the doctors, information about which is on the expanses of the virtual web?

Presynaptic and pessimal inhibition

Presynaptic and pessimal inhibition

The article is devoted to presynaptic and pessimal inhibition. The features of these mechanisms, types, significance, etc. are considered

Mental retardation is Degrees and forms of mental retardation. Children with mental retardation

Mental retardation is Degrees and forms of mental retardation. Children with mental retardation

What do you think of when you hear the phrase "mental retardation"? This, for sure, is accompanied by not the most pleasant associations. Many people's knowledge of this condition is mainly based on television shows and films, where real facts are often distorted for the sake of entertainment. Mild mental retardation, for example, is not a pathology in which a person should be isolated from society

What is regressive hypnosis?

What is regressive hypnosis?

Some believe that through regressive hypnosis you can go back in time and change it, others are convinced that the session allows you to reprogram the client. What is true here, and what is just fiction?

Delirium - what is it? Signs and symptoms of the disorder

Delirium - what is it? Signs and symptoms of the disorder

In modern psychiatry, delirium (synonyms: mental disorder, delirium) is a complex of ideas or ideas that have appeared as a result of a developing brain disease as a symptom of impaired thinking. They erroneously reflect reality and are not corrected by new incoming information, regardless of whether the existing conclusion corresponds to reality or not. Most often, delusions are one of the components of the manifestations of schizophrenia or other mental disorders

Clinical depression - what is it?

Clinical depression - what is it?

Clinical depression is a mental disorder characterized by low mood, apathy, cognitive impairment. The article discusses the possible causes of the disease, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Agraphia - what is it?

Agraphia - what is it?

Writing is a complex mental process that is related to speech, perception, and also to the motor area. In some cases, there is a violation of the letter, which is associated with speech disorders, but all movements are preserved. In this case, agraphia is observed. This is a disease that develops in the pathology of the cerebral cortex and is characterized by a loss of probability for writing

Psycho-neurological dispensary in Podolsk: general information, reviews

Psycho-neurological dispensary in Podolsk: general information, reviews

After a patient has been diagnosed with any neuropsychiatric abnormalities, it is worth starting treatment immediately. One of the best institutions in this direction in the Moscow region is the Psychoneurological dispensary in Podolsk, which is located at st. Foundry, 40

Psychiatric hospital of Yekaterinburg (Sibirsky tract, 8 km): description, types of assistance, infrastructure

Psychiatric hospital of Yekaterinburg (Sibirsky tract, 8 km): description, types of assistance, infrastructure

The psychiatric hospital in Yekaterinburg has existed since 1834. The clinic is a state medical institution that provides specialized assistance to any citizen of the Russian Federation

How to get medical care in the psycho-neurological dispensary of the Krasnogvardeisky district

How to get medical care in the psycho-neurological dispensary of the Krasnogvardeisky district

Mental he alth certificate is required when applying for a job, obtaining a driver's license, making real estate transactions. And sometimes a person needs qualified help from a specialist in mental disorders. Such services can be obtained by contacting the psycho-neurological dispensary of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

Querulantism is an irresistible litigious activity. Main signs and treatments for querulism

Querulantism is an irresistible litigious activity. Main signs and treatments for querulism

Querulantism is the human tendency to constantly argue, litigate and defend one's interests by any means, to the point of disregarding the rights of others. The name of the disease comes from the Latin word "complain", which reveals the very essence of this phenomenon. So what is querulism?

Emotionally unstable personality disorder: types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Emotionally unstable personality disorder: types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Emotionally unstable personality disorder most often lies in wait for women. Among the entire population, it can be found in 2% of cases. In patients who are on outpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital - 10%, and in those hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic - 20%

Chechen syndrome: symptoms and treatment methods

Chechen syndrome: symptoms and treatment methods

Relatively recently, a new diagnosis appeared in military psychiatry - "Chechen syndrome". But such a disease did not arise out of nowhere. Previously, such a syndrome was called Afghan, and before that - Vietnamese. Today it is noted that all the fighters who went through not only the Chechen campaign, but also participated in any other “hot spots”, suffer from this disease to a greater or lesser extent

The best psychotherapist in Nizhny Novgorod: rating, reviews

The best psychotherapist in Nizhny Novgorod: rating, reviews

How to combine good family relationships and building a career? What to do with an aggressive child? How to save a crumbling relationship in a marriage? The best psychotherapists of Nizhny Novgorod can help you find answers to people's questions, try to understand life's problems. It is this specialist who is able to consider the current situation objectively and without emotions. He has the experience and knowledge to help you

Psycho-neurological dispensary in Khimki: information about the institution

Psycho-neurological dispensary in Khimki: information about the institution

The well-known proverb "Don't renounce prison and scrip" can be easily paraphrased "You can't run away from psychoneurology in life". Indeed, very often the services of doctors of the appropriate profile are used not only by "sick in the head", but also by quite he althy people. In today's world, proof of mental he alth is required to obtain a driver's license, a gun permit, access to state secrets, and in other cases

Psychasthenia is a mental disorder: symptoms and treatments

Psychasthenia is a mental disorder: symptoms and treatments

Psychasthenia is a serious disease that requires competent therapy. However, it is not possible to completely cure it. This disease usually accompanies a person throughout his life

Where is the psycho-neurological dispensary (Arkhangelsk)? Main activities of a psychiatric institution

Where is the psycho-neurological dispensary (Arkhangelsk)? Main activities of a psychiatric institution

Psycho-neurological dispensary (Arkhangelsk) is a medical institution that provides highly specialized care, drug and psychiatric therapy, as well as general medical rehabilitation. This medical institution was established by a decree of the department of the he alth department

Avoidant Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Avoidant Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If a patient has an increased tendency to anxiety, agoraphobia, social phobia, it can be suspected that he has an avoidant personality disorder. These terms refer to the fear of open spaces and interaction with people

Drug "Ketilept": reviews, instructions for use

Drug "Ketilept": reviews, instructions for use

"Ketilept" is an antipsychotic drug that belongs to the group of neuroleptics. The active element of this medication is quetiapine, which has a calming and suppressing hallucination property. But in what cases this medication is prescribed, and what are the contraindications to its use, we will consider below

Where is the psycho-neurological dispensary (Mytishchi)? Main activities of a psychiatric institution

Where is the psycho-neurological dispensary (Mytishchi)? Main activities of a psychiatric institution

When unwell, do not treat yourself without first consulting a doctor. It is better to go to a medical institution. Then you can not only quickly diagnose the disease, but also be calm, because he alth will depend on a qualified specialist. In this case, the neuropsychiatric dispensary will provide prompt assistance even in particularly difficult situations

Psycho-neurological dispensary (Saratov) - for those who have a sore soul

Psycho-neurological dispensary (Saratov) - for those who have a sore soul

In our time, diseases in the field of psychoneurology force more and more people to seek advice from specialists in a psychoneurological dispensary

Why my throat hurts: the psychosomatics of the disease

Why my throat hurts: the psychosomatics of the disease

Sore throats are not always the cause of the inflammatory process, sometimes the root of the problem lies in the psychological state of a person. To cure a psychological illness, it is important to know what psychosomatics is

Piebaldism syndrome: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Piebaldism syndrome: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

One of the varieties of pigment metabolism disorders is a rare "piebaldism" syndrome. It is characterized by patchy discoloration of the hair on the head. This is far from a harmless cosmetic defect, but a symptom of a large number of serious diseases. In this article, we will consider piebaldism in detail. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment will also be described

Advice from an optimist: what to do when you don't want to live?

Advice from an optimist: what to do when you don't want to live?

When everything in life ceases to please, you involuntarily think about why to live. Why does this happen? Unclear. What to do if you do not want to live and are tired of everything?

The Living Dead: Cotard's Syndrome

The Living Dead: Cotard's Syndrome

Sometimes the human brain behaves in a strange way: it suddenly begins to deny its own existence. Doctors call this symptom radical denial and diagnose it as Cotard's syndrome

Panic attacks: symptoms, treatment and causes

Panic attacks: symptoms, treatment and causes

Due to constant stress, nervous strain and panic attacks occur. The symptoms, treatment, and causes of these outbreaks have become of interest to modern medicine relatively recently. But quite a large number of people already suffer from this disease

Laziness and indifference? No, apato-abulic syndrome

Laziness and indifference? No, apato-abulic syndrome

Apatho-abulic syndrome is what some experts call a house thief. This disease begins completely imperceptibly, but, developing, gradually “steals” the identity of the sick person

I wonder why the psychiatrist asks strange questions?

I wonder why the psychiatrist asks strange questions?

Why do psychiatrists ask strange questions? Everyone who visited such a specialist at least once thought about this. Now we will try to deal with it

Insanity is senile dementia

Insanity is senile dementia

Senile dementia matters a lot in older age. The causes of dementia lie in lifestyle, past illnesses and, of course, depend on the age of the patient