Introvert: who is it? Ratio Expert

Introvert: who is it? Ratio Expert
Introvert: who is it? Ratio Expert

The topic of introverts is becoming more and more popular abroad. Books especially for this category of people also began to appear in Russian. According to Western sources, there are few introverts, about 20%. In fact, about half of them, just in the active world of America, for example, to belong to a contemplative and calm category of people is considered a disadvantage. And the books appeared to reassure those who nevertheless agreed to recognize themselves as belonging to a "non-prestigious" group. Introvert: who is this?

The stereotype trap

who is an introvert
who is an introvert

Don't believe the sources that describe this category of people as closed, idiosyncratic and detached from others. Some really are, but that doesn't make everyone an introvert. The main thing is the way of perception of reality. The inward-oriented understand everything through relationships. And there are four options.

Through time

Perception through the ratio of opportunities - probabilistic forecasting. Rather thisopportunity will come true or that? If a person is immersed in the contemplation of events, then this is either an intuitive-ethical introvert, or an intuitive-logical one. The difference is that the first anticipates, while the second makes business forecasts.

Reality to the touch

Perception of the world through spatial relationships. Is it convenient, comfortable for me, is the space harmonious? If this is a sensory-ethical introvert, then such a person achieves comfort through the creation of an emotional environment. But what if this is the second variety, the sensory-logical introvert? Who is it? An artisan who works with harmony and is able to turn the ugly into the beautiful. It is these people who work wonders in magazines with photos of girls “before” and “after”. They make the best plastic surgeons.

Psychic Energy

intuitive-ethical introvert
intuitive-ethical introvert

Perception of the world through the ratio of emotional states. Did I get better or worse after talking to that person? This is what determines the relationship between people. Here, for example, is the ethical-intuitive introvert. Who is it? A master of compromises, kind and sympathetic, tuned only to a positive person. And here is another, ethical-sensory introvert. He requires compliance with moral standards, knows how to protect loved ones from negative relationships. You won't spoil him!

Structure of reality

Perception of the world through subject relations. And this is the understanding of the logic of systems, where everything is interconnected. Order - by force … This is the voice of a logical-sensory introvert, a “systems specialist”-practitioner. He is cautious and confident at the same time. Logical-intuitive introvert, who is it? Analyst who sees deep connections. Perhaps your strict but beloved teacher was this type?

it's an introvert
it's an introvert

An introvert is just a person who sees, first of all, not the things and phenomena themselves, but their connections with each other. And in terms of sociability and the number of friends, he may not differ from an extrovert. Although more than the latter, he likes to lie down on the sofa with a new book. Or keep quiet in a big company. Introverts have a lot of secrets, but all eight types are very different, so don't treat them all the same. Ethical types are more like extroverts, logical types are closer to the image of the "classic closed" type. But they don't mind having fun if they know the people around them.
