Despite the abundance of psychologist characters in popular movies and TV shows, many people do not understand what a psychotherapist treats. This misunderstanding is exacerbated in difficult moments of life, precisely when a person feels the need to seek help from such a specialist, when the ability to critically comprehend what is happening decreases and it becomes more difficult to draw rational conclusions. The mechanism that prevents us from understanding what the therapist is treating is related to the phenomenon of projection. It is human nature to invest expectations and perceptions of various aspects of life in precisely those aspects that concern him. As a result, they undergo a significant transformation, and their rational perception becomes more and more difficult. Still, let's try to figure out what a psychotherapist treats.

The study of the human psyche is based on several axioms. One of them is a phenomenon.unconscious. Each of us has unconscious fantasies, thoughts and feelings. And they have a very direct impact on behavior and self-perception. Sometimes this can be understood through introspection, but this happens very rarely. If a significant part of experiences remains in the unconscious, which is inaccessible to real understanding, then this forms a stable psycho-complex that prevents a person from living. This results in a feeling of dissatisfaction, chronic fatigue, decreased mood and self-esteem. It may also be difficult to communicate with loved ones. This is the most common symptom. It can be understood with a simple example. A person, communicating with friends and initiating interaction, constantly feels that his expectations from communication are not justified. After analyzing his behavior, he does not find anything for which he could reproach himself. His discontent turns to his friends. But he cannot formulate his claims and simply seeks out shortcomings in those around him so that he can somehow argue the brewing conflict. In order to understand the situation, it is necessary to find hidden motives for the behavior of the individual, and this is exactly what the psychotherapist does and treats. His vocation is to put everything in its place, or rather, to model everything so that the client himself does it with the support of a consultant. Calling it a cure would be an understatement. Moreover, it is not a psychologist or psychotherapist who should deal with the treatment of psychiatric disorders, but a psychiatrist.

Help and support
Know yourself betteranalyze all aspects of your interaction with the outside world, come to terms with your own difficult memories and rejected feelings - this is not a complete list of what psychotherapy can give. It will certainly prove useful in difficult life situations, when a person is faced with the need to make a difficult decision, and hesitations and doubts interfere with him.
A family therapist will help a couple get out of the crisis and understand what the prospects of the relationship are. To do this, you will need to openly talk not only with a specialist, but also with each other. A psychotherapist in Moscow, whose services will cost an average of 2,000 rubles, can practice several methods at the same time. You need to determine for yourself which one is best for you.