"Ketilept" is an antipsychotic drug that belongs to the group of neuroleptics. The active element of this medication is quetiapine, which has a calming and suppressing hallucination property. But in what cases this medication is prescribed, and what are the contraindications to its use, we will consider below.

Indications for admission
About the drug "Ketilept" reviews confirm that this antipsychotic medication has a sedative and suppressive effect on hallucinations. And appoint it in the following cases:
- for acute and chronic psychoses;
- for schizophrenia;
- for the treatment of manic and polar disorders.
It is worth noting that this medication does not have a hypnotic effect, but sometimes Ketilept can make a person sleepy.
How to use this drug and dosage
About the considered drug "Ketilept" reviews indicate that itprescribed only by a doctor. And all the information that will be given below is purely for informational purposes.
Basically, Ketilept is prescribed to be taken 2 times a day, regardless of food intake. For adults, this medication should be taken according to the following table:
- first day - 50mg;
- second day - 100 mg;
- Third day - 200 mg;
- fourth day - 300 mg.
On the fifth and subsequent days, the daily allowance is 300 mg.

The psychiatrist's reviews of the Ketilept medical preparation confirm that the clinical response and individual tolerance of each patient are taken into account. Therefore, the dose can be adjusted, both up and down, while the daily rate should not exceed 800 mg per day.
In cases where the patient is in stable remission, the attending physician prescribes the lowest dosage. In such cases, patients are periodically examined in order to establish the need for maintenance therapy with this medication.
If medical therapy was completely canceled earlier, and it became necessary to urgently resume it, then the daily dose is selected based on the time of the break.
For example, if only one week has passed since the day of withdrawal, Ketilept continues to be used in the same dosage as before the drug was discontinued.
If more than one week and one day has passed since the day of cancellation, then the medicine is started according to the initial selection of therapy.
If the patient is in a weakened condition or has a predisposition to hypertension, then this drug is prescribed with a minimum dose, and the general condition of such a patient is necessarily monitored. In the event that a person has renal or hepatic insufficiency, then this medication is started at 25 mg per day, increasing the dosage daily until the required dose is reached.
What side effects may occur after taking?
To the drug "Ketilept" reviews indicate that the most common side effects are as follows:
- drowsy;
- dizziness;
- dry mouth;
- development of asthenia;
- constipation;
- tachycardia;
- development of hypotension.

It is worth noting that the above symptoms are quite rare. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take this remedy on your own. It is important to understand that patients use such medication only under the supervision of the attending physician.
What are the contraindications to the use of this remedy?
To the drug "Ketilept" reviews confirm that the use of such a drug is not recommended in the following situations:
- during pregnancy;
- during breastfeeding;
- patients under 14;
- with hypersensitivity to one of the components that make up the medication.
Also, this drug is prescribed with caution to patients who have been diagnosed with hepaticinsufficiency and possibly the appearance of convulsive seizures. This drug is not recommended for the elderly either, but if there is an urgent need to take it, then the use is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation
About the drug "Ketilept" psychiatrist reviews confirm that to date, its safety and efficacy during pregnancy has not been established. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the use of such a drug is not recommended.
But at the same time, in some cases, the appointment of such a remedy is still possible, but only in a situation where the benefit to the expectant mother will outweigh the possible risk to the child. As for the period of breastfeeding, at the moment it is not exactly established whether the active substance quetialin enters the milk or not. Therefore, if there is an urgent need to take this drug, breastfeeding should be stopped immediately.
Special instructions for Ketilept
Application (reviews also confirm this) should be careful for such diseases:
- heart disease;
- convulsive seizures;
- tardive dyskinesia;
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome;
- abrupt cancellation reaction;
- for lactose intolerance.

All this is confirmed by patient reviews about the Ketilept medicine. If a person suffersheart disease, or vascular defects of the brain, then such a drug is prescribed with caution and in a minimal dose. The fact is that Ketilept can provoke orthostatic hypotension, which can manifest itself at the initial stage of treatment. As a rule, this problem occurs in elderly people, so they should start taking the drug strictly under the supervision of their doctor.
To date, no cases have been reported in which a person has had seizures after taking this medication. But this drug, as well as other antipsychotic drugs, can provoke such a reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to start taking this medication with extreme caution.
This also describes in detail the instructions for the Ketilept preparation.
Reviews also indicate that it can provoke tardive dyskinesia if used for a long time. Therefore, if such an unpleasant symptom makes itself felt, then you should immediately contact your doctor to correct the dose taken down or to completely stop the drug.
Signs of neuroleptic syndrome
Often, during medical therapy, a person is diagnosed with neuroleptic malignant syndrome. You can identify it by the following symptoms:
- hyperthermia;
- changes in mental status;
- appearance of muscle rigidity;
- instability of the nervous system.
If such signs are detected, Ketilept should immediatelystop using, and accordingly conduct medical therapy to eliminate this defect.
If a person has a sudden withdrawal reaction, they will show the following symptoms:
- signs of acute withdrawal;
- severe nausea;
- vomiting;
- insomnia.
It is worth emphasizing that such a reaction of the body happens in very rare cases. Basically, it manifests itself if the antipsychotic drug is abruptly stopped taking. In this case, a mental disorder is added to all the above signs. In order to avoid such an effect, the patient should gradually reduce the dosage of the drug used and only then completely refuse it.
If a person has lactose intolerance, then this medication is replaced with an analogue. The fact is that the shell that covers the tablets is created with the addition of lactose. Therefore, the drug is not recommended for use. But if it is not possible to switch to an analogue, then the use of such tablets begins with extreme caution, controlling the manifestation of side effects.

As the instructions for use indicate to the Ketilept preparation (reviews also confirm this), cases of overdose have been reported to date, which are expressed in the following symptoms:
- lower blood pressure;
- increased heartbeat;
- drowsy;
- manifestation of apathy;
- rarecases, coma may occur.
If this drug is combined with other antipsychotic medicines, fainting and swelling of the whole body may occur.
At the moment, there are no special antidotes that can neutralize an overdose. Therefore, therapeutic therapy is aimed at normalizing the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as restoring respiratory function. For these purposes, the patient is provided with ventilation and oxygenation.
The obligatory condition is the full observation of the victim until his full recovery.
Reviews after using this medication
There are plenty of reviews for Ketilept medication. For depression, it is prescribed quite often.
And the vast majority of reviews about this medication are positive. A very good and effective drug, people who started taking this drug got rid of panic attacks from which they suffered for a long time. And the main advantage of this medication is that there are practically no side effects. The conclusion suggests itself, Ketilept is an effective antipsychotic medication.
Often, people who have a sign of schizophrenia come to the reception. In this case, the Ketilept medication is recommended, since its active substance has a sedative effect. As for side effects, with many years of practice of prescribing this drug, there were such negativeeffects are extremely rare. Therefore, with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia", only this medication is clearly prescribed.

What do experts say about such a medication?
About the drug "Ketilept" reviews of doctors confirm that when prescribing this drug, the patient has to get used to it for a very long time, but the result of such torment is worth it. After taking the medicine, all mood swings disappear. And most importantly, apathy towards the outside world is passing.
Initially, the doctor prescribes to take this medication at 300 mg per day. As soon as the course of treatment is started, the patient develops lethargy and constant drowsiness. But gradually these side effects go away, and in return there is a long-awaited feeling of calm and self-confidence.
We reviewed what those who take Ketilept say. The reviews also indicate that this is a fairly effective drug, but it is strictly forbidden to use it without a doctor's prescription. It is important to understand that the dosage is selected for each patient individually, for some the daily rate is 700 mg, for other people the maximum daily rate is 300 mg. Therefore, you should not conduct experiments on your body, and if there is a need to use such a remedy, it is better to visit a specialist.