Insanity is senile dementia

Insanity is senile dementia
Insanity is senile dementia

Senile dementia is very common in older age. The causes of dementia lie in the lifestyle, past illnesses and, of course, depend on the age of the patient. Cardiovascular problems and diseases of the nervous system have a significant impact on the occurrence of dementia.

Insanity is
Insanity is

Marasmus is senile dementia, in which the structures of the brain disintegrate. The patient loses the knowledge and skills that have been accumulated throughout life. This manifests itself to varying degrees. In especially severe cases, such degeneration occurs that patients are not able to recognize the closest people. New knowledge is already difficult for the patient, as irreparable damage occurs in the brain.

Let's consider the signs of insanity. As a rule, patients withdraw into themselves, become callous and stingy. Not a trace remains of the former intellectual hobbies and interests. On the contrary, the needs of a physiological nature are growing, in particular, there is an increased appetite and interest in erotica. Primitive desires, sullenness and irritability are what characterize patients with senile dementia.

Signs of insanity
Signs of insanity

Insanity is:

  • decreasememory;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • sleep disorder.

Other signs of dementia show up over time:

  • amnesia;
  • time disorientation;
  • false memories fill gaps in memory;
  • shift into the past;
  • false orientation and confusion;
  • fussiness;
  • helplessness;
  • arson capability.

Insanity is a disease in which the mass of the brain of an elderly person is reduced to 1000 grams, and the convolutions become thinner. Dementia comes in different degrees: mild, moderate, and severe.

  1. Easy degree. Such patients can continue to live independently. Their coordination of movements is not disturbed, there is no disorientation in time, but only their abilities are reduced. However, patients have signs of apathy, there is isolation and loss of interest.
  2. Sick with a moderate degree should not be left alone unattended, as they are not able to give an account of their actions. There are no basic skills to use household appliances. In addition, memory impairment is observed.
  3. Severe patients need constant care, as they cannot take care of themselves, follow the rules of hygiene. There is a strong defeat and a change in the human psyche.
senile insanity symptoms treatment
senile insanity symptoms treatment

When a person has senile insanity, symptoms, treatment does not always lead to a complete recovery. The use of stimulants andvitamins. In severe cases, tranquilizers are used. It must be taken into account that it is the elderly who suffer from this disease. At the age of 70-80, diseases such as heart attacks, pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, and strokes are common among patients.

Let insanity be an irreversible process, but how then to preserve memory in old age? Human memory has a unique ability, but due to certain reasons (stress, malnutrition) it deteriorates. In addition, degenerative changes may also occur. There are general rules, the implementation of which will help the brain to function well. It is necessary to initially create all the necessary conditions for this. First of all, you can not mentally overstrain and work "on the verge"! You should walk daily in the fresh air and exercise. Normal blood circulation of the brain is possible only with physical exercises. Running and strength training are beneficial, as is a he althy diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins.
