Writing is a complex mental process that is related to speech, perception, and also to the motor area. In some cases, there is a violation of the letter, which is associated with speech disorders, but all movements are preserved. In this case, agraphia is observed. This is a disease that develops in the pathology of the cerebral cortex and is characterized by a loss of probability for writing. At the same time, the intellect of a person is preserved, the formed writing skills are also present. Pathology can manifest itself in different ways.

Agraphia is the loss of the ability to write with the full presence of the intellect and without impaired coordination of hand movements, which occurs with the pathology of the cerebral cortex in the left hemisphere in right-handers and in the right hemisphere in left-handers. In this case, there may be a complete loss of the ability to write, severe distortion of words, breaks, inability to connect syllables or letters. The patient also has a defect in phonemic hearing and auditory and speech memory. Illness arises asas a rule, in childhood, when oral speech has not yet been formed, therefore children are not able to comprehend the sound range of words and perceive them only by meaning. At the same time, pronunciation with meaning in children is in no way connected, therefore, the alpha-sound association is difficult.

There are several types of agraphia in medicine:
- Pure or amnestic agraphia, which is characterized by difficulty writing words from dictation and spontaneous writing. If a person cheats, then some preservation of skills remains. With such an ailment, there are omissions of letters in words, words in sentences, punctuation marks, elements of mirror writing. Pure agraphia is a disorder that is one of the components of Gerstmann's syndrome.
- Aphatic, which develops when the cortex of the left temporal lobe is damaged, as a result of which auditory memory is disturbed and phonemic hearing disappears.
- Constructive, which appears with constructive aphasia.
- Apraxic agraphia, a violation mechanism is observed in all types of writing. With such an ailment, a person does not know how to properly take a pen in his hand, then a violation of the sequence of actions is observed. When writing words, an incorrect ratio of the elements of letters occurs, some of them are written in a mirror way. If the form of the disease is severe, then there is a disintegration of the pattern of letters, they are depicted as dashes intersecting with each other. All this occurs as a result of the pathology of the angular gyrus of the left hemisphere or the posterior parts of the frontal lobe.convolutions.
- Mirror dysgraphia and agraphia are characterized in the mirror image of letters, word order, writing direction. Especially often this phenomenon is present in left-handers, mentally retarded children, as well as in violation of interhemispheric interaction.

As mentioned above, the main cause of the development of the disease is the pathology of the cerebral cortex, which can result from the presence of tumors, head injuries, stroke or cerebral hemorrhage, inflammatory and infectious processes, poisoning with toxins, etc. In addition, in babies, agraphia may appear due to birth trauma. One of the options may be considered a trauma in which the baby cannot learn to talk, respectively, he will not be able to write either. In an adult, the disease is associated with aphasia, in which the ability to express thoughts through oral speech is lost. In frequent cases, agraphia is a disorder that is a symptom of another disease, and not an independent pathology.

First of all, the disease is characterized by deviations in writing, which is expressed either in its complete loss, or in violation of the structure of words, the omission of syllables and letters, the inability to combine letters into words, the inability to write a whole word, while the intellect is not impaired and writing skills developed. In childhood, agraphia is a manifestation of alalia, which is formed as a result of brain damage. In parallel, there may be a violation of otherpurposeful mental processes in some cases.
When making a diagnosis, there are no difficulties. First of all, the neurologist conducts an examination and can immediately make a diagnosis. It is difficult to establish the cause of the development of pathology. First of all, it is necessary to determine the lesion in the brain and its cause. In this case, the parents or close relatives of the patient are first interviewed in detail. Then the doctor prescribes neurological examinations: MRI, X-ray of the skull, ECHO-encephalography, CT, blood circulation, electroencephalography, etc.
Positive results of treatment are given by complex comprehensive therapy. This should include drug treatment, exercise therapy, classes with a psychologist and speech therapist, music director. At the same time, agraphia is a disease that requires long-term treatment. As therapeutic drugs, the doctor prescribes those whose action is aimed at nourishing the brain, improving the processes that take place in it. At the same time, it is important to prescribe treatment in a timely manner so that children do not have difficulties in the future when learning. Doctors also recommend regular writing exercises, including cheating and dictation.

Prevention is to conduct speech exercises as often as possible. Parents are advised to monitor how the child expresses his thoughts, how he connects words, and also how his speech develops. Any manifestation of lag or delay must not be overlooked.speech restrictions. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist for examination and treatment. By responding to the problem in a timely manner, parents will be able to ensure the normal development of their child and protect him from many problems that may arise in the future due to agraphia. It is also necessary to ensure that the child is not injured, to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases in time, to prevent intoxication, and to closely monitor the he alth of their children. Adults are advised to lead a he althy lifestyle, avoid craniocerebral injuries, and engage in the prevention of circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain. Prevention of a congenital disease is a conscious attitude to the birth of a child, which will make it possible to prevent the development of pathology during pregnancy and childbirth.

Prognosis is generally good. Although the treatment is supposed to be long, there is a possibility of restoring lost functions. A huge role is played by timely treatment, its complexity and versatility. Compliance with preventive measures also has a positive effect on the outcome of the disease.