Apatho-abulic syndrome is what some experts call a house thief. This disease begins completely imperceptibly, but, developing, gradually “steals” the identity of the sick person. The disease is well described in the medical literature, but it is very difficult for a person who does not have the appropriate education to understand specific terms. For this reason, I will try to talk about the disease called "apato-abulic syndrome" in a simpler and more accessible language. This disease is one of the forms of schizophrenia, a disease that “splits” the psyche, causing disruption of thought and emotional processes.
Apatho-abulic syndrome. Symptoms

The disease most often affects adolescents and begins slowly. Even the closest relatives for a long time cannot suspect that the child is sick. The apathetic-ambulic syndrome begins with the fact that the patient's emotional and energy potential begins to fall. Teenagers are less active. Gradually, he becomes less and less interested in his surroundings. Teenager stops exercisingfavorite things, loses hobbies, spends more and more time in complete passivity. At the beginning of the disease, he can still perform actions that require compliance with the regulations: go to school, "sit" over homework, wash, etc. However, all actions are purely formal: the teenager does nothing at school, it is "sitting" over notebooks, but does not complete tasks. Over time, he stops attending classes, although he may still wander around the school during class hours. At this stage of the disease, it is rare for teachers and parents to suspect that "difficult" behavior is caused by a mental illness called "apato-abulic syndrome." Treatment is late.

They do not turn to doctors at all, preferring to punish the child, call him to the teachers' councils and register him with the police. This is a gross mistake. If apato-abuse syndrome is left untreated, it will progress and the abnormalities will become more noticeable. A sick teenager is completely removed from the world. He stops communicating, avoids former friends, is no longer able to sympathize, to rejoice in anything. The child becomes withdrawn, very silent, even to questions, if he answers, then in monosyllables. Voice, facial expressions, vegetative reactions, gestures - everything is leveled, becomes inexpressive. Only sometimes grimaces can convulsively distort the face of a teenager. If at this stage the parents did not show the patient to the doctor, then it will be very, very difficult to restore his he alth. The teenager's sense of shame disappears, but the desire for gross pleasures grows. Teen stopsto engage in hygiene, he becomes voracious, and he has a growing desire for frequent masturbation. As a result, he can anonymize right in front of others: not because he wants to challenge, but because he loses the concept of the social environment. Speech becomes "torn" incoherent. A teenager can attack someone, he makes a lot of repetitive movements. At this stage, it is already impossible not to notice that a teenager is sick.

Usually ill adolescents tend to look at their hands when directly addressing them. If a parent or teacher has noticed this, he should take the child to the doctor to check if he has a tendency to the disease "apatic-abulic syndrome". S alt baths, ultraviolet irradiation, blood transfusion, etc. are usually used for treatment (except for treatment with special preparations). Treatment courses are strictly individual.