The psychiatric hospital in Yekaterinburg has existed since 1834. The clinic is a state medical institution that provides specialized assistance to any citizen of the Russian Federation.
GBUZ SO "SOKPB" is located at the address - Sibirsky Trakt, 8 km, Yekaterinburg. The psychiatric hospital is the leading specialized medical institution in the Sverdlovsk region. The clinic provides care for adults and children. The total number of beds is 2337, distributed over 50 inpatient departments. The main ones are:
- Psychiatric wards for children.
- Psychiatric wards for adults.
- Department of intensive care and toxic intensive care.
- 2 psychiatric wards for the elderly.
- 2 Forensic Units.
- 11 day hospitals (including hemodialysis).
The staff consists of highly professional specialists, which includes doctors, junior and middle medical staff, medical psychologists, technical staff.

Medical infrastructure
Many people know that SOKPB is located at the address: Siberian Trakt, 8 km (Yekaterinburg). Psychiatric hospital, provides specialized types of assistance to children and adults.
The clinic has a developed infrastructure, which includes:
- Reception.
- Center for acute poisoning (including medical, resuscitation, therapeutic departments, toxic-chemical laboratory).
- 9 departments of psychiatry.
- 2 narcology departments.
- Children's mental he alth center (diagnostic, treatment, consulting department, 4 specialized departments).
- Treatment and diagnostic department (including somatopsychiatric unit).
- Center for Socio-Forensic Psychiatry (including 3 forensic departments, forensic psychiatric and psychiatric departments).
- Organizational and methodological department.
- Diagnostic laboratory.
- Emergency service.
- KMO Cabinet.
- 2 departments - psychiatry of the USMA and psychiatry, psychotherapy and narcology FPC and PP.
- Clinic "Sosnovy Bor" for those suffering from neurosis (department of consultative diagnostics, 3 medical departments, outpatient clinic, emergency department by phone).
The Psychiatric Hospital (Yekaterinburg, Sibirsky Trakt, 8 km) includes branches:
- "Childhood" (consultative and diagnostic clinic, 2 medical departments).
- "Sysert" (5 psychotuberculosis and treatmentdiagnostic unit).
- Iset (3 psychiatric departments).
- 4 psychiatric hospitals in the cities - Pervouralsk, Kamensk-Uralsky, Polevskoy, Krasnoturinsk.
GBUZ SO "SOKPB" (Sibirsky Trakt, 8 km, Yekaterinburg) is a psychiatric hospital that provides assistance to patients under compulsory medical insurance policies and on a contract basis.

How to get an appointment
The leading area of care in the clinic is psychiatry. Yekaterinburg, Sibirsky Trakt, 8 km - this is the address of the base institution of the hospital. Any patient can apply for help directly at the reception, pre-order a ticket by phone or leave a request on the online service.
List of documents required at the first appointment with a doctor:
- passport;
- compulsory medical insurance policy.
Children are accepted subject to the following package of documents:
- Referral from the attending physician or community psychiatrist.
- Characteristic from the place of study.
- Extract from the patient's outpatient record.
- Results of previous studies and diagnostics.
- Conclusion of the commission (for children).
- Commissariat act (for military-age citizens).

Attention and professionalism
Not only people with clinical forms of mental disorders know the address Siberian Trakt, 8 km, Yekaterinburg. Psychiatric hospital provides care for children with autism,congenital pathologies of development and other complex diseases. For adults, without pathological changes in the state, admission is open in the following cases:
- The effects of stress.
- Anxious conditions for a long time.
- Prolonged stress, disharmony, mood swings, etc.
- Violation, change in eating habits.
- Psychosomatic diseases (stomach ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, etc.).
- Panic attacks, anxiety, feelings of fear, etc.
- Uncertainty in one's own abilities, in life, etc.
The first consultation is free. The specialist, after conducting a preliminary diagnosis, prescribes treatment to the patient, which is implemented in the inpatient, outpatient departments or in the day care department. Methods of treatment are individual, group, family psychotherapy. If necessary, a range of medications is selected.
Patients with mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction can receive treatment in a hospital by consent, in extreme cases with the consent of relatives. At critical moments, assistance and hospitalization are provided by emergency teams.

Used in the clinic and compulsory therapy for patients with schizophrenia, organic brain diseases, epilepsy, mental retardation, etc. On average, such a patient stays in the hospital for about 460 days. The process of therapy includes the removal of acute conditions, stabilization, rehabilitationpatient and bringing him into a state of stable remission.
Patients are provided not only with specialized psychiatric care, but, if necessary, the treatment of general practitioners - therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, dentists, etc. The diagnostic departments of the main hospital and branches are equipped with the necessary equipment to conduct a full range of medical examinations.
Useful information
The psychiatric hospital (main complex) is located in Yekaterinburg at the address: Sibirsky Trakt, 8 km, 1.
Outpatient clinic appointments are from 08:00 to 16:00.
Inpatient department is open around the clock.