Mental he alth 2024, October

Neuroses and neurotic states. Types of neuroses

Neuroses and neurotic states. Types of neuroses

Not everyone can boast of a strong nervous system now. The rhythm of human life is constantly accelerating, and this leads to the fact that people sleep less and work more. Information, emotional overload and stress become constant companions both at home and at work. Even the most restrained people break down, because the accumulated irritability finds a way out sooner or later. Frequent stimulants of nervous breakdowns are family conflicts and difficulties at work

Prostration. What it is? How to deal with it?

Prostration. What it is? How to deal with it?

Prostration refers to the psychological state of a person in which there is no interest in the world around and even in oneself. In this article, we will talk in detail about such a condition as prostration: what it is and how to deal with it

Obsessional neurosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Obsessional neurosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complex of abnormal human conditions, which manifests itself in increased irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue, difficulty concentrating. The patient is characterized by burdened thoughts, fear, fear, anxiety, repetitive actions to reduce this anxiety, as well as combinations of obsessions and ideas. Pathology belongs to the category of psychopathological syndromes, it is considered a borderline mental disorder

Who is a kleptomaniac? How to cure kleptomania?

Who is a kleptomaniac? How to cure kleptomania?

The article provides information about who a kleptomaniac is and what are the signs of kleptomania. The question of whether kleptomania is a disease or a crime is considered, as well as methods of treatment and prevention of the disease are described

Delusional disorders: causes, symptoms, types and features of treatment

Delusional disorders: causes, symptoms, types and features of treatment

Delusional disorders are serious types of mental illness called "psychoses" in which the patient is unable to distinguish reality from their own fiction. The main symptoms of such disorders are the presence of absurd ideas in which the person is unconditionally confident. His beliefs are unshakable, although it is quite clear to others that they are false or delusional

Ganser syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Ganser syndrome: symptoms and treatment

This article is devoted to such a medical phenomenon as Ganser's syndrome. The paper reveals the essence of this disease, its history, the causes of the disease. Methods for its diagnosis and treatment are also outlined

About the neuropsychiatric dispensary. Nizhny Novgorod

About the neuropsychiatric dispensary. Nizhny Novgorod

Psycho-neurological dispensary is a medical institution that provides professional assistance to people with mental disabilities, sleep disorders. You can also get permission to obtain a driver's license and to register weapons there

Out of depression. Methods of treatment, causes and signs of the disease

Out of depression. Methods of treatment, causes and signs of the disease

For people living in the 21st century, a word like "depression" has become quite commonplace. And if someone admits that he is in a similar state, then this is unlikely to surprise his interlocutor. Why is this happening? Yes, because very often we understand depression as just a bad mood, which has become the result of internal experiences or troubles that have arisen on the path of life

Is schizophrenia completely curable? Schizophrenia test. Psychiatry

Is schizophrenia completely curable? Schizophrenia test. Psychiatry

It is believed that a person diagnosed with "schizophrenia" has mental disorders that accompany him throughout his life. However, this is not quite true. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of development and all necessary measures are taken to treat this disease, then there is a possibility that a person will live a normal full life

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes and Symptoms

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes and Symptoms

People suffering from borderline personality disorder have a strong fear of being abandoned by an object of affection, suffer from a chronic feeling of inner emptiness, suicidal behavior. For information on the symptoms and signs of this disorder, as well as methods of treatment, read the article

OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms, treatment, causes

OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms, treatment, causes

OCD is a disorder that is especially susceptible to suspicious individuals. They have a habit of controlling everything, from work at work to the diet of pets. Decreased self-esteem occurs due to the awareness of ongoing changes and the inability to fight them

Elective mutism: definition, signs and treatment

Elective mutism: definition, signs and treatment

Elective mutism is a pathology in which, for various reasons, the child refuses to speak. If it is diagnosed in a timely manner, then there are high chances for a complete recovery of the patient. The disease is considered neurological

Coprophage - is it a norm or a deviation?

Coprophage - is it a norm or a deviation?

What is coprophagia? This is the eating by a living being of one's own or other people's excrement. The essence of this phenomenon is incomprehensible and unpleasant to many, although the cause of its occurrence can be very different

Prostration is not a disease

Prostration is not a disease

It happens that the level of vital energy falls, there is no desire to work, communicate, or take care of yourself. This condition is called "prostration". This is complete indifference to everything that happens around. This often results in a feeling of guilt for their idleness

Hysterical psychopathy: symptoms, possible causes of the disorder, diagnosis, treatment options

Hysterical psychopathy: symptoms, possible causes of the disorder, diagnosis, treatment options

Hysterical psychopathy (stage personality disorder) is a pathology that is characterized by demonstrative manifestations, the need for praise and approval of others. Symptoms of this disorder begin in childhood and persist throughout life. The article tells about the causes, signs, diagnosis and therapy of this disease

Infantile personality disorder: symptoms, signs and treatment

Infantile personality disorder: symptoms, signs and treatment

The train of thought and methods of solving life problems in children and adults are completely different. With normal development, the child gradually matures not only physically, but also mentally, becoming more mature and experienced. Having gone through the difficulties of adolescence, a person acquires responsibility and consciousness. However, some people cannot gradually overcome the stages of growing up and remain the same as they were in childhood. Such manifestations are characterized as infantile personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder: ICD code, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Antisocial personality disorder: ICD code, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Antisocial personality disorder is a mental disorder associated with ignoring the rights and feelings of other people. Loss of connection with the world contributes to antisocial disorder. What is the violation and how to recognize and cure it - the article will tell

How to cope with neurosis: effective methods, psychological techniques, tips and tricks

How to cope with neurosis: effective methods, psychological techniques, tips and tricks

Psychologists consider neurosis to be the state in which most people live today, especially those living in big cities. After all, it is no secret to anyone that every person is subject to stress to one degree or another. With the constant influence of negative emotions, they gradually accumulate and begin to produce a depressing effect on the functioning of the nervous system

Induced psychosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Induced psychosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

A patient suffering from various forms of delirium may pass on his false ideas to loved ones. This is especially true for relatives. People around begin to believe in those ridiculous ideas that the patient expresses. In this case, doctors talk about induced delusional disorder in a he althy person. Why are people so suggestible? And how to get rid of such psychosis?

Neuropsychological examination: procedure, norm and deviations

Neuropsychological examination: procedure, norm and deviations

Neuropsychological examination of schoolchildren, young children, adolescents and adults is the task of neuropsychology. Under this term is hidden medical science, a subsection of neurology, psychological science, neurosurgery. Science explores the topical location of the brain systems, correlates them with the received scientific information on the higher functions of the psyche

Sperrung is a symptom of schizophrenia

Sperrung is a symptom of schizophrenia

Sperrung - what is it? When a person has schizophrenia, it is difficult for him to think clearly, to manage his emotions, to distinguish between what is real and what is not. He may have times when he loses contact with reality. It can be very scary. Sperrung is a symptom of schizophrenia, manifested in disorders of thinking, which is not holistic, but is a fragmentary flow of thoughts, separate fragments

Trichotillomania in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Trichotillomania in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Trichotillomania is a type of mental disorder in which there is a conscious or unconscious pulling out of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. According to official data, pathology manifests itself in approximately 2% of the population. Women experience hair-pulling disease most severely, while the disease is less common in men and children

What is the name of the fear of butterflies?

What is the name of the fear of butterflies?

Most people think butterflies are harmless creatures. In addition, many people like to look at the beautiful pattern on the wings of insects and watch how they fly from flower to flower. However, some individuals at the mere sight of these creatures fall into a panic. Fear of butterflies is quite rare. This issue, its causes and solutions are described in the article

Panic attack and alcohol - interaction features and consequences

Panic attack and alcohol - interaction features and consequences

In modern society, the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages has exceeded all possible limits. More and more people begin to abuse alcohol, while they do not consider themselves alcoholics. This is a common problem. And only when a panic attack occurs after drinking alcohol, the addict begins to worry about his condition

Auto-aggressive behavior: types, causes, signs, treatment and prevention

Auto-aggressive behavior: types, causes, signs, treatment and prevention

Auto-aggressive suicidal behavior is a set of actions, the purpose of which is to damage one's own he alth (mental, physical). This is such a variant of the manifestation of aggression in actions, when the object and the subject are one and the same. Aggression directed at oneself or others is a phenomenon provoked by similar mechanisms

Psychosis in children: causes, early diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Psychosis in children: causes, early diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

In colloquial speech, the concept of psychosis in children implies the manifestation of tantrums or age-related crises. From the point of view of physicians, the essence of this phenomenon is much more serious. Such a mental disorder in minors is rarely found. It is important to identify the disease in time and conduct adequate therapy

Degrees of mental retardation: debility, imbecility, idiocy

Degrees of mental retardation: debility, imbecility, idiocy

Mental retardation is a congenital or acquired at an early age delay, or defective formation of the nervous system, manifested by the pathology of the intellect, caused by the pathology of the brain and leading to social maladaptation. It is expressed primarily in the relationship of intelligence (hence the name), also in relation to feelings, freedom, speech and motor skills

Van Gogh Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Van Gogh Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

The essence of the Van Gogh syndrome is the irresistible desire of a mentally ill person to perform operations on himself: to inflict extensive cuts, cut off various parts of the body. The syndrome can be observed in patients with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. The basis of this disorder are aggressive attitudes aimed at injuring and harming oneself

Alcoholic paranoid: signs, symptoms, types and treatment

Alcoholic paranoid: signs, symptoms, types and treatment

Alcoholism is a terrible enemy of a person who can destroy life. What is alcoholic paranoid, what are the consequences and how to get rid of alcohol addiction, let's figure it out right now. The main signs and symptoms of a terrible pathology

Hyperkinetic conduct disorder - symptoms of the disease, prevention and treatment features

Hyperkinetic conduct disorder - symptoms of the disease, prevention and treatment features

Hyperkinetic conduct disorder is a set of complex behavioral disorders characterized by the presence of certain signs from three categories: impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity, in the presence of specific criteria for conduct disorder in society

How depression manifests itself: causes, symptoms, consultations of psychologists and psychotherapists, diagnosis, treatment and restoration of a person's psychological state

How depression manifests itself: causes, symptoms, consultations of psychologists and psychotherapists, diagnosis, treatment and restoration of a person's psychological state

Depression is a mental disorder that manifests itself as a persistent decrease in mood, impaired thinking and motor retardation. Such a state is considered one of the most severe, as it can cause a serious distortion of consciousness, which in the future will prevent a person from adequately perceiving reality

Alcoholic delirium: causes, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Alcoholic delirium: causes, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Alcoholic delirium, or "delirious tremens" is a rather serious disease, accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, hallucinations, and delirium. About what are the causes of the condition, its signs, consequences and therapy - read the article

Bipolar affective disorder: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Bipolar affective disorder: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Bipolar affective disorder is a mental illness that manifests itself in depressive, manic and mixed states, which have their own specifics. The topic is complex and multifaceted, so now we will talk about several of its aspects. Namely, about the types of the disorder, its symptoms, causes, and much more

How to deal with depression? Causes and Treatments for Depression

How to deal with depression? Causes and Treatments for Depression

Depression has become one of the most common diseases in the modern world. It has become so widespread that it no longer surprises anyone. In response to the question: "How are you?" you can often hear: "Like everyone else, depression again." For more information on the causes, signs, and treatments for depression, read this article

Neurosis in a child: types, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Neurosis in a child: types, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Modern parents should know the causes, symptoms, types of neurosis in children, because such a he alth problem has recently become more common. The term implies psychogenic pathologies, when a person reacts to a trauma of a mental nature

Paranoid psychopathy: description, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Paranoid psychopathy: description, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Suffering from paranoid mental disorders are prone to overvalued ideas, suspiciousness, narrowness of thinking. Their behavior is extremely conflicting, as they are constantly in opposition to fictional enemies and ill-wishers. Read about the features of the disorder, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in the article

Anxiety disorder: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. generalized anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. generalized anxiety disorder

Feeling anxious is considered a normal emotion. Everyone has ever experienced this. However, if anxiety becomes permanent and causes stress, affecting all aspects of a person’s life, most likely, we are talking about a mental deviation

Psycho-organic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Psycho-organic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Psycho-organic syndrome is characterized as a disorder associated with the general mental helplessness of the patient. If you suspect a disease, you should contact a psychiatrist, neuropsychiatrist or local therapist. About what are the causes of the disease, its symptoms, features of therapy, read the article

Paranoia - is it a mental disorder or delirium from the evil one?

Paranoia - is it a mental disorder or delirium from the evil one?

Paranoia is a mental disorder. It is accompanied by some crazy ideas that develop in the mind of the patient. It turns out that the paranoid delusional is not because he misjudges the world around him, but for the simple reason that he has a pronounced internal conflict with himself. More details in our article

How to find out the psychological age, does it correspond to your age?

How to find out the psychological age, does it correspond to your age?

What is the psychological age of a person? This is the level of mental and mental development, characteristic of a certain age of a person. In this article you will find information on how to find out the psychological age, what are its features and whether it can be changed