How to make an appointment with a psychiatrist in Moscow? Is it possible to trust all the doctors, information about which is on the expanses of the virtual web? Currently, private psychiatrists in Moscow are a fairly large group of doctors, but not every one of them can boast of a service that is really worth the money. How to choose your doctor? Who to contact if you need a psychiatrist for the traffic police in Moscow?

What is it about?
A psychiatrist in Moscow (as, indeed, in any other city) is such a specialist in the field of medicine who has a thematic education and is able to diagnose a he alth disorder and suggest tactics for its elimination. It is necessary to understand the difference between psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists. The latter often practice in psycho-neurological boarding schools in Moscow. These are doctors who make an accurate diagnosis, choose reasonable medication and really help their clients. But the other two groups of professionals act with milder methods, resorting only to weak drugs and generally treating the “soul” as more subtle matter.
Leading psychiatrists in Moscow help patients suffering from paranoia,delusions, fear, hallucinations. Their consultation is required for hysteria, epilepsy, addiction. The doctor will help alleviate the condition of the patient with schizophrenia and a number of other pathologies. However, a consultation with a psychiatrist in Moscow will bring a really good result if it is a good, reliable doctor with a specialized education and extensive work experience.
Where to find a specialist?
One cannot say that there is the most important psychiatrist in Moscow. Currently, several advanced research institutes are working in the capital, dealing with mental problems and methods for their elimination. The staff of these dispensaries are highly qualified doctors, all of whom are well versed in their field. However, it is often very difficult to get an appointment with them. The queue stretches for almost years, but the price tag for paid services is so high that it is unaffordable for the general public.

Appearances, passwords
Addresses of research institutes in Moscow: Poteshnaya street, 3; Kropotkinsky lane, 23.
It is believed that good doctors take in the Isaev clinic, located on Babaevskaya street, 6. R. I. Isaev himself, as can be seen from numerous reviews, has long established a reputation as an impeccable specialist, able to cope with the most difficult cases. At the address Kashirskoe shosse, 34, Dr. D. S. Burminsky accepts. Responses about his high qualification, high-quality attitude to work also inspire confidence. According to many of his patients, this is the best psychiatrist in Moscow at the present time.
The ability to choose
By inviting a psychiatrist to your home in Moscow, you cancontact both private specialists and doctors of public hospitals if they practice additional services. When choosing your option, you must definitely study where and how long a person works, what education he received, what activities he does in addition to the main one.
Choose wisely
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist: what's the difference? The first is a doctor, who is called upon to deal with severe mental disorders, when only medication comes to the rescue. The second specialist will help if the situation is not too difficult yet and the patient will benefit from mild methods of exposure. Some phobias, for example, are best de alt with by working with a therapist.

When choosing a specialist for yourself, you need to make sure that this is the doctor of the right category. Many do not know what is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, so they sign up for the one who is cheaper. You should not do this: if the condition is serious, the psychotherapist will not help. Please note: if a doctor conducts a practice in parallel, for example, to cleanse the chakras, restore peace of mind, or other meditative programs that are not recognized by official medicine, you should not contact him (in the general case). If the patient's condition is severe, it will only be a waste of time, which in some cases is life-threatening.
Where can I find a doctor?
Reviews about psychiatrists in Moscow are published in abundance on the World Wide Web. If any doctor is interested, you must first look for what feedback about his activities is written by those who have already undergone treatment. This will help you understand if it's worthwhether to spend money on such services. When examining information, one must be careful and sensibly assess the data: some patients have high expectations, which leads to an incorrect negative assessment of the doctor's performance, but the reverse situation is also possible. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that there is any list that would list the best psychiatrists in Moscow, in addition, new specialists regularly start their careers, and old, proven, well-proven ones stop working.
What to watch?
On the Internet, there are several specialized sites where doctors who provide private services are registered. All of them present themselves as the best psychiatrists in Moscow, but the presence of customer reviews, as well as ratings, allows the reader to understand who should be trusted. The convenience of such aggregators is that you can immediately see the price for the service, as well as figure out what kind of service the doctor provides.
However, many agree that the best psychiatrists in Moscow work in state dispensaries. Making an appointment here is quite simple, you just need to understand which institution is assigned to the permanent place of residence of a person. By the way, the really best psychiatrists in Moscow, in addition to their main activities in the hospital, often conduct private practice in their spare time. If it is not possible to use the service of a public clinic, you can privately contact a psychiatrist who serves there at his main place of work.
How to get an appointment?
Much depends on who it was decided to turn to. If this is a public clinic, then it is enough to call the registry office or use a special website developed with the participation of the government and created for a virtual queue to medical institutions. However, many are afraid to work with such resources, preferring to contact the registry directly. In our time, stereotypes about evil, impolite clinic workers are a thing of the past, so you can safely ask for advice, help: nurses will definitely tell you how to get an appointment, when to come and what to bring with you.

If it was decided to use the services of a private clinic or a self-practicing psychiatrist, then the registration becomes even easier. You can use the organization's personal website, if it has one, or simply call the contact phone number. If you need to invite a doctor to your home, you can immediately clarify whether there is such a service and how much it will cost.
When do you need help?
The need for professional advice can be felt in a number of situations. So, if a person internally feels the horror caused by a number of ordinary, everyday situations, which are not difficult to solve for a simple layman, then it's time to ask for help. The psychiatrist will assist with increased tearfulness, sleep disturbances and even headaches. The doctor will help if there are problems with appetite, eating disorders, panic attacks, excessive aggressiveness or addiction to any substance. Psychiatric consultation is needed if a person is afraidto communicate with society, it is hard to endure ordinary everyday contacts with other people. Often, a psychiatrist is visited before the first day in kindergarten, school to assess the condition of the child and his readiness for such an institution.
The nervous system: a complex instrument
In recent years, problems with the National Assembly are observed in an increasing percentage of people. This is due to a number of factors, changes in lifestyle, specifics of upbringing, social environment in general, as well as established practices of interpersonal communication. It so happened that the appeal to a psychiatrist in our country is considered something out of the ordinary, almost shameful. Of course, this way of thinking is categorically wrong - the diseases of the National Assembly are no less significant and dangerous than any other system or organ, and they require qualified and timely assistance. Which one, only a specialist can understand after collecting information about the course of the pathology, as well as receiving data from the patient's tests.
If you suspect any mental abnormalities, you should visit a doctor. Currently, many clinics allow anonymous treatment - this is due to stereotypes in society. No need to deny yourself qualified help just because of embarrassment or the conviction that "normal" people do not need such services.
Real doctors: what are they?
Trying to figure out which doctor to go to, the patient always hears recommendations to contact only an experienced professional. But how to understand who is really experienced and who is not enough? Who is really professional, and who is yet togrow in your chosen field? In general, it is believed that a psychiatrist who has been working in this field for at least five years can provide good services. He must have a thematic higher education, preferably in one of the universities in our country with the best reputation. If possible, you can contact a doctor who has completed additional (or basic) training abroad, but again, not just anywhere, but in an educational institution with a good reputation. If possible, you need to work only with those who have successfully completed residency, since it is there that they give a clear final specialization in the chosen direction.

If it was decided to go to a private clinic, you need to clarify whether its doctors have previously worked in public institutions. If the answer is yes, and the people themselves have been working in the chosen field for quite some time, then contacting them will probably not disappoint. It would not be superfluous to find out how often doctors undergo advanced training programs. Normally, this should happen every five years. If the clinic's specialists meet all of the above parameters, it is likely that cooperation with the institution will leave a pleasant impression and help restore the he alth of the nervous system.
Doctor: how professional?
Any clinic prides itself on having really good professionals (if there are any) in its staff. As a rule, the level of knowledge of specialists is confirmed by a degree, so it is not very difficult to assess the staff of a medical institution. For example, to get an appointment witha candidate of medical sciences is definitely luck. Of course, such a status does not in itself guarantee that this is the best psychiatrist in Moscow, but it does give hope that the doctor is one of those professionals. Doctors also have categories. Of course, the highest is much more preferable than something weaker. On the other hand (especially when working with private institutions), the higher the category, the more expensive it will be. Many, fortunately, are convinced that he alth is more important than money, so they do not regret spending money on themselves - especially their psyche. This allows you to work with really the best doctors.
No need to delay
According to many, you need to go to a psychiatrist at the last moment, when it is clear that no other doctor can help a person, but he advises visiting just such a specialist. Many even value and respect psychics more than psychiatrists. Surprisingly, for some reason, the broad masses often have deeper trust in such magicians, although it would seem that society has reached a fairly high level of scientific and technological development. So it turns out that the pathology, which at first could be relatively easily eliminated, by the time the patient comes to a doctor who is able to help, takes root very deeply.

Basically, this is due to the stereotypes that developed back in the period of Soviet power. Currently, many offer services on an anonymous basis, but even such a service seems shameful to the sick (or their relatives), so the visit to the doctor is stubbornly postponed untillast moment. Others say that they are afraid for the rest of their lives to feel as if branded, imperfect, unworthy to be in society. Such a phobia is also wrong attitudes that affect both the psyche and consciousness. It is especially difficult to cope with them in a situation where the nervous system is affected by pathology, the state of a person (mental, spiritual) is already difficult, you need to go to the doctor, and then this load of assumptions about public opinion is crushing.
Treat not maim
The longer a person waits to see a doctor, the more difficult it will be to defeat the disease. This is true for any pathologies, including mental ones. Realizing that sooner or later the reason will still force you to go to the doctor, it is better to do it right away in order to shorten the duration of the fight against trouble.
Both inaction and an incorrect approach to eliminating the pathology only worsen the condition and can lead to unpredictable consequences, including irreversible ones. If you use the services of a specialist in a timely manner, immediately choose the correct therapy using the most appropriate pharmacological tools and therapeutic practices, it is likely that the trouble will soon lose its relevance, the person will return to normal and be able to lead a full life without any restrictions. Otherwise, the quality of life will fall, and opportunities will be limited for a long time period, in the worst case, for life.
Psychiatrist: what does he do?
The best psychiatrist in Moscow is a specialist who, at the first appointment, can understand how far the patient isfrom a breakdown, psychosis, what measures need to be taken to provide assistance. Its task is to determine whether a person is sick and what exactly, as well as to choose the best solution to the problem. The psychiatrist does not always say what the patient or his relatives would like to hear. At the same time, a good psychiatrist can also recognize a situation for which the best and most gentle method of elimination is absolute inaction. This does not happen often, but under such circumstances it is important to provide a person with the opportunity to recover on their own. In any case, a psychiatrist is such a qualified modern doctor who will apply the most effective methods, medicines and methods, on the basis of which it is possible to assess the patient's condition and understand how he can be helped with the best effect.

Telling the patient himself and his close relatives about what disease struck a person, how to treat it and what consequences it can have is not an easy task. It is important to do this correctly so as not to cause more injury. Also, the psychiatrist will be responsible for effective rehabilitation after the therapeutic program. The main goal of the doctor is to return a person to a normal, fulfilling life.