What is regressive hypnosis?

What is regressive hypnosis?
What is regressive hypnosis?

About what Bruce's regressive hypnosis is, what are the features of the technology and whether it can be used as a weapon, many would like to know. This technology is of interest to hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Some believe that this way you can return to the past and change it, others are convinced that a session of regressive hypnosis allows you to reprogram the client. What is true here, and what is just fiction? Let's try to figure it out.

regressive hypnosis session
regressive hypnosis session

General information

In recent years, various methods of influencing the human psyche have firmly established themselves in medicine as effective methods of treatment. According to some, as a tool, regressive hypnosis allows you to effectively clear the unconscious from previously received psychological trauma. This technique of elimination of emotional negative ballast. Turning to regressive hypnosis, you can leave fears and phobias in the past. The technique is effective for dealing with problems whose roots are in past lives. At the same time, regressive hypnosis does not show proper effectiveness if the reason lies in the patient's childhood.

Bruce's regressive hypnosis
Bruce's regressive hypnosis

Present, future and past:relationship

Fears acquired during the experience of past lives are reflected in a person, and this is especially pronounced closer to middle age. They do not allow you to lead a normal, full, active life. Patients, turning to specialists for the services of regressive hypnosis, complain of anxiety, phobias, neuroses. Many suffer from panic attacks. Classical psychology, psychotherapy in this case are usually powerless - there are no reasons for such severe disorders.

What is it about?

Some still doubt what regressive hypnosis is: a tool or a weapon? Others are firmly convinced that such a technique allows literally in a matter of seconds to solve any problems in their lives. Someone believes that this is real magic, while others are convinced that this is just charlatanism. As can be seen from the statistics collected over the past few years, most often young people, including minors, who have read stories on forums, believe in the magical benefits of the methodology.

regressive hypnosis tool or weapon
regressive hypnosis tool or weapon

Deciding to use regressive hypnosis for their own benefit, they turn to the first specialist they come across - often calling himself a magician, parapsychologist, esotericist. Of course, such professionals promise instant healing from any mental illness, trauma, as well as a solution to a difficult situation. However, others argue that regressive hypnosis is a weapon. For a certain amount, they promise to use it for the benefit of the client and deal with any of his enemies.

What is it really?

BIn general, it is customary to explain that regressive hypnosis is a method that allows you to travel into a person's past life. For this, the client is put into a trance, promising to heal any injuries and illnesses. Most often, parapsychologists, esotericists who offer psychotherapeutic services resort to this method. But official science does not recognize regressive hypnosis as any effective method and calls for great care to cooperate with specialists offering such services. It is believed that this is a way of manipulating the human subconscious, consciousness, and rather unethical.

regressive hypnosis tool
regressive hypnosis tool

Regressive hypnosis works best with those who are convinced of the transmigration of souls and believe that a person has multiple lives.

Age regression

From the point of view of official medicine, age regression can give a more or less good effect. The common people often confuse this name and the term "regressive hypnosis". Practiced in psychiatry, psychotherapy, the technique involves immersion in a trance, when a person can again relive the situation that happened in his past. Often this is some kind of childhood memory. Erickson's gentle hypnosis is used to achieve a good effect. The technique involves influencing consciousness in real time.

People who survived such manipulations recognized that the process was extremely real. In addition, what is happening is perceived naturally. Some sometimes regress into childhood without even noticing, without realizing it. Precisely according toFor this reason, official medicine allows Erickson's hypnosis and the return to childhood memories - this is a natural process, in many respects similar to the essence of trance, safe for the patient.

Resentment and the human psyche

What does this feeling imply, how is it perceived by a person? Any modern person is familiar with resentment - both in childhood and in adulthood one has to deal with such situations quite often. Doctors pay attention to the fact that this emotion is not innate, but acquired in childhood. Kids learn it by repeating the behavior of adults, because it is through such actions that you can manipulate others, control them. In fact, this is the simplest blackmail method known to psychology. The goal of the offended person is to provoke a feeling of guilt in the object of interaction in order to get what they want. Initially, the pattern is formed to influence parents, but in the future it spreads to other people.

regressive hypnosis
regressive hypnosis

Quite often in family life there are situations when a wife harbors a grudge against her husband, believing that he does not pay enough attention. Many adults make this kind of thinking mistake - they try to manipulate others using the childish method. In science, this behavior is called age regression. It is no less characteristic of people under the intoxicating influence of alcohol.

Hypnosis as a treatment method

If of the two options described, a person is more inclined to believe in regressive hypnosis than age hypnosis, you need to contact a hypnotist. Commontechniques for introducing into a trance (directive, classical), while changing the consciousness of the client, opening the unconscious. In such a situation, a person is absolutely suggestible. If you explain to him, he will even believe that he is an alien, and he used to be an astronaut. Of course, the hypnotist can come up with anything, and his client will believe any story.

regressive hypnosis
regressive hypnosis

As practice shows, this approach often gives good results. This applies only to situations where the hypnologist is experienced, honest, not pursuing his own goals. It is important that the mind of a specialist be free from negativity. Many psychotherapists before sessions first undergo purification themselves, only after that they work with clients. The best result is obtained when the hypnologist inspires those events that took place in the real life of a person. However, the humanity of the technique is a big question, as it brings considerable mental discomfort.

Age regression treatment

This method of psychotherapy is used in most schools of psychoanalysis and medical practice. Gest alt therapy, psychodrama, transaction, and other techniques that help a person suffering from mental problems turn to the possibilities of age regression. During the session, the client experiences something that in the past caused him to suffer, but experiences muted sensations. In addition, at first, doctors help to return to the recent past, gradually lengthening and lengthening the "temporary walk". Sooner or later the client reaches that agein childhood, when the problem appeared, it was fixed in the mind.

regressive hypnosis weapon
regressive hypnosis weapon

The effectiveness of this technique is due to the fact that the patient returns to the memories he actually experienced. The option is recognized as quite humane, it corrects the mental state of the patient at deep levels, but the result is not immediately noticeable. A fairly long course of therapy is needed, as a result of which one can notice a gradual improvement in the client's condition.
