Mental he alth 2024, October

What is the name of the fear of the crowd?

What is the name of the fear of the crowd?

Mob phobia is a big cage that shrinks day by day. There are many unforgettable events, beautiful places and fun moments in the world, but life loses all its charm without communication. First of all, you need to face your fears and understand the root of the problem. Therefore, you should not become a victim of unreasonable fear. Just say to yourself: "I'm not afraid anymore!"

Germophobe - who is this? What are phobias?

Germophobe - who is this? What are phobias?

The article is devoted to phobias, primarily germophobia and similar conditions. The reasons for the emergence of such fears are considered, the most common, absurd and strange phobias characteristic of modern society, and their symptoms are listed. The text also contains general recommendations for the treatment of phobias

Abulia is Abulia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Abulia is Abulia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Changes in the nature of your loved ones alarm you? You do not understand why a person became indifferent and weak-willed? Perhaps it is very difficult for him under the onslaught of abulia, and he urgently needs your help. Abulia is a serious disorder that needs treatment, but the patient has absolutely no incentive to act and it is extremely difficult for him to recover on his own

Sergey Kovalev, psychotherapist: books, features of activity and reviews

Sergey Kovalev, psychotherapist: books, features of activity and reviews

Currently, video materials about NLP programming, the author of which is Sergey Kovalev (psychotherapist), have become widespread. All his books are in demand, used as teaching aids

Lennox Gastaut syndrome (epilepsy)

Lennox Gastaut syndrome (epilepsy)

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, as a rule, develops as a result of neurological diseases in childhood and begins with sudden uncontrolled falls of the child

Sociopathy is a personality disorder

Sociopathy is a personality disorder

It is normal for a person to participate in the lives of their own kind, concern for the interests of loved ones, sincere regret about bad deeds. But there is a category of people for whom all these qualities are not something important and obligatory. An experienced Western psychiatrist would diagnose such people as "sociopathy". This is a personality disorder, not a behavioral disorder, so it is difficult to eliminate it, although it is possible

Child mental retardation (MPD) - what is it?

Child mental retardation (MPD) - what is it?

Today we will try to understand one abbreviation that inspires fear in many parents. ZPR - what is it? Is this condition correctable? ZPR stands for mental retardation. I wonder how the doctor determines this? By the way, it is not so rare that these three letters appear in the chart of the observed child

The child is afraid of children - is he autistic?

The child is afraid of children - is he autistic?

A baby is a priori connected with his parents, so at first he needs to be explained everything and support him in everything. Surely the first acquaintances with people do not go smoothly. But that doesn't mean the kid is autistic

Vietnamese syndrome: three main meanings of the term

Vietnamese syndrome: three main meanings of the term

Many people have heard about the existence of the Vietnamese syndrome. But not everyone knows that this term has several meanings at once. You will learn about them by reading this article

Delirium - what is it? Etiology of delirium. Treatment and consequences

Delirium - what is it? Etiology of delirium. Treatment and consequences

Delirium - what is it? Science has its own definition - it is an exogenous psychosis, which has a short-term character. Most often lasts from several hours to several days

Organic hallucinosis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences of the disease

Organic hallucinosis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences of the disease

Among other psychogenic disorders, organic hallucinosis is a disorder in which the patient is prone to hallucinations. Visions can haunt constantly, the alternative is frequent relapses. More often these are visual pictures or auditory phenomena

Who is a schizophrenic? How to recognize a schizophrenic? Notable schizophrenics

Who is a schizophrenic? How to recognize a schizophrenic? Notable schizophrenics

Inexplicable and mysterious mental illness. Society shuns people who suffer from them. Why is this happening?

Capgras syndrome: symptoms, treatment, photos

Capgras syndrome: symptoms, treatment, photos

Capgras syndrome is a fairly rare mental illness. People suffering from this deviation are sure that a particular person from his inner circle has been replaced by a double. Suspicion may fall on the mother, brother, children. In addition, in some cases, the patient convinces people of the existence of his own double, who, according to him, is guilty of performing actions allegedly on his behalf

Psychiatric hospitals in St. Petersburg: the specifics of work

Psychiatric hospitals in St. Petersburg: the specifics of work

This article contains a list of psychiatric hospitals in St. Petersburg. It also lists the main situations in which it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist

Batophobia is the fear of depth. Fear of depth: possible causes and features of treatment

Batophobia is the fear of depth. Fear of depth: possible causes and features of treatment

Batophobia is an emotional disorder caused by a panic fear of the water depths. The condition is predominantly characteristic of people who have been at risk of drowning. At the same time, even experienced swimmers often feel such anxieties, especially when they have to overcome significant distances

Addiction - what is it? All types of addiction

Addiction - what is it? All types of addiction

Addiction is an obsessive dependence on any type of activity or an urgent need to perform it. Typically, the term "addiction" is used to define the diagnosis of drug, drug, or behavioral addiction. For quite a long time, addiction was considered to be a purely pharmacological type of addiction. That is, dependence on drugs or drugs and the behavior associated with this condition was considered deviant and was defined as a disease

Serial killer Richard Chase

Serial killer Richard Chase

Richard Chase is a killer who has even amazed psychiatrists with his cruelty. His life is full of wild fantasies about violence, Nazis and aliens. ATTENTION! The text contains descriptions of scenes of violence

F70 (diagnosis): transcript

F70 (diagnosis): transcript

F70 is a cipher in the doctor's certificate after the next medical examination, which frightens many mothers. Deciphering this code for some becomes a real discovery, because F70 is a diagnosis of mental retardation

Neurasthenia and neurosis: home treatment

Neurasthenia and neurosis: home treatment

Treatment of neurosis at home is far from news. As practice shows, this is a completely normal procedure, which is an addition to the main treatment by a psychotherapist. Let's talk about this

Main signs of schizophrenia in men

Main signs of schizophrenia in men

Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental illnesses. Statistically, men are the most affected. What are the signs of schizophrenia?

Gennady Krokhalev is a ghost catcher. Brief biography and activities of a psychiatrist from Omsk

Gennady Krokhalev is a ghost catcher. Brief biography and activities of a psychiatrist from Omsk

The article is dedicated to psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev, a researcher who experimentally proved the possibility of capturing hallucinatory images of patients on film

Hypermnesia is . Diagnosis, definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and periods of exacerbation

Hypermnesia is . Diagnosis, definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and periods of exacerbation

Do you remember what you did on this very day and moment last year? Probably not. And only very few people will be able to recall all the events of that day, and these are people suffering from hypermnesia. This is a memory disorder when a person does not forget anything. Whether it is a blessing or a disease, whether to enjoy such an absolute memory or not - the answers in this article

Psychological counseling: principles, foundations, ethics, tasks and goals of a good psychologist

Psychological counseling: principles, foundations, ethics, tasks and goals of a good psychologist

Psychological counseling is a special area of practical psychology, which is associated with the provision of assistance in the form of advice and recommendations. Their specialist gives his client after a personal conversation with him, as well as during a preliminary study of the life problem that a person had to face

Psychosomatic disorders: classification, types, factors, symptoms, treatment and consequences for the human psyche

Psychosomatic disorders: classification, types, factors, symptoms, treatment and consequences for the human psyche

A psychosomatic disorder is a disease that manifests itself in the form of a functional or organic lesion of an organ or organ system. But it is based not only on physiological causes, but also on the interaction of the psychological characteristics of a person and the bodily factor. Almost any disease can be psychosomatic. But most often it is a stomach ulcer, hypertension, diabetes, neurodermatitis, arthritis and oncological diseases

Characteristics of children with mental retardation. Adapted program for children with mental retardation

Characteristics of children with mental retardation. Adapted program for children with mental retardation

Mental retardation is a mental disorder that is observed in the development of the child. What is this pathology? This is a special state of mind. It is diagnosed in cases where there is a low level of functioning of the central nervous system, resulting in a decrease in cognitive activity

Atypical depression: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences and prevention

Atypical depression: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences and prevention

All people are prone to some anxiety, especially if the work is associated with constant stressful situations. However, depression is a much more complex condition that requires qualified treatment. What is it and who gets atypical depression?

Is there a cure for autism in children? Symptoms, early diagnosis, methods of therapy

Is there a cure for autism in children? Symptoms, early diagnosis, methods of therapy

Autism is a pathology that is congenital. With this disease, the child has a reduced ability to establish social contacts. Patients experience difficulties in communication, recognizing and expressing emotions, understanding speech. Today, experts are actively studying such a disease as autism. Is this pathology curable? This issue is very relevant for relatives of patients. The article talks about methods of dealing with the disease, its symptoms and diagnosis

Is it possible to die from depression: signs, diagnosis, treatment and necessary psychological help

Is it possible to die from depression: signs, diagnosis, treatment and necessary psychological help

Few people know that some mental illnesses can die. This also applies to depression. It is very easy to get sick with this disease in the modern world, but not everyone knows how to deal with it. What dangers does depression hold and what can it lead to?

Androphobia is Where does the fear of men come from and how to overcome it?

Androphobia is Where does the fear of men come from and how to overcome it?

Androphobia is a psychological deviation, expressed in the fear of the male. This problem is often characterized by similar symptoms and causes for many of the fair sex. Leaving such a situation without intervention would be wrong from a humane point of view, because every person is worthy of happiness and love. Androphobia is a barrier to the happiness of any heterosexual woman, and just any person trying to arrange their social life

Neuro-psychological development: indicators for assessing the development of children

Neuro-psychological development: indicators for assessing the development of children

Child development is a very important issue that parents and doctors pay very much attention to. There are stages of development, and you need to focus on them. And what are these stages, we will understand in the article

What is the Herostratus complex?

What is the Herostratus complex?

Herostratus complex - a term used in modern psychiatry in relation to persons suffering from a sense of their own inferiority

Classification of schizophrenia, types, causes, symptoms of the disease

Classification of schizophrenia, types, causes, symptoms of the disease

Schizophrenia is a pathology of the psyche that has a chronic course. The disease affects approximately two percent of the world's population. Its frequency does not depend on race and gender

Coping behavior: the concept and stages of coping behavior

Coping behavior: the concept and stages of coping behavior

Every person during his life is faced with a huge number of situations, many of which cause negative emotions. However, despite this, a person at all stages of his development must learn to find a way out of any situation, overcome difficulties and cope with obstacles

Fear of dolls: causes of phobia, methods of treatment

Fear of dolls: causes of phobia, methods of treatment

Fear of dolls - what is this phobia? Why and how does it arise? How to get rid of it? How can a psychologist help?

Who are oligophrenics? How is this diagnosis made?

Who are oligophrenics? How is this diagnosis made?

Who are oligophrenics? These are people who are not like us, differing in behavior, habits, and sometimes even appearance. It is very difficult in our society for families in which oligophrenic children grow up to find support. As a rule, such mothers think with fear about the future of their descendants. Indeed, what awaits them?

Treatment for depression at home. How to get out of depression on your own

Treatment for depression at home. How to get out of depression on your own

Depression is difficult to overcome on your own, but some people succeed. Treatment of depression at home may include music therapy, sports, the correct mode of work and rest, normalization of nutrition, and other methods. Read more about how to overcome depression

What is autism in children, its symptoms

What is autism in children, its symptoms

In medicine, there is still no concept of "typical autism". The causes of this disease are also not established reliably. It is believed that it is inherited and, accordingly, belongs to the category of genetic. The only thing that has been well established so far is that the earlier this disease is detected, the more effective the results of treatment will be

Tired of everything? What to do: advice from an optimist

Tired of everything? What to do: advice from an optimist

Life becomes boring and uninteresting, nothing pleases. To prevent mild apathy from leading to depression, you need to act quickly

Multiple personality. Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Multiple personality. Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

What is a multiple personality - frequent mood swings or a really serious mental illness? Why do several consciousnesses coexist in one person at once? And is it possible to fight it? Let's try to answer all these questions

Rigidity in psychology

Rigidity in psychology

Rigidity in psychology implies the complexity, unwillingness or complete inability of the subject to change the intended program of activity in new situational conditions. This is the ability of the psyche and character of a person to firmly maintain a given setting of consciousness