Health 2024, October

How to treat a dissection of the eyebrow?

How to treat a dissection of the eyebrow?

One of the most common injuries is the dissection of the eyebrow. Help in case of injury should be provided immediately, as untimely treatment will lead to the ingress of bacteria. As a result, complications may occur, and after a belated suturing - a large scar. This is especially true for children

Complications in a child after chickenpox from the respiratory and nervous system. Varicella zoster virus

Complications in a child after chickenpox from the respiratory and nervous system. Varicella zoster virus

Most people think chickenpox is a common and harmless childhood disease, but this opinion is wrong. Despite the fact that in adults this disease is much more severe, complications in a child after chickenpox may also not be harmless at all

The appendix is a dangerous atavism

The appendix is a dangerous atavism

In the process of evolution, the human body has undergone many changes, and some organs, so necessary for our ancestors, but absolutely useless for a modern person, remained, albeit in a slightly modified form. Thanks to this heritage, scientists have the opportunity to trace the stages of evolution

Myocardial dystrophy - what is it? Myocardial dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myocardial dystrophy - what is it? Myocardial dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myocardial dystrophy - what is it? This is a heart disease that has a non-inflammatory process. Very often it occurs with a secondary heart disease and is complex. It is important to seek help from a doctor in time and undergo the necessary treatment

Vascular calcification: treatment, diet

Vascular calcification: treatment, diet

What is calcification of the vessels of the heart and brain? Symptoms and methods of treatment of the disease. Alternative medicine recipes for the treatment of calcification

Prohibited foods for gout: list

Prohibited foods for gout: list

Due to the poor environmental situation and constant stressful situations, each person should be more attentive to their he alth, especially in cases of the presence of certain diseases. The use of products prohibited for diseases not only worsens the state of he alth, but is also fraught with the fact that more severe consequences of the disease will appear. What foods can and can not be with gout? This is what we will discuss in the article

Swyer's syndrome: features of the disease and treatment options

Swyer's syndrome: features of the disease and treatment options

Swyer's syndrome: etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. Diagnosis, correction possibilities, treatment methods

Respiratory allergies. Symptoms, treatment

Respiratory allergies. Symptoms, treatment

Respiratory allergies are diseases that affect different parts of the respiratory tract, and are based on an aggressive reaction of the immune system to any irritants

The child has a stuffy nose: what to do? Methods of treatment and drugs

The child has a stuffy nose: what to do? Methods of treatment and drugs

The state when a child's nose is blocked leads to a deterioration in well-being, sleep and appetite disturbances, therefore, in this case, certain measures must be taken to eliminate such a nuisance. However, you should first determine the cause of this pathology, and then begin the necessary treatment. If a child has a stuffy nose, what should I do? Let's deal with this further

Oval window in the heart in children

Oval window in the heart in children

The foramen ovale in the heart is an intrauterine opening, which is covered by a special fold-valve located on the wall between the atria. This window separates the left and right atria of the child during the embryonic phase. Thanks to this window, part of the placental blood, which is enriched with oxygen, can move from the right to the left atrium, thus bypassing the baby's lungs, which are not yet functioning

Vertebrogenic cervicalgia: causes, symptoms and treatments

Vertebrogenic cervicalgia: causes, symptoms and treatments

Vertebrogenic cervicalgia is a neurological disorder accompanied by severe pain in the neck, which often spreads to the back of the head and shoulder girdle. This syndrome gives a person a lot of inconvenience. So what causes this state of affairs?

High functioning autism: characteristics and classification

High functioning autism: characteristics and classification

Autism and high-functioning autism are features of the disease. Causes of autism. Symptoms, physiological abnormalities. Deviations in behavior. How can you help a child with high functioning autism?

Diarrhea with blood in a cat: causes and treatment

Diarrhea with blood in a cat: causes and treatment

Every loving owner monitors the he alth of his pet. Diarrhea with blood in a cat is a rare phenomenon, especially if the animal does not suffer from any chronic disease. The presence of blood in the feces of a pet indicates the presence of a disease, and the first step is to establish the root cause of this condition and urgently begin treatment

How to treat a fungus on the tongue?

How to treat a fungus on the tongue?

From the article you can find out why a fungus occurs on the tongue, how to treat oral candidiasis, and how to avoid the onset of the disease

Diarrhea with blood: causes, treatment and consequences

Diarrhea with blood: causes, treatment and consequences

The problem of diarrhea is familiar to everyone. In most cases, it is associated with benign indigestion, which occurs due to severe fear, excitement, or poor-quality food eaten. Another thing is diarrhea with blood - it is always an alarm signal announcing the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With such a violation, it is necessary to consult a doctor if it is accompanied by weakness, severe abdominal pain and fever

A child's tongue hurts: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and pediatrician advice

A child's tongue hurts: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and pediatrician advice

Children often complain of pain in their tongues to their parents. The fact is that in a child the mucous membrane of this organ is quite thin and delicate. That is why many diseases are displayed on it. The presence of pathologies in the body is indicated by irritations and small pimples on the tongue. What should parents do in such a situation?

Reduces the hand: causes, treatment, prevention

Reduces the hand: causes, treatment, prevention

Why is my hand cramping? Is it possible to get rid of this? What preventive measures will help to avoid the occurrence of cramps in the hands?

Facial nerve: causes, symptoms and treatment

Facial nerve: causes, symptoms and treatment

Among all nervous cranial disorders, damage to the facial nerve occupies a leading position. The development of this disease causes paralysis of the muscles of half of the face, as a result of which the patient experiences severe trauma, not only physical, but also psychological

Plexopathy of the brachial plexus: symptoms and treatment

Plexopathy of the brachial plexus: symptoms and treatment

Plexopathy of the brachial plexus is an inflammatory disease in which nerve structures are damaged. This pathology is quite serious, because it can lead to disability of a person

Fauville Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Methods, Prevention

Fauville Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Methods, Prevention

Dangers of occurrence of Fauville's alternating syndrome. Causes of the disease, its clinical picture, diagnosis and main methods of treatment. The risk of developing neurological pathologies in the patient

Diseases of the rectum

Diseases of the rectum

Diseases of the rectum is a pathology that affects 40% of people, with 20% of them requiring treatment

Anococcygeal pain syndrome (coccygodynia): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Anococcygeal pain syndrome (coccygodynia): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A pathological condition in which pain constantly or periodically occurs in the coccyx area is called anokopchikovym pain syndrome. Unpleasant symptoms may develop independently against the background of an injury or indicate other pathological conditions. In any case, you can not postpone a visit to the doctor

Acute left ventricular failure

Acute left ventricular failure

The heart muscle, as you know, performs the function of a kind of pump in our body. If this device for some reason does not cope with its direct work, there is a heart failure. Every year, this pathology only gets younger, and in recent years, more and more often it leads to death

Dehydration is the lack of water in the body

Dehydration is the lack of water in the body

The importance of water to the human body cannot be underestimated. All processes of its vital activity depend on the presence of liquid inside it. Dehydration is a lack of water in our body. It can lead to disastrous consequences, becoming a factor in the development of many ailments

Clostridial infection: symptoms, causes, treatment

Clostridial infection: symptoms, causes, treatment

Clostridial and non-clostridial infections have attracted the attention of scientists around the world for more than a century. Diseases provoked by anaerobes are difficult to tolerate by humans and are highly likely to lead to severe complications and death

The causative agent of anthrax. Diagnosis of anthrax, symptoms, treatment

The causative agent of anthrax. Diagnosis of anthrax, symptoms, treatment

Anthrax is an infectious disease. It has a high mortality rate

What is a pathogenic fungus?

What is a pathogenic fungus?

Pathogenic fungus is the causative agent of serious human and animal diseases that are difficult to treat and are associated with changes in the immune status

Black bile: symptoms, meaning, causes, necessary diagnosis and treatment

Black bile: symptoms, meaning, causes, necessary diagnosis and treatment

Migraine and apathy, a feeling of heaviness on the right under the ribs are unpleasant manifestations of gallbladder dysfunction. In others, this is supplemented by another symptom that causes considerable concern - vomiting of black bile. The cause of this phenomenon may be biliary stagnation. A pathological condition only indicates the presence of some kind of he alth disorder, in itself is not a disease

Spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Stenosis of the spinal canal is a complex and dangerous pathology that necessarily requires complex treatment. For therapy, medications, folk remedies are used, and an operation is also required. The recovery period is of great importance in order to normalize well-being as soon as possible

Fracture of the sacrum: diagnosis, treatment, consequences. How long does a sacrum fracture take to heal?

Fracture of the sacrum: diagnosis, treatment, consequences. How long does a sacrum fracture take to heal?

The sacrum is a large and important bone in the human body. It is she who takes on the maximum load and helps a person move around, so a fracture of the sacrum is a very unpleasant diagnosis

Distortion of the cervical spine: description, causes and treatment

Distortion of the cervical spine: description, causes and treatment

One of the most common pathologies of the human musculoskeletal system is the distortion of the cervical spine. This condition is characterized by damage to the muscles and ligaments that hold the vertebrae together. But the location and structure of the bony parts of the spine is not affected. The functions of the vertebrae are also not disturbed. Despite this, distortion greatly affects the patient's quality of life

Gastritis with low acidity: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Gastritis with low acidity: causes, symptoms and treatment features

This ailment is a rather dangerous he alth condition. It provokes deficiency states affecting all body systems. That is why it is important to recognize gastritis with reduced secretory function in a timely manner and consult a specialist for adequate therapy. A favorable prognosis can be ensured by constant monitoring of the work of the stomach

Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension

Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension

More than a third of the world's population suffers from high blood pressure, popularly called hypertension. However, only half of them seek qualified help. People exposed to psycho-emotional stress suffer from this pathology much more often

What do worms look like in a person (photo). Types of worms

What do worms look like in a person (photo). Types of worms

Worms that, parasitizing, develop and live in the body of plants, animals and humans, are usually called "helminths" in medicine, but in the people they are just worms. Diseases caused by them are common throughout our planet

Spastic hemiplegia: classification of the disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Spastic hemiplegia: classification of the disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Hemiplegia - paralysis of half of the body with its complete immobility. There are many varieties of hemiplegia, one of them is spastic hemiplegia in cerebral palsy. With hemiplegia, one of the hemispheres of the brain is affected crosswise, more precisely opposite

Shoulder joint. Dislocation and treatment

Shoulder joint. Dislocation and treatment

It's not uncommon for people to injure their shoulder joint. A dislocation of this part of the skeleton is found in fifty percent of cases. These injuries are classified into different types. The dislocation may be congenital. Often it is traumatic or primary

Rehabilitation after a fracture: exercises, massage, physiotherapy

Rehabilitation after a fracture: exercises, massage, physiotherapy

The human body is quite fragile, so no one can be immune from getting bone damage. In such cases, not only long-term treatment is required, but also long-term rehabilitation. After fractures, it takes time to regain lost mobility. Physiotherapy can help a lot during this period

What is a closed fracture? Closed fracture with displacement. First aid for fractures

What is a closed fracture? Closed fracture with displacement. First aid for fractures

What is the difference between a closed fracture and an open one? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you what types of fractures exist, how they differ, what first aid should be provided to the victim

Fractures of the elbow joint: types, symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation

Fractures of the elbow joint: types, symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation

There is a wide variety of upper limb injuries. In this material, we will consider one of the most common injuries, namely, a fracture of the arm in the area of the elbow joint

Fractures of the humerus with and without displacement

Fractures of the humerus with and without displacement

Fractures of the humerus with and without displacement can occur in different departments, accompanied by fragmentation, separation or impaction. Each type requires its own approach to treatment and rehabilitation