Distortion of the cervical spine: description, causes and treatment

Distortion of the cervical spine: description, causes and treatment
Distortion of the cervical spine: description, causes and treatment

One of the most common pathologies of the human musculoskeletal system is the distortion of the cervical spine. This condition is characterized by damage to the muscles and ligaments that hold the vertebrae together. But the location and structure of the bony parts of the spine is not affected. The functions of the vertebrae are also not disturbed. Despite this, distortion greatly affects the patient's quality of life and temporarily limits his motor activity.

What is cervical spine distortion?

ICD 10 classifies this pathology as a neck injury. Its peculiarity is that the vertebrae do not move, and the functions of the spine are preserved. Only the musculoskeletal apparatus is damaged. There is a severe sprain, tear or complete rupture of the ligaments.

This happens quite often in people of all ages. This is due to the fragility of the structure of the cervical region and its great mobility. But because offeatures of the modern lifestyle, it is the neck that is subjected to the greatest stress. Especially for athletes and office workers who stay in one position for a long time. In addition, people who are diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are at risk. Signs of this disease in the early stages may not be obvious. But the destruction of the discs leads to a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and frequent injuries.

In recent years, distortion of the cervical spine in children is also a common occurrence. Muscle and ligament weakness due to lack of movement, frequent sitting with the head tilted and nutritional deficiencies contribute to the fact that children at any age are susceptible to such injuries.

cervical spine distortion
cervical spine distortion

Distortion of the cervical spine: causes

Rupture of ligaments in this place may occur due to the influence of such factors:

  • sleep on an uncomfortable high pillow or too soft mattress;
  • sharp head movement;
  • frequent flexion and extension of the neck;
  • stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus due to lack of physical activity;
  • non-compliance with safety regulations when playing sports - gymnastics, wrestling, diving;
  • frequent weight lifting;
  • falling or hitting the neck;
  • accident or natural disaster.
  • cervical ligament distortion
    cervical ligament distortion

How it manifests itselfpathology?

Symptoms of ligament dysfunction are visible immediately after injury. They depend on what kind of force that contributed to their rupture was applied to the neck. Most often, the distortion of the cervical spine is accompanied by the following signs:

  • severe pain that can radiate to the shoulders and back of the head;
  • impossibility of head movement;
  • muscle spasms;
  • swelling and deformity of the cervical region;
  • decrease in skin sensitivity, numbness and blanching;
  • decrease in arm muscle strength.
  • distortion of the cervical spine mcb 10
    distortion of the cervical spine mcb 10

Diagnosis of pathology

Distortion of the cervical spine is a minor injury. After the swelling decreases, the symptoms gradually disappear on their own. Torn ligaments suffer, and the pain goes away in a few days with proper treatment. But it is very important to distinguish this injury from more serious ones, which are manifested by similar signs: dislocations, fractures, displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis. In addition to a medical examination, it is desirable to do x-rays and MRI. These studies will help to exclude more serious pathologies and correctly prescribe treatment.

distortion of the cervical spine in children
distortion of the cervical spine in children

Features of therapy

Distortion of the cervical spine and its treatment is not much different from other injuries in this area. Immediately after receiving the injury, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the patient. Cervic althe department is best fixed with a special tire - the Shants collar. It will help to avoid further injury to the ligamentous apparatus and the development of complications. In the absence of immobilization, displacement of the vertebrae, pinching of the nerves and impaired blood supply to the brain are possible. Therefore, bed rest is recommended for about a month.

Special medications are also used to relieve pain, swelling, restore blood circulation and stimulate regeneration processes. For about 3 weeks, the patient needs to limit physical activity. Then some more time will be required to restore the functions of muscles and ligaments. A full return to normal life after such an injury usually occurs after 3 months.

Distortion of the cervical spine and its treatment
Distortion of the cervical spine and its treatment

Drug treatment of pathology

The main method of treating this injury is taking special medications. They are designed to relieve pain and swelling, relax spasmodic muscles, and promote faster recovery of ligaments. Most often, the following means are used for this:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration - Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Meloxicam;
  • For severe pain, Novocaine injections are used;
  • muscle relaxants for muscle relaxation, for example "Tolperision";
  • external painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments - "Ketoprofen", "Viprosal" and others;
  • to relieve swelling use "L-lysineaescinat";
  • vascular drugs are needed to restore blood circulation, for example "Actovegin";
  • to accelerate tissue healing, chondroprotectors are used;
  • calcium supplements and B vitamins are also needed.
  • cervical spine distortion causes
    cervical spine distortion causes

Additional treatments

Distortion of the ligaments of the cervical spine is treated only with the help of an integrated approach. It is not enough to relieve pain and swelling with medication. And wearing a Shants collar will help restore the integrity of the ligaments, but not their function. This requires the use of additional methods.

  • To normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes, as well as to enhance the effect of drugs, it is effective to use physiotherapy. With distortion, electrophoresis, UHF, laser, magnetotherapy, mud therapy are most often used.
  • Massage of the back and collar zone also helps to speed up the healing. It relieves muscle spasms and stimulates tissue regeneration processes. Moreover, in addition to classical movements, acupuncture or acupressure is often used.
  • Despite the fact that the distortion of the cervical spine is a minor injury, proper rehabilitation is very important to restore normal neck function. To do this, 2-3 weeks after the injury, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapeutic exercises. You need to do it regularly, 1-2 times a day. First, in the exercise therapy room under the supervision of a doctor, and then you can do it at home. When performing exercises, you need to increase the load gradually, avoiding sharpmovements and strong head tilts.
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine signs
    osteochondrosis of the cervical spine signs

Folk treatments

Many traditional medicine recipes are no less effective than drugs. They help relieve pain and swelling, stimulate blood circulation and regeneration processes. Most often, various compresses are used to treat distortion:

  • leaves of horseradish should be doused with boiling water and applied to the neck, wrapped in a warm scarf;
  • make an ointment from a tablespoon of pork fat and the same amount of crushed hop cones;
  • fresh cabbage or burdock leaves are tied overnight;
  • compresses with camphor alcohol or pepper plaster help;
  • rub the tincture of lilac flowers and buds into the neck;
  • well restores ligaments gruel from chopped onion and granulated sugar;
  • effective hot compress of St. John's wort, wild rosemary, hops and wormwood.

Injury prevention

Although the distortion is considered a simple injury, it still affects the spine. With untimely or incorrect treatment, complications are possible: headaches, aching pains in the neck, difficulty in movement. Therefore, it is better to prevent this pathology. To avoid distortion, it is necessary to follow the safety rules when playing sports, strengthen the muscle corset by regularly performing special exercises. A person who has already experienced this injury should avoid sudden movements and heavy lifting, as well as monitor the condition of the mattress and pillow. At runtimesedentary work, you need to periodically take breaks and do a warm-up.
