Varicella Zoster virus (varicella-zoster), part of the herpesvirus family, is the causative agent of chickenpox. Despite the fact that its survival in the external environment is reduced to zero, its virulence is 100%.
Childhood illness
Most people think chickenpox is a common and harmless childhood disease, but this opinion is wrong. Despite the fact that this disease is much more severe in adults, complications in a child after chickenpox can also be not at all harmless.

Chickenpox infection occurs by airborne droplets, mainly through direct contact with an already sick person. It is considered impossible to get infected from third parties or from household items.
You should not think that you can get the chickenpox virus only from a person who has visible signs of this disease (rashes treated with brilliant green). A person becomes a carrier of infection a few days before the appearance of rashes, and they, in turn, can begin from the 10th to the 21st day after contact withsick.
The infectious period ends only when new rashes stop appearing, and the old ones crust and dry.
The onset of the disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- general malaise;
- headache;
- increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees;
- abdominal pain;
- appearance of a rash on the skin.
Rashes (they indicate that this is a varicella-zoster virus) can appear on the back, abdomen, head, face, genital area and mucous membranes of the mouth (less often the eyes).

They cause great discomfort because they cause itching. But it is necessary in every possible way to prevent them from combing.
Within a few hours, the rash is covered with blisters, which dry up after 2-3 days, and disappear without a trace after 6-8 days. A scar can remain if you comb the abscess, thereby damaging the growth layer. Fever and rash are observed from five to fourteen days, depending on the course of the disease and the treatment undertaken.

Distinguish between typical and atypical forms of chickenpox. The most common is the first variant, which distinguishes between mild, moderate and severe forms of the disease. The second is diagnosed much less frequently, and it is extremely dangerous - it is fraught with complications and even death.
How to treat
The very first thing you should do when you notice the symptoms of Varicella Zoster is tocontact your physician. It must be called to the house, because your visit to the clinic is accompanied by the risk of infection for a large number of people.
The doctor will prescribe treatment based on the picture of the disease and the medical history of the patient. This will avoid possible complications in the child after chickenpox.

Chickenpox treatment is mainly done at home and comes down to the following recommendations:
- observe bed rest;
- take antipyretics as needed;
- follow your doctor's recommended diet;
- treat abscesses with antiseptics (if necessary, with an analgesic effect);
- take antihistamines and antivirals as prescribed by a doctor;
- pay special attention to hygiene.
With rare exceptions, hospitalization may be required. This becomes necessary in the case of a severe form of the course of the disease, and especially in the presence of symptoms of damage to the nervous system. In a hospital setting, there is a higher chance of avoiding unwanted consequences.
Bacterial complications
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid complications. Although this happens quite rarely, the consequences can be very severe. There are the following types of complications after chickenpox: bacterial and viral.
The most common complications are caused by the addition of a bacterial background to the elements of the rash caused by Varicella Zoster. This is due tocombing wounds and the possibility of joining a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. This raises fears that the infection will spread throughout the body, and the doctor must prescribe an antibiotic.
Also, bacteria can give complications to internal organs. For example, bacterial pneumonia may develop and should be treated in a hospital if suspected.
The most severe bacterial complication is considered to be meningoencephalitis (brain damage). In this case, you should also seek immediate medical attention.
Complications caused by the virus
Also, complications in a child after chickenpox can be caused by a virus. For example, if the virus spreads to the lower respiratory tract. This can provoke viral pneumonia, which, like bacterial pneumonia, is treated exclusively in the hospital, but with the use of antiviral drugs.
False croup, provoked by chickenpox rashes on the larynx, is considered one of the serious complications. At the same time, the child's larynx swells, making it impossible to breathe, and he begins to turn blue. In this situation, you need to call an ambulance.
Complications caused by viral damage to the brain are also severe. With timely, properly selected treatment, viral encephalitis can pass without consequences.
Sometimes there are lesions of the heart and kidneys by the varicella-zoster virus or bleeding provoked by it (nose, stomach, lungs).
How to protect yourself?
The body of a person who has been ill oncechicken pox, develops a strong immunity to it. But what about those who did not have the "happiness" to suffer this disease in childhood, when the course and possible complications of the disease are the most minimal? Vaccination recommended.

This simple procedure reliably protects against the virus, does not cause complications and is easily tolerated. The vaccine is especially indicated for women of childbearing age who did not have chickenpox in childhood, since infection with this virus during pregnancy leads to dire consequences.
In any case, this childhood illness must be treated like an adult. For proper and timely treatment, in order to avoid complications in a child after chickenpox, specialist help is needed.