Migraine and apathy, a feeling of heaviness on the right under the ribs are unpleasant manifestations of gallbladder dysfunction. For some, this is supplemented by another symptom that causes considerable concern - vomiting of black bile. The cause of this phenomenon may be biliary stagnation. A pathological condition only indicates the presence of some kind of he alth disorder, it is not a disease in itself, but it can be corrected by improving the condition of the body as a whole.
Relevance of the issue
About why bile is black, sooner or later a relatively large percentage of the population of our planet thinks, since the stagnation of this organic fluid worries many. Bile is one of the most important fluids present in the human body. Its value is no less than that inherent in blood, and lymph is no more important. The fluid is responsible for the he alth of the digestive system. Due to it, the rhythm of muscle contractions of the intestinal tract is regulated, that isperistalsis is stabilized. Thanks to bile, the processes of absorption of irreplaceable ingredients proceed more actively. The structure of this substance secreted by internal systems corrects cholesterol metabolism and reactions that occur with the participation of other lipids. The energy supply of the body in general depends on this.
The predominance of black bile is possible in case of congestion. According to some experts in the field of medicine, if you manage to adjust the work of the internal organs so that the bile brightens and becomes more fluid, generated strictly during meals, you can prevent almost all diseases of the digestive tract. A person who does not have problems with the gallbladder and its contents, does not suffer from excess weight, and does not have excess cholesterol in the body.

About problems
A significant he alth problem is congestion associated with bile. This secret may be generated in an inappropriate amount. Perhaps untimely release of the contents of the gallbladder. There is a danger of spasms. All these conditions adversely affect the functioning of the body as a whole. Sometimes symptoms indicate the presence of stones or a focus of chronic infection.
Problems with bile almost always lead to a violation of the stool. Many of those suffering from such malfunctions of the internal systems feel unwell, the state is often lethargic. It is noted that with an unhe althy gallbladder, a person ages much faster. This is due to the accelerated development of atherosclerosis andearly onset of primary symptoms.
Causes and consequences
Finding out why bile is black, it is worth organizing a complete examination of the body. The connection between the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the mental and emotional status of a person and the composition of the contents of the gallbladder has long been known. The quality of the substance in question determines the performance of the liver. The ability of the body to transform nutrient compounds into substances necessary for the formation of internal structures depends on this. Therefore, the quality of bile determines the ability to digest proteins and store energy that can be used later. Bile is a secret produced by internal organs, due to which the liver cleanses the circulatory system of toxic compounds.
Bile is generated by the liver, moves through the ducts to the bladder, where it accumulates. When there is a need for release (this happens when food is absorbed), the internal secret is sent to the gastrointestinal tract in order to mix with the incoming food - in this form they move into the intestinal tract. The release of a secret from the bladder, intended for its accumulation, is due to muscle contractions of the walls of the cavity.

Anatomy and physiology
Black bile, indicating congestion, appears when internal systems malfunction. Those can be associated with the impossibility of the secret to move normally inside the body. The bile pushed out of the bladder must pass through several sphincters on its way to the intestinal tract, preventingmovement back. The management of these elements is entrusted to the brain structures and the nervous system. If the tone is disturbed, stagnation is possible.
Often, when examining a patient, cellular failures are detected, due to dietary errors. More often, stagnation of bile is observed when receiving an excess of animal fats. Similar consequences are possible with a large intake of high-calorie foods rich in chemicals. Possible disorders of the nervous system, also leading to stagnation. Neurotic conditions, stress factors and excessive fatigue worsen the quality of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the performance of internal structures. A spasmodic phenomenon develops, from which the bile outflow slows down.
Who is threatened?
Black bile in the body, associated with congestion, often worries those who eat fast food. Stagnation threatens those who eat a lot of starchy foods, eat animal protein and fatty structures, while the diet of such a person has little vegetables and cereals, and there are practically no other sources of fiber.
Stagnation threatens those who are too tired at work and often face stressful factors, are prone to anger or tend to get upset. Congestion haunts people with poor sleep quality, a tendency to headaches. Often, problems with bile are detected with VVD, other diseases of the nervous system, hepatitis, parasitic invasion, hepatic fatty degeneration.
Stagnation threatens those who eat rarely, eat a hearty dinner.

What to do?
If vomiting of black bile is observed or other signs of congestion are disturbing, it is necessary to consult a doctor to select a suitable therapeutic program. Various medicines are used. Antispasmodics will help. Such funds help to eliminate spasms of the ducts. Popular drugs:
- No-Shpa.
- Baralgin.
Sedatives with a weak effect will help - herbal ones are recommended. You can take valerian tincture. To improve the outflow of bile, cholagogues are shown. Hofitol and Allohol have proven themselves well.
Massage will also help. Manual procedures stimulate the outflow of secretions. A similar result gives a physiotherapy course. Such manipulations are shown at the stage of remission.
Psyche and internal organs
According to Hippocrates, black bile is melancholy. Depression as a phenomenon has become known only recently, since the term was introduced in the nineteenth century. For about two millennia in a row, thoughtfulness and mental disorders were denoted by a word coined by a Greek scientist who lived around 460-370 BC. In ancient times, as well as today, people suffered from mental disorders, including depressive disorders. It is known that the ancient Egyptian priests, four millennia before the beginning of our era, were already treating those who were pathologically sad. Ancient Indian healers believed that the cause of everything is obsession, and people were taughtin a special way, so that they expel evil forces from their compatriots.
In the Iliad you can find a description of a man suffering from depression. Pythagoras in his works recommended that during an acute attack, retire from society in order to calm down. It was he who first invented music therapy. Pythagoras advised listening to the hymns of Hesiod. Democritus recommended analyzing the past in order to get rid of the passions that are the root of evil.

Antiquity and approaches to the problem
As already mentioned, according to Hippocrates, "black bile" is melancholy, a state accompanied by despondency, thoughtfulness, and sometimes mental illness. But there was another definition. The melancholy ancient doctor designated one of the four temperaments of a person in whose body black bile predominates. According to him, people belonging to this category avoid society and fear the light. He also described melancholy as a feeling of fear and cowardice that disturbs a person for a long time. For a long time, a person forced to fight with sadness and fear is faced with typical disorders that accompany the secretion of black bile - loss of appetite, problems with sleep. Such a person is worried and annoyed by trifles, often discouraged for no reason.
Already in ancient times, people guessed that the reason for everything should be sought in the human brain - you can conclude this by studying the works of not only Hippocrates, but also Avicenna. The treatment of black bile, as Hippocrates believed, must begin with the brain, which makes a person crazy, anxious,frightened.

Plato and Cicero
In the works of Plato there is a description of mania as a crazy state. The same word denoted inspiration. A frenzy was called mania, the cause of which was delight because of the muse. This is how the great poets allegedly received the strength for creativity. Comparing the black bile-suffering inspired person and the layman, people of antiquity considered the former to be preferable and advantageous.
In the writings of Cicero, one can find reflections on the interconnection of fright, longing and evil impulses. Fear, as this thinker believed, is a reflection on the upcoming evil, while longing is dedicated to what already exists, as well as to what happened, which left a heavy mark. All these unrest, characteristic of melancholy - "black bile", seem to pounce on a person, making human life unreasonable - such conclusions did Cicero.
This is important
Already in the works of Cicero, the state, which in ancient times was explained by black bile, is compared with torture. A frightened person is depressed, and a mourner is exhausted and tormented by thoughts, laments and sees the world distorted. This leads to insanity, self-destruction, destruction of the mind. Similar conclusions were made by Chrysippius, whose interpretation of the phenomenon of melancholy was reduced to the independent corruption of a person by his own forces. Homer speaks of melancholy as an attempt to retire. In those days, the luminaries of medicine knew that it was not difficult to cure the body, but there were no medicines for the soul.
How can you find out fromworks of Avicenna, black bile is an attempt to deviate from the normal path of development. Melancholy, in his opinion, was a manifestation of fear, depravity, violations. The scientist defined this state as excessive thoughtfulness and a tendency to glamours. He suggested identifying people suffering from black bile by their gaze - either it is directed to the ground, or fixated on some object. At the same time, the person suffers from sleep disorders and often looks sad.

Middle Ages and changing attitudes
In medieval Europe, experiences were usually divided into virtuous and vicious. Despair, widely used in that period, was a word that hid the vicious state of mind of man's doubt in the mercy of the divine essence. This also included apathy, negligence. Apathy was practically synonymous with sadness. In the thirteenth century, such a spiritual state was associated with bilious overflow. The term "melancholy" introduced by Hippocrates gradually became a thing of the past, it was replaced by melancholy, apathy.
In 1497, Fernel was born, in the future - the luminary of science of that time. He characterized melancholy as madness and feverishness and explained it as brain exhaustion, weakening, inability of the organ to work. The melancholy were those who behaved absurdly and spoke accordingly. The actions of such people were not subject to logic. At first, those subject to melancholy were sluggish and depressed, indifferent and weak, and as the state progressed, they were disorderly and prone to invent and imagine something bad. Suchpeople, as noted in medieval medicine, are prone to loneliness and often spend their time in caves and cemeteries.

Progress of the situation
Until about the middle of the last century, people who were treated by psychiatrists because of black bile were subjected to hunger treatment, chain. They were severely punished physically. Depression forced patients to be quiet, so they were more often treated with milder options. Then they invented immersion in ice water, used mercury and henbane, and other poisons. Over time, narcotic substances began to be used, and opium was most widely used. Modern doctors use antidepressants and a complex of psychotherapeutic measures.