Health 2024, October

Acromial end of the clavicle: structure, injuries, diseases, treatment

Acromial end of the clavicle: structure, injuries, diseases, treatment

The clavicle is the only bone that connects the upper limb to the skeleton of the torso. It belongs to the tubular bones, but its structure is spongy. There is no bone marrow in it. The clavicle is the first among other bones to receive an ossification point, but this process is finally completed in it only by the age of 25. Consider its main features

The biceps of the shoulder as one of the main elements of the muscular system of the arm. The structure of the biceps muscle

The biceps of the shoulder as one of the main elements of the muscular system of the arm. The structure of the biceps muscle

Within the framework of this article, the structure of the biceps, its functions and other important details are briefly considered. Also, attention is focused on the fact that the biceps of the shoulder plays an important role in the motor system of the body

Burning in the muscles: causes, treatment and prevention

Burning in the muscles: causes, treatment and prevention

Unpleasant sensations that cause inconvenience can be a symptom of existing pathologies or the result of injuries. Periodically there is pain and burning in the muscles, and committed in different places. In most cases, physical suffering in this part of the musculoskeletal system is short-lived. People forget about discomfort, do not attach importance and, as a result, do not seek advice from a specialist

Gout - what is this disease and how does it manifest itself?

Gout - what is this disease and how does it manifest itself?

Gout is a disease characterized by joint damage. One of the main causes of this condition is a metabolic disorder. Read more about this topic in the article

Treatment of stuttering in a child. Causes of stuttering in children

Treatment of stuttering in a child. Causes of stuttering in children

How to treat stuttering in children? What are the causes of such a disease? How can parents help a child get rid of a speech problem? Read about it in the article

Pain in the left side: what diseases can be observed, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the left side: what diseases can be observed, diagnosis and treatment

The body signals a person about organic, and, in addition, functional problems. According to the area of location and discomfort, you can diagnose the main cause of its appearance. The localization of pain on the left should include the appearance of pain in the ilium, as well as the hypochondrium. Also, pain in the left side can occur at the level of the waist and a small part of the back at the back

RDA is Diagnosis of RDA, causes of development, diagnosis and treatment

RDA is Diagnosis of RDA, causes of development, diagnosis and treatment

The number of children who are diagnosed with RDA is growing every year - this is early childhood autism. This pathology affects every twenty-six people out of ten thousand worldwide. This phenomenon requires accurate knowledge of diagnosing the problem, identifying the causes of its development, as well as applying effective methods of correction. In the CIS countries, the system of assistance to unusual children is developed very poorly, a child with such a diagnosis is usually registered with a psychoneurologist

Why did acne appear on my face? Causes of rashes on the face

Why did acne appear on my face? Causes of rashes on the face

Every person faces such a nuisance as the appearance of acne on the face. And some suffer from them regularly. Regardless of the frequency of their occurrence, acne appears extremely unexpectedly. It would seem that yesterday the skin was perfect, but today this unpleasant nodular formation flaunts

Inflammation of the hair follicles: causes, symptoms, treatment. Prevention of inflammation of the hair follicles

Inflammation of the hair follicles: causes, symptoms, treatment. Prevention of inflammation of the hair follicles

A person often encounters various diseases and pathological processes. Some of them pass on their own, while others require competent treatment. This article will discuss what is inflammation of the hair follicles

Sexually transmitted infections: list, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Sexually transmitted infections: list, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Infectious diseases that occur as a result of unprotected sexual contact are united in a single group called sexually transmitted diseases or STIs. As a rule, such pathologies have several ways of transmission between people

How to properly squeeze a boil at home: a description of the procedure, methods of wound treatment and treatment

How to properly squeeze a boil at home: a description of the procedure, methods of wound treatment and treatment

Probably every second person faced such a problem as a boil. In the early stages of development, it is very similar to a small red pimple. And, of course, many are trying to squeeze it out as soon as possible. But this is strongly discouraged! This is due to the anatomical features of this formation. Surgeons can give many examples of complications after the patient has squeezed out a boil. The article will discuss the causes of this formation, as well as treatment options

Pain in the eyes: types, causes

Pain in the eyes: types, causes

Pain in the eyes can occur for a variety of reasons, which is why, before conducting therapy, it is imperative to determine which factors provoked such a violation. Therapy involves the use of medications, as well as folk remedies

Mucus during bowel movements: causes and treatments

Mucus during bowel movements: causes and treatments

Unhe althy diet, chronic stress and overwork, hereditary or acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to problems with defecation. The problem is quite delicate, and many patients are embarrassed to the last to see a doctor. One of the most common is the appearance of mucus during bowel movements. This symptom quite eloquently reports that you should contact a gastroenterologist as soon as possible

Red and dark spot under the arm: causes and methods of getting rid

Red and dark spot under the arm: causes and methods of getting rid

A spot under the arm can not only become an aesthetic problem, but also cause a person great physical discomfort. Indeed, quite often such irritation begins to itch and itch. That is why it is extremely important to get rid of this problem as soon as possible

Symptoms and treatment of COPD with folk remedies at home

Symptoms and treatment of COPD with folk remedies at home

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, has long been singled out as a separate disease. It is characterized by inflammation in the bronchi and impaired airway patency. Do not confuse COPD with chronic obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. This disease leads to insufficient saturation of the body with oxygen and has a lot of side effects

Jaundice (hepatitis A). Description of the disease

Jaundice (hepatitis A). Description of the disease

The causative agent of pathology is transmitted by fecal-oral, in some cases - by contact-household method. The virus enters the human body when they consume contaminated food and water

Chorea is Chorea in children. Rheumatic chorea

Chorea is Chorea in children. Rheumatic chorea

Chorea is a pathology of the nervous system. It belongs to the forms of hyperkinesis. The disease is accompanied by problems with the subcortical nodes of the brain. It can be identified by characteristic signs: episodic, aimless, chaotic twitches in the arms and legs, sometimes in the torso. In the later stages, there are mental and intellectual impairments, problems with coordination and self-care

Furunculosis: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, causes and prevention

Furunculosis: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, causes and prevention

Furunculosis at least once in life was in each of us. Someone was able to cope with it quickly, but this insidious disease brought someone to a hospital bed. To date, there are many proven methods of treating furunculosis, both at home and in the hospital

Skin tuberculosis: photo, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Skin tuberculosis: photo, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Skin tuberculosis is a disease whose signs are visually visible to others. The causative agent of the disease is Koch's bacillus - this is a bacterium that is resistant to alcohol, alkalis and acids

Atrophic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Atrophic rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Everyone has experienced the common cold. However, in some cases, thick mucus comes out of the nose instead of liquid. There is a feeling that the nose is clogged, it is not possible to blow your nose normally. Atrophic rhinitis is an inflammatory pathology of the nasal mucosa, characterized by a number of sclerotic changes. The most obvious symptom: painful drying of the nasal mucosa, the appearance of scabs and bleeding

Frequent pulse: causes and treatment

Frequent pulse: causes and treatment

Frequent pulse often occurs after exercise or a nervous shock, but it can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, it is very important to know how you can lower your heart rate on your own and when you need to urgently see a doctor

Liver tuberculosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Liver tuberculosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Liver tuberculosis is a serious disease that can develop and develop into complex forms. In case of untimely access to a doctor, a fatal outcome is possible. Most often, those people who have problems with the protective function of the body suffer from this disease. Therefore, it is important to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle

Stitches after surgery: features of care

Stitches after surgery: features of care

Do stitches require special care after surgery? How to speed up the healing process? What is the approximate length of the recovery period?

Head injury: symptoms, first aid, consequences

Head injury: symptoms, first aid, consequences

A head injury is an injury that is often the result of some everyday situations. At first glance, for some victims, it may seem easier than it really is. The main danger lies in the fact that this kind of injury does not show external signs, so they can be overlooked

Itchy hands: causes and prevention

Itchy hands: causes and prevention

Have your hands been itching painfully for several days now? The reasons can be very different: from banal peeling to some kind of infectious disease. Read more about this in this article

Diseases of the shoulder joints: symptoms, treatment

Diseases of the shoulder joints: symptoms, treatment

He althy joints are a luxury, the value of which is difficult to appreciate for someone who has never experienced pain when walking and did not feel difficulty when trying to raise an arm or leg, turn around or sit down. What diseases affect the joints?

Diseases of the nose: names, causes, treatment, prevention

Diseases of the nose: names, causes, treatment, prevention

The nose and paranasal sinuses perform the most important functions in the human body. They act as a kind of barrier, cleaning and heating the inhaled air. Some people do not consider nose diseases to be something serious, so they treat them lightly. In this article, we will take a closer look at diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, their causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Deciphering a complete blood count at home

Deciphering a complete blood count at home

Complete blood count is one of the oldest and most proven methods for diagnosing many different diseases, as well as assessing their severity and course dynamics

Infectious process: what is it

Infectious process: what is it

The infectious process is the basis for the development of any disease of an infectious nature. After heart disease and cancer pathologies, diseases of an infectious nature, in terms of prevalence, occupy the third place and, in this regard, knowledge of their etiology is extremely important in medical practice

Alexander's disease. Forms. Diagnostics. Forecast

Alexander's disease. Forms. Diagnostics. Forecast

Alexander's disease is a very rare neurological pathology that has a progressive character. The causes of this pathological condition have not yet been identified, but the theory of the GFAP gene mutation holds the strongest position

Ureaplasma bacteria. What it is?

Ureaplasma bacteria. What it is?

There is such a thing - ureaplasma. What it is, not everyone knows. And this is a specific microorganism that is the causative agent of the infection ureaplasmosis. What are the symptoms associated with this disease? How to treat it? You will learn about this and much more by reading this article

Treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum) - the causative agent of syphilis

Treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum) - the causative agent of syphilis

Treponema pallidum is a very dangerous bacterium that causes syphilis. It rapidly penetrates the human body and multiplies in it at the same speed, while severely affecting the internal organs

Diseases of the lips: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diseases of the lips: causes, symptoms, treatment

All kinds of diseases of the lips can not only change the appearance, but also significantly affect the state of he alth. Indeed, inflammation and dryness are often not an independent disease, but symptoms of anemia, lupus, etc. Due to the fact that the skin in the mouth area is thin and sensitive, heat, frost, and wind have an extremely negative effect on its condition

Lichen planus: types, causes, symptoms and treatments

Lichen planus: types, causes, symptoms and treatments

Lichen planus (LP) is a fairly common skin disease that usually develops against a background of chronic systemic he alth disorders. Often, the pathology accompanies diabetes or is combined with ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis, gastritis. This combination is a key feature of LP, which distinguishes it from other dermatoses

Signs of migraine in women. Causes of migraine, treatment with traditional and folk remedies

Signs of migraine in women. Causes of migraine, treatment with traditional and folk remedies

Migraine attacks have been known for a long time. Such an attack tormented famous persons. And to this day, many people face such an unpleasant condition. And most often there are signs of migraine in women. So, what is this pathology? What are its symptoms? And can you fight it?

Stress fracture: causes, symptoms and treatment

Stress fracture: causes, symptoms and treatment

You should know how to determine the presence of a fatigue fracture, what to do first. Knowing the symptoms and treatments will help you avoid serious complications

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is so important to listen to your feelings, because the life and he alth of the unborn baby is at stake! What to do if the stomach hurts during pregnancy?

Can't go to the toilet in a big way - what's the matter?

Can't go to the toilet in a big way - what's the matter?

“I can’t go to the toilet in a big way” - with such a complaint, a huge number of people come to therapists every day. To learn how to deal with this problem, you will learn by reading this article

Fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot: diagnosis, rehabilitation, prognosis

Fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot: diagnosis, rehabilitation, prognosis

The main questions for patients when contacting a traumatologist with a fracture of the metatarsal bones: “How long will I have to wear a cast? Is it necessary to walk with crutches after a fracture? How to get back on your feet after an injury? This article will answer these and many other questions of interest

Methods of treatment of viral bronchitis in adults and children. Antiviral drugs for viral bronchitis

Methods of treatment of viral bronchitis in adults and children. Antiviral drugs for viral bronchitis

Timely treatment of viral bronchitis is of great importance. This is a fairly serious disease, the victim of which can be both an adult and a child. This inflammation appears most often under the influence of influenza or adenovirus, when the bronchial mucosa is affected. The maximum level of the spread of the disease occurs in the autumn-winter period