How to treat a dissection of the eyebrow?

How to treat a dissection of the eyebrow?
How to treat a dissection of the eyebrow?

Injury is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical care. Causes of damage to the body can be different: blows from a fall, injury from sharp objects, car accidents, etc. Children often get injured. Despite the control of adults, few parents manage to avoid the fact that the child hits or falls. The treatment of such injuries is carried out by a pediatric traumatologist. You can contact him at any time of the day, so you should not wait a lot of time. Indeed, with untimely treatment and suturing of the wound, a bacterial infection joins. This results in complications.

eyebrow dissection
eyebrow dissection

Cutting the eyebrow is dangerous?

The eyebrow is the place that is often traumatized. This statistic is especially common in children. This is due to the fact that they run and hit their faces on the floor or on some objects. The point of contact during a fall is often the eyebrows. In these cases, the baby begins to profuse bleeding, and edema quickly occurs. Often, these symptoms are very scary for parents.

But don't fall intopanic if the eyebrow was cut. Despite the vivid clinical picture, healing takes place quickly and often does not affect the deterioration of the baby's he alth. However, any injury should be a reason to see a doctor. Because timely medical care not only has a positive effect on healing, but also eliminates the development of complications. In addition to the child population, dissection of the eyebrow is often observed in people involved in boxing. Also, this injury can occur when hitting the windshield during an accident.

scar on eyebrow
scar on eyebrow

First Aid for Eyebrow Dissection

To make the scar on the eyebrow look as small and aesthetically pleasing as possible, you must immediately provide first aid. The nature of therapeutic measures depends on how deep the wound is and what its size is. Regardless of the defect, it is worth starting to provide assistance even before the ambulance arrives. It consists of the following actions:

  1. Put on sterile gloves. This must be done before starting to treat the wound, as the entry of bacteria will lead to infection.
  2. Apply cotton or bandage moistened with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the damaged eyebrow.
  3. Further tactics depend on the depth of defeat. You should pay attention to the abundance of bleeding, swelling around the eye, the patient's condition.
  4. If the wound is not deep, then it is worth carrying out the following manipulation: carefully bring together the edges of the skin at the site of injury. Seal them with a sterile plaster. Try not to move the eyebrow much for several days to avoid dehiscence of the edges of the wound.
  5. In case of heavy bleeding, go to the emergency room.

How to sew up an eyebrow: surgeon's tactics

pediatric traumatologist
pediatric traumatologist

If the dissection of the skin of the eyebrow is severe, surgical treatment is necessary. It consists of suturing the wound. First, the edges are treated with an alcohol solution to avoid infection and degrease. Then they are carefully brought together and several stitches are applied. The number of threads depends on the size of the wound. After that, it is necessary to treat the damaged area with disinfectant solutions. The stitches are removed after 7-10 days.

An alternative to surgical treatment is the use of special glue and film-forming preparations. They are made from plastic. The most famous remedy for healing is Novikov's liquid. Also, such medical preparations include BF-6 glue and Olazol aerosol. These funds are used only in cases where the dissection of the eyebrow is shallow. However, self-gluing the wound is not recommended, as its edges may heal unevenly. As a result, you will have to ask for help again.

how to stitch an eyebrow
how to stitch an eyebrow

Eyebrow scar healing

Despite the fact that the scar on the eyebrow is usually not very noticeable, it should still be kept to a minimum. To do this, you need to start treatment in the first hours after the injury. When healing a wound, active facial expressions should be avoided (you cannot open your eyes wide, squint). It is also necessary that infection does not get into the damaged area. For this sewnthe place is wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol. It is not recommended to wet the wound with water and rub it with your hands while washing. In case of seam divergence, inflammation (hyperemia, edema) or the appearance of pus, you should immediately consult a doctor.
